Friday, June 29, 2007

Buenos Aires 2

The East Coast has it all, a lot closer to the Caribbeans, Brazil, Buenos Aires and Europe. We only have Hawaii. Flying to BA takes as long as direct flights to the Far East, roughly the same as Europe. At the last minute, I hate to pay a lot for direct flights to BA, which I thought was closer in the same America. I flew via Miami instead.

Arriving at BA is a casual affair. Quite a number of people transit to neighboring countries, leaving about a bus load of passengers going through custom, easily handled by a single officer in a small area. You only notice that the airport is quite big and modern when you leave. I think a few planes set off together to US when I returned.

It's simplest to get cash at the ATM if you know where it is. After going through custom, you will see the big company providing both airport taxi and bus with English speaking staffs. The bus still drop you off at your hotel doors in turn, but there is a time table.

My hotel is Ulises Recoleta, before it turned into a Boutique hotel. Recoleta is the most expensive residential area in Argentina, like Beverly Hills or Manhattan, but a lot smaller. Small like Asia, that you can walk in and out of the neighborhood. It's just as densely populated as Asia, with mostly tall buildings, but with the occasional historical buildings.

I think this is my room in the new boutique disguise. Before it was more like La Quinta or Ramada, which are decent no-fancy motels. You can see all the space there is, except for the small bathroom.

I called my agent to see which girl she managed to book. Not Libia, whom I later think must be a bait. She is real alright, but she's also too popular because of the recommendations of the local American expats, or more appropriately, semi-retired Americans living cheap. If you don't have connections, you don't easily get your turn. And if you are seen as a nobody, newbie, loose canon, expecting too much, you will not have the chance to tell the truth.

Atina wasn't coming either. Maybe she wasn't keen on doing one hour as she had overnight rates. But it would be a waste of time if we couldn't get along. A short introduction first would be ideal.

So I would be waiting for Abril, my third choice. The front desk called me up to say that I have a visitor. She had to go through ID checks in order to get in. I was surprised when I opened the door. Instead of this, a spinner, I got something like this:

My Abril is not as big as in the picture, but similarly voluptuous. She is not model material, but she is tall and has long legs. I didn't remember if she was even blond, but she had medium to short hair. She was pleasant looking and may be a little prettier. However, cosmetics, along with any other imports, are luxury goods in Argentina. Most girls look a bit plain. It's very different from the plain look in USA, where you could spend a lot on cosmetics to hide the flaws. There was no sex in her clothes either. She could go to her day job, to school and commute in that.

It's so ridiculously different that I showed her my printed picture of her from the Internet, laughing at her. She tried to ignore me, kept her calm, remained courteous, walked past me and stayed deep inside the room, sitting on the bed.

Every time, I find it uneasy to turn down a girl. And this is what my local Spanish speaking agent can do for me, can I do any better? Between she and me, we can only communicate with a few English words. The only thing to do was to start stripping and get on with it.

There was something subtly not right about her, which I couldn't point my finger at then. Later I realized that she had an orange tan, very orange, orange on pale skin. If in CA I would think she was on some cheap wipe on tan. But in BA that would be expensive too. Maybe she really had the perfect tan that girls would kill for. That was the only resemblance of her and her less orange, more tan, Internet pictures.

My great disappointment was that she had two big flat flaps on her chest. It wasn't ugly at all, but just needed some time to get use to. There are plenty of imperfect real breasts in Asia and Europe, but they looked different. When talking about flat chested, it's usually in the form of A and sub A's, which can be quite perky as compared to two big flat tires. Of course in CA, you will never see that in an escort. The first thing she will do is to spend a few thousands or more to get an work-of-art-enhancement, flying to Asia for a better price if necessary.

Being accused of not-the-girl-in-the-picture, Abril had no illusions. She wasn't doing everything to keep me coming back. But she was very courteous, which had something to do with the fact that we didn't manage to break the ice. She wasn't GFE, and I didn't enter the John's trance. I wasn't that horny anyway. I booked someone for the afternoon because if I found the right girl, I could easily afford some company for the dinner, evening and might be more.

She got naked and got on the bed, lied causally at some random angle on the bed cover. I got on top. Did it. It was not at all gentle but the bed was still rather neat after I finally finished. Perhaps all action was vertical.

One good thing about S American girls is that, when they hear the magic word, they just turn over and spread a little, so I could enter from behind. She did have a nice firm ass.

By the way, she left me this card with her number on. There was my name and my room number too, which I still wondered why.

Messages 14, new 0

That's what my primary Yahoo personal inbox told me today. Yesterday it has 3,000+ messages, of which 2,000+ are new. There's no mistyping, from thousands down to 14.

I had this account for a long time, and got invited by Google to Gmail at the first wave promotions. I turned it down as usual because you don't change phone numbers when someone invites you to. Then I regret about not having the 1G storage, and that having Gmail is like being somebody. There are too many spams that I have been struggling with the storage limits in Yahoo from time to time. But that's a good thing. When the Yahoo storage goes up to 1G as well, I don't bother to delete anything since.

I have a secure company email system, my cable ISP email account, and some accounts that come with domain hosting companies. These accounts changes so I keep my Yahoo as my primary personal account. But I'm not going to pay for it for the extras. With so much history, the emails are mostly spams.

My philosophy is that it's very inefficient to deal with emails one by one, especially the spams. So I leave the spams alone, also the regular promotions from every shop that I brought something, paperless statement alerts from all my accounts, etc, etc. When the time comes, it's easy to search for a particular company, account, email address, and then delete them all at one scoop. Then I search for keywords sex, penis, viagra, etc and delete them all in one go. What left are those spams that avoid keyword detections. However, by now they will group together because I have deleted other things in between. So it's rather simple to delete them in blocks or even one by one.

It sounds complicated but it's not bad. You only need to do one of the above every couple of months or even a couple of years. I don't need to and I don't have motivation until I stumbled upon the webmail extension of Thunderbird. Now I can have a POP account without paying for it, and I can use the sophisticated spam filters and create message filters using all open source software, = free.

BTW, I said that my main motivation for keeping a blog is for confession purposes. Obviously, it's therapeutic too. So I'm going to stay happy by continue blogging my previous Buenos Aires "adventure".

Monday, June 25, 2007

Buenos Aires

If you have a week to go somewhere alone, where will it be? The cost of service ruled out many places. Bangkok is too far and I was overwhelmed with information that I didn't want. Though, I do have fond memories for the one night I stopped over. I've been there and I'm not a big fan of the Caribbean, especially if I can go anywhere else. There are no easy targets in Eastern Europe and Russia. It's not easy to go around independently alone, and it seems not very safe. Brazil is relatively close, but I don't particularly dig Brazilian girls and I suppose I have to confine myself to the hotel complex to feel safe alone.

I ended up picking Argentina. There's lot of relevant information. They have a big Internet escort industry, though just as fake as US. It's supposed to be safe in some Buenos Aires neighborhoods. Being in California, you tend to hear a lot more about Spanish speaking destinations. There's a lot of other things too - food, wine, arts, shows, shopping, scenery, etc.

Imagine that, via an agent, I can make appointments before I leave home, for a few dollars or 10? These were the three choices I made on the afternoon of my arrival.

Libia, with both front and back view, must had done a lot for Buenos Aires tourist industry. If I were to create an ideal woman from scratch, it will not turn out to be like her. But when I see her semi-professional pictures, she became my first choice, and maybe the reason for going to Argentina - I had high hopes.

What could go wrong with Alina? If her face didn't match her pictures, I wouldn't let her in. She even stated a reasonable overnight rate too.

No girl stood out for the 3rd choice, so I picked Abril, who looked different from the rest, and took the risk.

Stay tuned for the rest of the week, at this point I was still at home!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Taking risks

Jordan liked South California. So she decided to fly back to DC to wind down everything, go back to Texas to stay with family and friends for a little, and then bring her car here, still with a Florida registration. On her last day before returning, she was in a money grabbing mode so she called a few of her reliable regulars.

After I had fun with her, she stayed with me in between appointments, didn't bother to go back to her hotel. When I was driving her around in a lazy afternoon, she got a call. I laughed at her because it was obviously from a pay phone. I joked that she was so desperate as to take anybody, including those who couldn't afford a cell phone.

But I was wrong. Jordan told me that I ranked in the middle of her clients, in terms of pay. That's very reassuring (my ass)! But I did have my perks. That pay phone guy paid her more. So obviously this guy is really carefully - blocking caller ID isn't enough for him. And since he saw her before, so he is really really careful.

After Livvy's post about payments, I started to think about the risk I was willing to take in payments and other things, which changed over the years.

I wired 60 USD to Czech to her agent for the deposit. It was via Western Union or something like that. I was in a rush, so I had no choice but to do it online, so the recipient knew my real name, my city and may be something else. I didn't know if I could avoid all that. She's already in LA and it was an ordinary booking except that a deposit was required and it had to be wired to Czech.

What was I thinking? You may ask. I didn't think it was a scam because you won't get many people crazy enough to wire the $60 for nothing! If it was a scam it wouldn't pay a lot and it wouldn't worth the effort. I did talk to the guy in Czech and texted him some too.

Other than that, the agency had a website. And being a legit business over there, you can find out the history of the website and check out the contact numbers too.

I was right, and I had my rewards. Her fee was very attractive after the first hour. That was why I was thinking about booking and showing her around for a few. When his agent asked in the traditional Euro way of doing things, what would I want her to wear, I was weary. In my mind the last think I wanted was to carry her around like a glamor model. I just said causal and prayed. Her costume in picture is causal by any means, but not the causal here, and certainly not the places I wanted to take her.

I was relieved when I picked her up at her hotel front. Without the glamor makeup, and the covering up oil, she looked like an innocent tourist girl. She gave me a big smile, looped her arm across mine, and said, "let's go". I was rather happy with her so all my plans from A to Z went up in smoke. We just walked back to her hotel room and never left. Also, she must be very keen to preserve her pussy for the next big appointment. She took every chance to give me oral pleasure instead of letting her pussy getting over worked. I had no complains. The pleasure was complete and not a drop was wasted on her bed sheet.

OK, I released my real name to a complete strange in a foreign country. I got his real name in return so that's not too bad. I didn't think I had something on him so to speak, but that is a real guy and he is not likely to do pranks on me.

In the past I was careful to block my cell number. I believe it isn't too difficult to look up your ID from you unlisted number. But anyway, you don't want someone to call you when you are least expected. I always have little problem with blocked calls. I can write with an accent so I can get away with many things over the phone. But over the years I am becoming careless. An unblocked call is always more welcomed, and it avoids missed contacts when accident happens. If I see that someone is in business for a while with good reputation, I tend to trust her with my phone numbers. Blocking caller ID isn't a sure thing anyway.

License plate numbers are similar to phone numbers. I believe it's not difficult to lookup your ID with that. Also, photographing your car parked in a hooker hotel isn't a good thing. It's difficult to get around it unless you pick those escorts in large hotels and large apartment complexes. I only bothered about it a little in my early years, when you think that everybody else was going to get you.

LA residents will tell you not to leave anything that can be taken away in the car when you park somewhere that you do not know well. Not even when you park near some embassies. I always take my wallets and of course cell phones with me unless in the rare occasions that leaving the car in the street is safer than where I am going. But I have 2nd thoughts about it. Losing your wallet, credit cards and driver license with the car is inconvenient, but no big deal.

Having know Chanel for so long, one day, while she was taking a long shower, I went through her designer bag and her wallet, and driver license! Forgive me Father, but it started as an innocent thought. I thought of her at least two birthdays a year, hinting me for gifts every time, without shame. I thought of looking it up to make fun of her next time. I didn't think of looking up how old she is because I believed her. Well, when you are holding a driver's license, you can't help but to notice the real name on it! I didn't feel guilty anymore because she must had a system that knows if someone opens her bag. She actually told me more secrets than I found out from her bag. I did have a regret though - what a guilty pleasure if I remembered to lookup her current address on her license too? What a scary thought.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Broken dreams

I had a small dream that one day we can do away with cash payments on escorts. Maybe not all of them, but at least the ones that I know well and trusted. It looked promising. First there was Paypal, which evolved into a major online payment system. Now you can even make an instant secure payment over the phone. There had been many other payment systems, some of which were designed for anonymous payments, like e-gold. I was expecting that obstacles will gradually break down until someday in the near future we don't need to go the bank or the drive through ATMs before going straight to the date. Unfortunately, I just found out from Livy that the e-gold system is basically on trial only recently. Many e-gold are trapped in the system while some agents are charging up to 30% to turn the e-gold into real currencies.

My motivations are simple. I have plastic bags of coins hidden all over my house. I hate to use real money because I will always end up with small changes all over my house. Coin machines in the supermarkets appeared, which would count the coins and give you bills, at a cost of 10%. Now there is a zero cost option, but everything goes to charity. I think that's a good deal but I am just lazy. I still have an envelope of Argentina peso waiting for me to take it to the only Thomas Cook around here, for the UNICEF spare coins project. I hope when I finally get to it, everybody are still in business.

I rarely use real money, so the major inconvenience of the capitalist society for me is to pay escorts.

Cost isn't a major motivation but actually it does cost me quite a lot. It's highly unlikely that your own bank has an ATM where you want it for free withdrawals. The gas station ATMs all seemed to be on the right side of the road while the other banks ATMs are always on the wrong side. So I'm at least paying 1.5% to get my own money. Worse, most of the time I had to withdraw twice or more to get over the small limit on these rip-off ATMs. Stashing a shoe box of cash at home isn't for me, sooner or later the cash will run out just when I need it, and I have to rush to the ATM again.

I also use cash advance on credit cards a lot, adding to the cost. Most of the times it just look better when cash is coming out from different accounts, so it doesn't hurt as much as a single figure on the statements. For security it's reasonable to keep the daily withdrawal limits on my current account card. So I have to draw from other cards to cover the unexpected, heat of the moment expenditures.

Abroad, cash advance from credit is about the only solution. I can summon large amount of cash online from one of my online accounts, exchange it on xetrade at low cost, and send it to where I am. But it takes time and need a local bank account to receive the money. In Buenos Aires, I stayed at a hotel with a main branch of Citi Bank across the road. I felt so at home with my Citicard's that I forgot I was not in US. The banks closed suddenly for a few days for unknown reasons, leaving me high and dry with very little spare cash.

Escorts, unless they have to, do not like to accept anything other than cash. That's understandable. Even for cash, there's the fake money, $1 bills in place of $20's, or just insufficient funds in the envelope. Also, from the beginning of time, many guys tried to invent scams to play without paying. For example, some wanted to pay with gift cards instead of cash, and there are escorts desperate enough to take the chances. I was hoping with the popularity of Paypal and the like, the resistance to not taking cash will diminish.

The need for an escort to have a bank account to accept money is also a big problem. You get another hurdle to avoid tax. In US the whole income is illegal anyway. Some escorts said that LE can "touch" the money somehow if they get busted. That's why some have an offshore account.

My favorite form of payment will be a reloadable prepaid credit card, which some parents give it to their teenagers. One-off disposable cards are of no interest to me because it's simpler to get cash than buying plastic cards all the time. I love those cards rechargeable online. Giving it to someone means something, because you really want to save a lot of trips to the ATM for many times to come. The problem is, you need some sort of online account. The recipient knows the account and your name. Or, the card is in the name of the recipient. She must use her real name so the card can be used when ID's are needed. Total anonymous payment isn't possible. I can't rule out some reusable cards, but without requiring proper ID, recharge is not as convenient, or the cost is high.

I have several Paypal accounts since it was rather new, to experiment on money laundering. BTW, that's my other motivation of not using cash. Cash coming out from my check account is too obvious. I have been watching the gradually tightening of rules at Paypal over many years. Now after Livy's post, I have to officially giving up hope on Paypal. To be anonymous, both party must have a business Paypal account using an alias. The recipient must have a business account from a bank to link with the Paypal account. Names in both accounts must "match", otherwise you will have trouble drawing money out, or the cost will be high. For the same reason you want PP to verify your social security number and everything else. Your chances of doing any tricks are slim. Having a business account with a US bank isn't too bad. It only cost about $5 a year month for the basics.

Putting e-gold on trial means that we won't have untraceable anonymous payments for a long time to come. But we don't really need untraceable payments, anonymous is very sufficient.

Actually, I think I'm paying my gardener anonymously for years. I think I'm the only one who could convince my gardener to give me his bank account number. I just schedule online the money from my account straight into his account. All we have are the account numbers. I doubt if it's easy for non LE to call up either bank to find the name of the accounts. But sadly, having a bank account to accept payments gives LE paper trails to find illegal activities. And if the escort got murdered for example, LE will certainly want to talk to me if my account number appears often on her statements.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kate By Fate - Luxury Travel Companion

Kate By Fate - Luxury Travel Companion: "Never in my life have I seen such a bizarre cocktail of sights.

As I entered through the valet drop-off circle into the Mall of the Emirates, I was first hit with awe at how extravagant everything is here."

Oh yes. In my days of jet setter in training, stopping and sleeping over many airports' transit lounge for cheap tickets, and being a passenger courier on occasion, Dubai is one of the best showoffs.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Personal security

Nia has repeated posts about security and systems. Here are some alternative concepts that you can even bring them to a hotel incall.

Temporarily Sealed « Compartments

Temporarily Sealed « Compartments: "how many cocks can you suck, fuck, and fawn over without wanting to kick one of them in from time to time?"

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Strictly business 2

It couldn't begin more business like than Chanel. I saw her picture, video, got her work history and fluctuating fee history, and a bit of rumor even before I saw her. The rumor was that she pushed a client off her, saying time's up. The client must be that much crazy about her, or he was on something.

I waited but she was doing well at the time. So I booked her finally. I saw enough of her relatively glamorous pictures and photos. But even in her thrift store clothes, I was still somewhat impressed.

There wasn't much to say about the encounter. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. It must be too wet for her and I caught a glimpse of her wiping off her face with the back of her hand, as soon as I nibbled down her neck. She stayed after cleaning up, while I was still recuperating naked in bed. She was fully clothed by then. I could see that she wasn't patient. I was sitting naked across the table with her, checking her out all over again. There wasn't anything else I could do. As soon as I asked her private phone number, she was too ready to give it to me, and at the slightest hint from me that she could go, she left happily.

After two months maybe, I thought of her, came up with a number more appropriate for her performance, called her and made the proposition. She accepted. More of the same. But last time she grabbed my bare dick and blew away as if condom was never invented. This time she put a condom on me first as if it had been invented for thousands of years. She acted so natural without hesitation in any case that I didn't thought of the difference at the time. At the end, we both sat naked across the table and chatted. I am always glad that I can remember what I have done to this naked woman across the table, at the same time I hated her using this tactic to make me come back for more. She should concentrate on the session instead.

I might have given her up if not for running into her via the cheaper agency. I called her later but she didn't answer the phone. Reluctantly I booked her through the agency, not knowing what she would react or think. She didn't even smile, perhaps thinking I would blame her for cheating me, selling at a higher price. After she finished her routine and I finished mine, I gave her a fee at the middle of her extremes. And I asked if I could call her in private. She gave me her new number.

After a month or two, I though of checking her out again if she had improved. She hadn't. She complained about the difficult to find location of the hotel, which was next to the freeway. She complained at the parking lot entrance, talking to me on her cell, that there was an occasion at the hotel so the parking lot had a line of guest waiting to get through the ticket system. Of course she was late for something later, and in a hurry.

I thought I was generous to give her half the money so she could leave immediately without doing anything. But that humbled her and I didn't know exactly why. Maybe that was a form of rejection. Maybe the chance that I would call her again was zero. Maybe to her it was losing half of the money that she would otherwise have got.

We ended up sitting side by side on the bed. She was an angry little girl who wouldn't do or say anything. I gently pushed her a little toward the direction of the door, to show that I have no hard feelings if she left. But like a angry little girl she wouldn't budge, hanging onto her place on the bed like a stone, with lips pointing downwards. So I fucked her instead.

I had been hinting her with no ambiguity that her performance and price didn't match. If I didn't feel any better I would rather book her through the agency at the bottom price. Though I would be happy to give her whatever she deserves.

This time she did a reverse missionary to me, with sound track too. Actually it was rather good that surprised me. But it amused me also. Women do that only if they have a large pool of styles and variations to draw upon. I wondered how she could keep that up next time, repeating the same routine and sound track? She asked if that was good. I gave her the money for a good performance, but said with a smile that wasn't enough. What I was really thinking why these girls don't listen to me the client doing simple and effective things, instead of learning these tricks half heartedly?

Again a month or two passed, she was my top pick for visiting my home. She said it was too far, too much trouble to hide from the neighbors and too little to compensate for all that. I had no problem dropping her.

A long time passed, I thought she might just be better. I thought she lived near the beach so I booked a motel there so she couldn't possibly be late. But she wasn't that close, and the route leading into the small beach had bad traffic. She was late as usual. But it was rather atmospheric. She in a pony tail, next to no makeup, plain white T-shirt and jeans. Air was salty. Motel was tiny and ultra basic. It was like a teenage couple (by looking at her alone) having a secret affair, in a dirt cheap motel by the little beach. And when she wasn't naked talking to me across the table, while walking out into the parking lot, she would turn around and said "call me!", which is a cross between begging, a question, and an order, then turned back and never looked back.

Then I began to see her more often. Every time there would be some little games to see who got more out of it. Once she said she needed to see the basketball game on TV, and gave me the upset face. So we watched together while I was doggying her. Once I pulled the TV plug in secret, and she was very frustrated. (Many months later she told me that her work is on online sports gambling.) Once I gave her tips enough for 1/3 of a complete first class manicure and pedicure. I told her I would really be happy to give her the full fee, but I couldn't bear the thought of sharing all those nails with others while I paid for all.

Once I reminded her that she didn't use the condom to blow me the first time while I was paying more. She never used it since. Once she brought out a pack of mint and put some in my mouth. The rest is history. I couldn't help sucking the hell or her tongue out of her every time.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Strictly business

Boy hunts girl.
Boy meets girl.
Boy forgets about girl.

That's the usual strictly business relationship. But on occasion, there's more in between:

Boy has a crush on girl.
Boy spends too much on girl.
Boy moves on.

I fantasize a lot, particularly when the girl is good enough to bring out the john's trance in me. But the good thing about fantasy is that, you can snap out of it any time you want. I always have a healthy relationships with the professionals - strictly business.

But interestingly, it's usually the most business like transactions that developed into something else. It's not surprisingly because in this business, if there's anything out of the ordinary happened, both sides would think seriously about whether to let it carry on.

For example, I met a girl who used some fake pictures. If she didn't care, I would have left. But since I knew she appreciated very much if I stayed, I did. She is well traveled following her parents around the globe. She even knows a little Arabic because there's no other schools there. At her young age, she can't be a guru or any experienced gfe provider, but she reciprocated whatever I did on her, except for that she didn't have a penis, and she didn't suck my toes. I have no complain whatsoever about her body, but her face is plain. After testing her limits the 2nd time, I decided against seeing her. I didn't want to get hooked on her.

I thought I was on strictly business terms with Emma. Who would think of anything else after the Gang and Bang party? I also listened to Mr Gray who told me not to break the rules by contacting her privately. I only found her again on some obscure advertising sites a few months after I last saw her. I contacted her via email and she was surprised about the ad. She took it down but was happy to see me.

I was paying the original agency fee, and instead of trying to bargain, I thought I would try to exercise my frequent flier privileges. She said she wasn't doing it anymore (but of course I don't think I'm the only exception). So I called her at random times that most suited me, and she did managed to see me at no notice at all. I knew she just settled down on her new town house with nothing much else to do except for her cam dating, and later preparing for her exams.

I was taking her to dinner dates without paying extra. Later I even skipped the date part. I would take her to the beach at lunch, sampled her home cooking, or a cup of coffee after working late, all without a date afterward. I was trying to waste her time and see how she could keep it up. Of course I was still 'dating' her paying the full price every time - strictly business.

I have no fantasy about anything else. For example, she asked me if I wanted to get a frequent visitor pass for her gated community. I said no because every time could be the last. So every time I went to see her, I had to go through security, give my fake name, wait for security to call her, print out a piece of paper as a visitor pass, and then let me through. Once the security seemed to be bothered, instead of listening carefully to my difficult to spell name, he just printed something out from the computer record and got rid of me. It wasn't my fake name so it must be another of her visitors. I wasn't surprised a bit. But later silly Mr Gray sent me an email from his many aliases, this one the same as the name on my visitor pass. I was a little surprised because you can easily see people coming and going at neighbor's doors. Emma didn't mind at all. It was she who reminded me that she was single, when I walked out of her town house as if I just visited a brothel. I could visit her any time but I'm sure Mr Gray needed to be there in the cover of darkness, or so I hoped.

When I asked her to go to Vegas for the weekend, without mentioning pay, I was thinking of that as a client's bonus. But somehow it was more than that. Her later emails came with her pictures, which also included more and more from her family albums with other family members. One day she told me I didn't need to pay. When she passed her examines she emailed me. She even told me where she worked.

I'm sure she knew that I didn't qualify as a sugar daddy, or certainly I didn't want to be one. A sugar boyfriend maybe. Free sex didn't mean I don't have to spend anything. Maybe she really liked me. But I didn't think I have time for her. It was just a summer fling, which could end as soon as the leaves fall. I didn't want to take advantage of her that led to bad breakups. Also, she started to exhibit a little girl friend behavior, which reminded me why I didn't want one.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Customer follow up

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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Gang and Bang

I have noticed a lot of Meet and Greet activities all over the country, where local clients and escorts have a party together. It is a somewhat mystery to me as the majority of escorts don't even want to post their faces, many with blurred body parts. And I'm sure the parties are squeaky clean as prostitution remains illegal. Perhaps that's the clients' way to filter out those who are willing to appear under sunlight.

Mr Gray is somewhat between a very enthusiastic and experienced hobbyist in the true sense, and a pimp. Nobody knows exactly why for the risk he was taking, he didn't work full time as a pimp instead. It was he who asked me if I wanted to try a real FA, at a discount, sending me pictures and arranging everything. She was Emma.

Mr Gray routinely asked me how it went after the date. I told him all the great things about Emma and forgot all about it.

A week later, Mr Gray told me that he's holding some sort of gang bang party for Emma. He trusted my oral review so much that he was putting his reputation on the line and brought out his gang of friends. Basically we hired Emma for the day, Mr Gray talked her down a bit so everybody have a little discount on the price I last hired her.

Oops, it's not what you thing! We took turns, always one-on-one in the bedroom. Though one after the other. Mr Gray surprised me by organizing something like this, I didn't know him that well at the time. I was a bit shy so I told him that it wasn't my thing. But he wasn't happy and doubted my oral report on Emma. It wasn't the discount that I joined, but more to keep Mr Gray happy so he will keep me in his party list, hoping for some other parties. For the others I think like me they came for the discount as much as the sleaziness and novelty.

We had a nice big hotel suite, took our turns, and we were not supposed to see others much. But even for a circle of trusted "friends" and big occasions like this, guys came late. That set up a chain reaction and the schedule was a big screw up. So Mr Gray was in the suite most of the time to receive people, so they didn't leave without paying and playing, or kept knocking and calling. If he wasn't in, he would found somebody in his place.

Rather than waiting in the parking lot, eye to eye with others which must be Mr Gray's friends, I went up to wait in the suite instead, just as what Mr Gray told me to in the first place. You know guys like to hang out a bit for the sleaziness. There was at times a mini party in the living room. Luckily the bathroom is en suite.

I was certain Emma was having fun, as always. I could hear her scream. She wasn't screaming for joy. (I never made her scream.) She sounded like she was being chased and then caught. But I was certain the bedroom wasn't that big.

For my turn, I didn't treat her any differently from last time. But I wasn't into it, with the thought of being timed mentally by guys outside. The good thing about the discount was that, I paid her the same and the discount became a good tip.

There's a point to the story. Times like this remind me that I'm just another client.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Not just another client

Just a thought came to mind. Even if you drive the same car, family or luxury, you want to think that you are the better driver, you go better together with the car, the customizations are very you.

Nobody wants to be just another client. (I'm not talking about those horny moments when one wants someone decent to come over in half an hour, never to see each other again.) Particularly when clients are worth so little in the Internet age. They may get cut off at once if they say the wrong words.

For example, in my trip to Buenos Aires, some girls insisted to charge me 3 times the local rate, as if the peso had never devaluated. If I don't pay the American tourist rate, I'm nothing. They can find a local client to replace me in no time. Good tips didn't mean a thing, they can always find two.

Same for Chanel. Even though I knew she offered a standard service, but I couldn't have it. I started with the VIP camp and I couldn't have anything less.

A regular means only as much as a steady stream of income, low risk, easier money. If not, you would have already be dumped long ago. If you try to do something out of line, there's always another new client.

May be because of this, or may be not, I like to do something special. It doesn't really matter. If she doesn't kiss, or if I don't feel the passion, I can do a foot massage instead. If she doesn't like to wear my favorite Leg Avenue costumes (=cheap), I can always give them quality lingerie (=$$$), or even heels or platforms.

The last thing I want (or may be not) is for her to look like a school girl in a school uniform. Maybe I want a fully grown woman who's looking good in that cute little uniform. It's just as good if it looks ridiculous, as long as it doesn't turn me off. I appreciate you looking ridiculously sexy just for me.