Monday, June 11, 2007

Strictly business

Boy hunts girl.
Boy meets girl.
Boy forgets about girl.

That's the usual strictly business relationship. But on occasion, there's more in between:

Boy has a crush on girl.
Boy spends too much on girl.
Boy moves on.

I fantasize a lot, particularly when the girl is good enough to bring out the john's trance in me. But the good thing about fantasy is that, you can snap out of it any time you want. I always have a healthy relationships with the professionals - strictly business.

But interestingly, it's usually the most business like transactions that developed into something else. It's not surprisingly because in this business, if there's anything out of the ordinary happened, both sides would think seriously about whether to let it carry on.

For example, I met a girl who used some fake pictures. If she didn't care, I would have left. But since I knew she appreciated very much if I stayed, I did. She is well traveled following her parents around the globe. She even knows a little Arabic because there's no other schools there. At her young age, she can't be a guru or any experienced gfe provider, but she reciprocated whatever I did on her, except for that she didn't have a penis, and she didn't suck my toes. I have no complain whatsoever about her body, but her face is plain. After testing her limits the 2nd time, I decided against seeing her. I didn't want to get hooked on her.

I thought I was on strictly business terms with Emma. Who would think of anything else after the Gang and Bang party? I also listened to Mr Gray who told me not to break the rules by contacting her privately. I only found her again on some obscure advertising sites a few months after I last saw her. I contacted her via email and she was surprised about the ad. She took it down but was happy to see me.

I was paying the original agency fee, and instead of trying to bargain, I thought I would try to exercise my frequent flier privileges. She said she wasn't doing it anymore (but of course I don't think I'm the only exception). So I called her at random times that most suited me, and she did managed to see me at no notice at all. I knew she just settled down on her new town house with nothing much else to do except for her cam dating, and later preparing for her exams.

I was taking her to dinner dates without paying extra. Later I even skipped the date part. I would take her to the beach at lunch, sampled her home cooking, or a cup of coffee after working late, all without a date afterward. I was trying to waste her time and see how she could keep it up. Of course I was still 'dating' her paying the full price every time - strictly business.

I have no fantasy about anything else. For example, she asked me if I wanted to get a frequent visitor pass for her gated community. I said no because every time could be the last. So every time I went to see her, I had to go through security, give my fake name, wait for security to call her, print out a piece of paper as a visitor pass, and then let me through. Once the security seemed to be bothered, instead of listening carefully to my difficult to spell name, he just printed something out from the computer record and got rid of me. It wasn't my fake name so it must be another of her visitors. I wasn't surprised a bit. But later silly Mr Gray sent me an email from his many aliases, this one the same as the name on my visitor pass. I was a little surprised because you can easily see people coming and going at neighbor's doors. Emma didn't mind at all. It was she who reminded me that she was single, when I walked out of her town house as if I just visited a brothel. I could visit her any time but I'm sure Mr Gray needed to be there in the cover of darkness, or so I hoped.

When I asked her to go to Vegas for the weekend, without mentioning pay, I was thinking of that as a client's bonus. But somehow it was more than that. Her later emails came with her pictures, which also included more and more from her family albums with other family members. One day she told me I didn't need to pay. When she passed her examines she emailed me. She even told me where she worked.

I'm sure she knew that I didn't qualify as a sugar daddy, or certainly I didn't want to be one. A sugar boyfriend maybe. Free sex didn't mean I don't have to spend anything. Maybe she really liked me. But I didn't think I have time for her. It was just a summer fling, which could end as soon as the leaves fall. I didn't want to take advantage of her that led to bad breakups. Also, she started to exhibit a little girl friend behavior, which reminded me why I didn't want one.

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