Today I got down to fix a few problems on the layout since I upgraded to beta. In the process I lost my "virginity" to Nia.
Now I can move my icon back to the top again without screwing up the rest. They seemed to mix my old slightly custom template with the new layout with more complex xml. So I have to bring up an xml editor just to find the relevant section to edit.
I needed a reader to keep up with the blogs that I am interested in. Google reader is the logical choice since I don't really want one more account. I have a Google account already, though I turned down a Gmail invitation a long long time ago. The reader allows me to share other's blog items on my blog with a single click. These shared items on the left are the ones that I find interesting, or that I want to refer or response to.
I wanted to do the same for links, but I guess I have to get an account elsewhere. Same for Google Analytics, as it doesn't work yet. Though I added Google Comment and Notebook to help me keep track of the comments, and to copy links and contents with a single click. I use Firefox by the way.
I was looking for something simple to send me private messages. So I tried the popular Meebo Me. But it's too big for my layout so I made my layout bigger. While I was at it, I heard meeb meeb meeb. It was Nia Meeboing me. So there went my meebo virginity.
Wow, it is not every day that I take someone's virginity,lol
There's more to take if you come over. Not so much as to earn some useless dollar, but to spend your pounds. Gillette like to show off at security checks. I imagine she likes to stretch her body much more than asked, take deep breath more than necessary to calm herself down, and take off her stockings together with her shoes. She also has a handbagful of electric 'tooth brush' that she likes to turn on one by one.
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