There's something very sexy about raw meat, but first of all, this post is mostly about off beat food, little about sex.
I have written about the girl in common with me, who couldn't turn down Blue Fin and Yellow Tail Belly. Yes, my favorite food is sashimi. But I'm not sure I should call it that: I cut up my own raw fish. It's not as good looking, but it's unmistakably Japanese. Nobody else in the world would eat raw fish as the top dish.
I am trying to be a simpler man. I wasn't too sophisticated to begin with, but now I'm not ashamed to say that I'm a simple man. The amount of Blue Fin I would like to eat in a meal would bankrupt me very soon. So my favorite fish is Alaska Salmon. It's available in numbers in the supermarkets in August. But it can be found sometimes in Trader Joe. The way they do it, if it's there it's there; if not, you have to wait for some unknown time. It's deep red, it's totally lean as Tuna. As I understand it, Tuna is a borderline specie for mercury levels. Salmon and in particular Alaska Salmon should be healthier.
The only problem is that, any other Salmon, even most Tuna, taste like fat pork in comparison. The exception is Atlantic wild Salmon, also available from Trader Joe. And if both are not available, he would soothe your agony by Norwegian farmed Salmon, which claimed to have no coloring, anti-biotic, etc. It tastes OK too. There's also wild Pacific Socket Eye Salmon in summer, but they are as rare as Alaska Salmon.
There's something very sexy about raw meat. My second favorite food is rare Black Angus New York Strip. I like to generate intense heat with my barbecue, and drop the steak on it for a little while so as not to burn the whole thing. So to me it's not only rare, but bloody. With less heat and long cooking time, the taste is just different. This is my second favorite because I couldn't beat the restaurants. I understand that they have to hang the steak for a long time at some temperature to drain the blood and for the flavor. But I like bloody. Some steak houses don't even dare to offer rare steaks anymore. It's the same as that some oyster bars won't allow taking away the oysters, but anything else will be OK. It's a liability.
But now Trader Joe has some Iowa steak occasionally. It looks purely raw, but I think they have gone through the restaurant process somewhat. The flavor is comparable to restaurants even if you broil it with high heat. There is one thing that I can beat the steak houses. I can gobble up a bottle of Burgundy at home with no worries.
I don't like white wine at all, not even Champagne, unless it's very dry. Perhaps it doesn't go well with any of my favorite food. I like red, most quality red, including Chianti. I prefer European wine. It's strange that respectable wine become cheap imports in California. CA wine is good, but can't be all that good. I prefer French, which doesn't have the thick grape taste, but taste more alcoholic.
With sashimi, I like lightly chilled Beaujolais. The large bowl of ice that often comes with the chef's sashimi is well suited to chill the wine as well. But sadly, most authentic Japanese restaurants don't serve that.
I talked about gobbling, but I'm actually a bad drinker. If I drink a glass or two, I will go to sleep, or the sex will suffer. So I have an excellent alternative - the only brand of non-alcoholic beer from Trader Joe. They brew it the same way as their brand of premium Germany beer, but taking away the alcohol at the end. It's the best non-alcoholic out there. More than that, I don't miss beer anymore - it's not second best. So now I'm very American, a 'beer' and a steak. But the 'beer' goes well with sashimi too.
I suppose I fit the profile of attractive clients as described in various escort blogs. (Hey you, why are you laughing so hard? Have you met me?) But since I started to enjoy a bottle to two a day of 0.5% non-alcoholic beer, I acquired a beer belly. My regular girl saw it growing and always made fun of it. May be I really need to start working out - that would be a good excuse without arousing suspicion.
Like Alaska Salmon, summer comes with abundance of girls. Time to celebrate with 0.5% alcohol beer, Burgundy, Californian Cabernet, cool Beaujolais or Sangria. I have simple tastes.
A little more about sex in part two.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Monday, June 19, 2006
Secret compartments
I deal with complexity daily. The natural way is to organize everything in a hierarchy of compartments, just like folders in computers. My secret life is just one of the compartments, although the most interesting one.
My secret compartments are hidden in a way such that no two or more compartments can be breached at once. It's something like a boat or a submarine - you cannot sink the whole ship by breaching only one compartment. You do not put everything in one place, even if it's a safe. Someone can simply steal the keys.
Clandestine Call Girl put it nicely, as time goes by, dealing with secrets became second nature. I have a secret PO box. The fee is due yearly after my birthday. So I will not forget about it. If I do, I'm afraid that the post office have to close my box and send the mails to my residence.
Once I lost the key and got a replacement key. Months later I found that lost key still trapped inside the golf ball pocket of my golf pants. That was close. So I brought an engraving kit to erase the post office mark on the keys.
Then there's the secret accounts and secret cash cards. Even the tax return became secret. I'm the most popular tax payer on earth. I maximize the withholding and hence refunds, as a form of money laundering. To hide the tracks I screw up my finances big time to make it complicated. You will have a headache just by thinking about it. I also sign all the signatures, and get electronic signatures enabled if possible.
The problem of tax returns is that you have to keep it for many years. Naturally I do everything online, and keep the returns and records off my computers. I always sign up for paperless bank and credit card statements as soon as they are available.
I don't keep any receipts as a habit, restaurants, ATM, shopping, and even gas stations. Any harmless looking receipt is a big give away - it tells where and when you are, and what you are doing.
I used to have a secret compartment in my office, but not anymore. A self storage facility is great. But for at least $60 a month it's an overkill. A mailbox etc PO box is good too. If you never give the address to anybody, it's a safe storage place. But it's not a lot cheaper. Only some of them have off hour access. A post office box is very cheap. But basically it's a pigeon hole on the other side of the locked doors. Staff can see what's in your box, and you stuff can fall off.
Now I put most of my things in my car. Non-fragrant body wash, so nobody at work knows that I have just taken a bath. Moisturizer that my skin needs, especially if I take 3 baths and showers that day. Exotic bath oils, lubrications, and condoms. Even shower cap. Doing outcall in a hotel, most of the things are unusable for me, and the girls can't bring much with them. If they bring something, it's standard stuff suitable for them, not me.
The shower cap is for a clandestine girl with long hairs. She hated to get her hair wet, even a little. She said wet hair made her look like a call girl. Ramada here cost $70, internet price with advance booking. I hate to pay that price for a shower cap, especially if we meet at short notice paying the rack in rate. If you put the extra money on the escorts instead of on the hotel, you have a lot more choices.
The same girl always take extra 15 minute detour to get a 3 pack condoms form 7/11. She would leave the unused ones behind. Sometimes she would keep them, wrapped in tissues in her handbag, if she knows she is going to use it soon. So I have a habit of keeping what she left behind to save her the trouble of the detour. I may also use a little bit fancy ones of my own if the girls trust me and let me.
Where do I put all these things? Secret compartments in tool box. In the spare tire compartment. Small box held high up in the trunk by strong magnets. In the first aid kit: some bottles are the real thing, others have substituted contents.
In the classic Mission Impossible style: this entry will self destruct in a few weeks.
My secret compartments are hidden in a way such that no two or more compartments can be breached at once. It's something like a boat or a submarine - you cannot sink the whole ship by breaching only one compartment. You do not put everything in one place, even if it's a safe. Someone can simply steal the keys.
Clandestine Call Girl put it nicely, as time goes by, dealing with secrets became second nature. I have a secret PO box. The fee is due yearly after my birthday. So I will not forget about it. If I do, I'm afraid that the post office have to close my box and send the mails to my residence.
Once I lost the key and got a replacement key. Months later I found that lost key still trapped inside the golf ball pocket of my golf pants. That was close. So I brought an engraving kit to erase the post office mark on the keys.
Then there's the secret accounts and secret cash cards. Even the tax return became secret. I'm the most popular tax payer on earth. I maximize the withholding and hence refunds, as a form of money laundering. To hide the tracks I screw up my finances big time to make it complicated. You will have a headache just by thinking about it. I also sign all the signatures, and get electronic signatures enabled if possible.
The problem of tax returns is that you have to keep it for many years. Naturally I do everything online, and keep the returns and records off my computers. I always sign up for paperless bank and credit card statements as soon as they are available.
I don't keep any receipts as a habit, restaurants, ATM, shopping, and even gas stations. Any harmless looking receipt is a big give away - it tells where and when you are, and what you are doing.
I used to have a secret compartment in my office, but not anymore. A self storage facility is great. But for at least $60 a month it's an overkill. A mailbox etc PO box is good too. If you never give the address to anybody, it's a safe storage place. But it's not a lot cheaper. Only some of them have off hour access. A post office box is very cheap. But basically it's a pigeon hole on the other side of the locked doors. Staff can see what's in your box, and you stuff can fall off.
Now I put most of my things in my car. Non-fragrant body wash, so nobody at work knows that I have just taken a bath. Moisturizer that my skin needs, especially if I take 3 baths and showers that day. Exotic bath oils, lubrications, and condoms. Even shower cap. Doing outcall in a hotel, most of the things are unusable for me, and the girls can't bring much with them. If they bring something, it's standard stuff suitable for them, not me.
The shower cap is for a clandestine girl with long hairs. She hated to get her hair wet, even a little. She said wet hair made her look like a call girl. Ramada here cost $70, internet price with advance booking. I hate to pay that price for a shower cap, especially if we meet at short notice paying the rack in rate. If you put the extra money on the escorts instead of on the hotel, you have a lot more choices.
The same girl always take extra 15 minute detour to get a 3 pack condoms form 7/11. She would leave the unused ones behind. Sometimes she would keep them, wrapped in tissues in her handbag, if she knows she is going to use it soon. So I have a habit of keeping what she left behind to save her the trouble of the detour. I may also use a little bit fancy ones of my own if the girls trust me and let me.
Where do I put all these things? Secret compartments in tool box. In the spare tire compartment. Small box held high up in the trunk by strong magnets. In the first aid kit: some bottles are the real thing, others have substituted contents.
In the classic Mission Impossible style: this entry will self destruct in a few weeks.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Free meal

This could be the first girl I met when I started in LA. She has a nice personality, love sex, probably has an oral fixation too. She is the only one ever to use a dental dam like cover to perform her blow job.
She is a sales girl for some women apparel company. From her looks, she is a bit Neiman Marcus I would guess. But you know, the sale girls wear very formal dresses. If she didn't change before she saw me, her outfit is a bit Macy. But she takes her job fairly seriously, so she might be at least Nordstrom. She turned me down once because she had some business to attend to. Though she would hide in the back room of her store and do a private cam show for me. She could be 22 to 25 from her looks, with a more mature character. So she wouldn't fit in those kids stores.
After the session, she was fully dressed, staying far away from me, chatting with me while I was smoking my cigarette. She was in no rush even it was lunch time. She stayed far away so as not to catch any smoke in her hair and clothes. Finally, she had to go because of the smoke. She said very causally, "Want some lunch?".
I regretted that I turned her down. You know, when you first started, you worry about everything. It's not likely that somebody I know would see us. But I was afraid. Another thing is that she's 6 feet with that pair of simple shoes on. She was wearing long pants, causal blouse, but still very imposing and eye catching. I couldn't imagine going to lunch with her hanging around me.
Days after, I was thinking that it was a very effective way to get tips. Since I couldn't be with her, I made sure that she could pick anything she wanted to eat on me. Then I thought she was on Viagra. At the time I heard that it also works somewhat on women. So I thought she kept her stomach empty. All in her mind was eating after the sex.
For some reasons I didn't see her again. One year after, I saw her beautiful new pictures and got a erection. I called her and she remembered my name. Again after sex, she invited me for lunch. Again I wasn't prepared and turned her down.
Then there's this other girl, who I knew would turn me down if I invited her to lunch after sex. Even though I knew her for a year or two, she did turn me down. Then one morning, when she told me she should be going, it was roughly an hour over time. I was very surprised. She was very good at watching the clock without you feeling it. A few minutes would be normal but an hour will be far off for her. We kept talking while holding each other (or actually I was holding her).
I suspected that she did that deliberately, so I could take her to lunch. I thought at the time she was semi-broken with her rich boy friend, and probably lost some big clients too. So it was my turn to take her to lunch. Then she realized what she had been missing.
I took her to the top Newport Beach Japanese restaurant, not the most expensive, but local Japanese girls will recommend. She is the kind of girl who couldn't turn down blue fin and yellow tail belly. Same for me. She was so pleasantly surprised that she wanted to drink a beer with me. But since I had to go to work I couldn't. And she didn't want to drink alone. She wasn't supposed to. She got stomach problems recently.
So I ate lunch with her a few times after sex. Then one day I arranged my schedule so that I can do lunch with her before sex. I booked her several days in advance. She must had been not very happy for that. She blew it big time. I think after sex, it's doesn't count as lunch/dinner date, and the meal time is free. Before sex, a proper lunch/dinner date should be expensive. I thought she would give some slack as I knew her for years, and I politely invited her and she said yes.
My new background
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Escort advertising
Escort advertising sites world ranking
The top sites above aren't doing badly, as English sites are dropping while other language sites keep rising up in world ranking.
CL Craig's List isn't primarily an escort advertising site, but it actually is. You can count the handful of posts in say jobs, and compare to the hundreds of posts per hour in the erotic service section. It's free.
TER The Erotic Review is an escort review site paid for by membership subscriptions. But for your own benefit, players and playmates alike, treat reviews as advertising and you can go no wrong. The traffic is probably more than all the other escort malls combined.
CV City Vibe learns from CL. In the beginning, if CV sees pretty pictures in CL, they will invite the author to advertising on CV classified. It's free for everybody but few read it. At first it seems contradicting, the free classified in CV competes with it's own paid advertising. But it's exactly like CL. CV hope to boost the traffic rank with the free advertising section. There's no way for outsiders to tell whether people read the paid advertising or read the classified. Without a boost, who would want to pay? CL is free and lots of readers. If you ask somebody to write a review for you in TER, it's much more effective. All you need is a free homepage somewhere.
TBD The big doggie is formally dead. So please don't bother about reviews there and don't post your touring dates there - nobody read it.
CL has big problems because they don't give a dam about the escorts section; they don't make money out of it. But they will do their best to keep up the traffic, without it they are nothing.
Personally I have simple software tools to deal with CL to make life easier. It's a sort of custom download accelerator so you don't have to click on the title of every post to see the content. I surf CL as well as other malls, but CL is just much more interesting. Calling someone up is a totally different matter.
Now some online newspaper are copying the CL model. They allow much higher resolution pictures. If you pay up, you can have bigger ads in better locations.
200 x 10 x 5 x 50 = half a million
That's the formula to make half a million in a year tax free, in 50 weeks, 5 days a week, 5 hours a day for $200 per 30 minutes.
It's not good nor bad. And of course it's not sustainable. But that's the idea, you can even make more. All the tools are available for you to do it compared to a couple of years ago, or may be just last year. You can spread the money over several years or more, but the risk is much greater. | 26 | | 2,232 | | 7,958 | | 9,392 | | 12,402 |
The top sites above aren't doing badly, as English sites are dropping while other language sites keep rising up in world ranking.
CL Craig's List isn't primarily an escort advertising site, but it actually is. You can count the handful of posts in say jobs, and compare to the hundreds of posts per hour in the erotic service section. It's free.
TER The Erotic Review is an escort review site paid for by membership subscriptions. But for your own benefit, players and playmates alike, treat reviews as advertising and you can go no wrong. The traffic is probably more than all the other escort malls combined.
CV City Vibe learns from CL. In the beginning, if CV sees pretty pictures in CL, they will invite the author to advertising on CV classified. It's free for everybody but few read it. At first it seems contradicting, the free classified in CV competes with it's own paid advertising. But it's exactly like CL. CV hope to boost the traffic rank with the free advertising section. There's no way for outsiders to tell whether people read the paid advertising or read the classified. Without a boost, who would want to pay? CL is free and lots of readers. If you ask somebody to write a review for you in TER, it's much more effective. All you need is a free homepage somewhere.
TBD The big doggie is formally dead. So please don't bother about reviews there and don't post your touring dates there - nobody read it.
CL has big problems because they don't give a dam about the escorts section; they don't make money out of it. But they will do their best to keep up the traffic, without it they are nothing.
Personally I have simple software tools to deal with CL to make life easier. It's a sort of custom download accelerator so you don't have to click on the title of every post to see the content. I surf CL as well as other malls, but CL is just much more interesting. Calling someone up is a totally different matter.
Now some online newspaper are copying the CL model. They allow much higher resolution pictures. If you pay up, you can have bigger ads in better locations.
200 x 10 x 5 x 50 = half a million
That's the formula to make half a million in a year tax free, in 50 weeks, 5 days a week, 5 hours a day for $200 per 30 minutes.
It's not good nor bad. And of course it's not sustainable. But that's the idea, you can even make more. All the tools are available for you to do it compared to a couple of years ago, or may be just last year. You can spread the money over several years or more, but the risk is much greater.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Dear Jessie Parker
Posted by capps
, 6/10/2006 1:53:15 AM
Really Strange, for 2 months and 10 days. This business has changed???? Or is it me???? I'm still hot and in love sex. Last time I posted this, people said have a special. If you go to my website I STATE "My prices are NOT carved in stone anywhere" and that has been on my website forever. I've had to post on CL and see odd men for low prices!!!!!! What happened to all the GREAT MEN from TER????? Jessie Parker, still here in Newport Beach.....Just a little lonely.
Website rate: 275 / 30 min, 500 / 60 min
You can say that business has changed. Newport Beach is a little unusual. There always have been only a handful of escorts in the whole county advertising publicly. Most are over 35 but still attractive for that standard. They are highly overcharging for LA standards. If you have time for the traffic, LA is a better place. For that sort of price, if people have time, east coast guys will fly to Europe, or Argentina, even Far East. LA is peculiar, it takes almost the same time to fly to all those places, hard luck.
These girls rely on regulars - they stand no chance for visiting girls. In the past there are occasionally girls from Canada, who would take a detour to Newport Beach areas when they visit LA. Now there are constant supply of Canadian girls forming a permanent presence. And then there is CL. Most girls are visiting, or on permanent tour. If not, they are on a day and off several days, it's as good as visiting. For visiting girls, there are more varieties, better looking, younger, do more, and charge cheaper. They have to make it irresistible for guys to call up while they are in town.
Local girls like Jessie offering half hours do not make sense. CL girls charge at most $200 for half, model material at 18, not model material at 38.
So it have to be well off older (>>38) gentlemen who are comfortable with the high charge than LA. There aren't that much. There are, but probably not slaving through Internet escort malls and TER.
And then there's the 'sure thing' factor. In the past, TER gives you confidence, and there's only a handful advertising in NPB areas and got good reviews. Now there are other cheap review sites that do not cost you $20. It doesn't need to be a lot of 'sure things'. There only need to be a few, sufficient to represent types of girls that guys will go for.
And then there's the myth that you pay more to be safer. Well, if you engage in 'went the extra mile' activities, you will feel better if you pay more, but are you really safer? If you really want to be safe, maybe you can read the disease statistics across racial lines - there's a remarkable difference.
With CL, some organizations that hate to advertise also came out. You want lookers you have lookers. You want MILF, you get more than you bargain for. And that's the sure thing, from 9am to midnight.
Well if you really have deeper pockets, I would suggest to try something different. Say a $200/30 min young looker for appetizer, and then a 28 year old MILF for the main course followed my massage. You save money by not seeing Jessie instead.
Or find some $150 / 30 min good looking dead fish. Throw her $500 and you will be surprised by what she would do. But of course YMMV. The best looking rip-off dancers at 18 all are willing to go all the way for a grand, negotiable too.
Posted by capps
Really Strange, for 2 months and 10 days. This business has changed???? Or is it me???? I'm still hot and in love sex. Last time I posted this, people said have a special. If you go to my website I STATE "My prices are NOT carved in stone anywhere" and that has been on my website forever. I've had to post on CL and see odd men for low prices!!!!!! What happened to all the GREAT MEN from TER????? Jessie Parker, still here in Newport Beach.....Just a little lonely.
Website rate: 275 / 30 min, 500 / 60 min
You can say that business has changed. Newport Beach is a little unusual. There always have been only a handful of escorts in the whole county advertising publicly. Most are over 35 but still attractive for that standard. They are highly overcharging for LA standards. If you have time for the traffic, LA is a better place. For that sort of price, if people have time, east coast guys will fly to Europe, or Argentina, even Far East. LA is peculiar, it takes almost the same time to fly to all those places, hard luck.
These girls rely on regulars - they stand no chance for visiting girls. In the past there are occasionally girls from Canada, who would take a detour to Newport Beach areas when they visit LA. Now there are constant supply of Canadian girls forming a permanent presence. And then there is CL. Most girls are visiting, or on permanent tour. If not, they are on a day and off several days, it's as good as visiting. For visiting girls, there are more varieties, better looking, younger, do more, and charge cheaper. They have to make it irresistible for guys to call up while they are in town.
Local girls like Jessie offering half hours do not make sense. CL girls charge at most $200 for half, model material at 18, not model material at 38.
So it have to be well off older (>>38) gentlemen who are comfortable with the high charge than LA. There aren't that much. There are, but probably not slaving through Internet escort malls and TER.
And then there's the 'sure thing' factor. In the past, TER gives you confidence, and there's only a handful advertising in NPB areas and got good reviews. Now there are other cheap review sites that do not cost you $20. It doesn't need to be a lot of 'sure things'. There only need to be a few, sufficient to represent types of girls that guys will go for.
And then there's the myth that you pay more to be safer. Well, if you engage in 'went the extra mile' activities, you will feel better if you pay more, but are you really safer? If you really want to be safe, maybe you can read the disease statistics across racial lines - there's a remarkable difference.
With CL, some organizations that hate to advertise also came out. You want lookers you have lookers. You want MILF, you get more than you bargain for. And that's the sure thing, from 9am to midnight.
Well if you really have deeper pockets, I would suggest to try something different. Say a $200/30 min young looker for appetizer, and then a 28 year old MILF for the main course followed my massage. You save money by not seeing Jessie instead.
Or find some $150 / 30 min good looking dead fish. Throw her $500 and you will be surprised by what she would do. But of course YMMV. The best looking rip-off dancers at 18 all are willing to go all the way for a grand, negotiable too.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Call girl relationships: random thoughts
I always feel that having any non-trivial relationship with a call girl is difficult. Now you can see it from many blogs. When something go wrong a little, it will easily became an avalanche. Perhaps it is because they are constantly living at the edge, and so are johns. By 'the edge' I mean they respect each other, and despise each other also.
For johns, they have to pay to get any date and get laid. They cheat their wives and their girl friends. On the other hand, many johns are successful and attractive. There are many things that ordinary house wives and girl friends just wouldn't do. Time and commitment aren't what they want to offer. Dr Zhivago cheats.
I think some academic paper says 2% of US women sell sex at one time. Of 100 women, how much would you say that they are attractive, beautiful or outstanding? At least from my own experience, for some market segments, the 2% are disproportionately better looking women. So what are the odds for, say, a young pretty new immigrant without much of an education and no skills? You can use the service of a PI, or a prostitute, in which case you don't worry about her background.
Well, prostitutes suck dicks for a living, and lots of it. They are promiscuous early on so the crossing over is relatively easy. After that, everything is money. They love money. You cannot be sure that they really like you a little as a person unless you don't pay a dime. If they really like you , it's very likely that they will also enjoy their job a little sometimes, maybe just the sex, maybe just a beautiful cock.
Girls dig different kind of johns. Professionals are the usuals, if only they are easy to screen and to verify. At one time it's stock options - it doesn't matter what you do, as long as your company is hot. Professionals can only charge you so much an hour but some guys are having income by turning up at work, and still earning when sneaking out for a long lunch time rendezvous.
Some girls despise professionals, six figures don't mean much to them. It's not much in some places. But if you have a little business, a little shop, that's different. Doesn't matter it's dirty, doesn't matter it's in a slump. If you survive and have spare money, you have potential. It's too easy to have half mil revenue and on the way to over a mil. If you juggle a bit on the books, six figure incomes are nothing.
Some girls, typically had some education and had a proper job, like educated professionals. Others find it hard to communicate unless for those self made guys with unconventional jobs. Single girls tend to be nicer to attractive single guys within 10 years of their age. Others tend to be nicer to middle aged married guys. You can treat them as nice as you can; they are not likely to turn into a stalker. The oral fixated will always praise a big thick beautiful cock when they see one, but they will not charge less for it.
Call girls need the money or love the money? It's all relatively. Boy friends at school at 11. Senior boys notice her and chase after her across grades. Before 16/18 it's rich kids showing her the world. After that it's rich men. Then the most eligible boys and men moved on. What left are men that she doesn't want to be seen with. Come 19, if she hasn't drop out yet, and find herself to be among the long term unemployed, what will she do? Minimum wage isn't any life for her, so you can say it's necessary.
For johns, they have to pay to get any date and get laid. They cheat their wives and their girl friends. On the other hand, many johns are successful and attractive. There are many things that ordinary house wives and girl friends just wouldn't do. Time and commitment aren't what they want to offer. Dr Zhivago cheats.
I think some academic paper says 2% of US women sell sex at one time. Of 100 women, how much would you say that they are attractive, beautiful or outstanding? At least from my own experience, for some market segments, the 2% are disproportionately better looking women. So what are the odds for, say, a young pretty new immigrant without much of an education and no skills? You can use the service of a PI, or a prostitute, in which case you don't worry about her background.
Well, prostitutes suck dicks for a living, and lots of it. They are promiscuous early on so the crossing over is relatively easy. After that, everything is money. They love money. You cannot be sure that they really like you a little as a person unless you don't pay a dime. If they really like you , it's very likely that they will also enjoy their job a little sometimes, maybe just the sex, maybe just a beautiful cock.
Girls dig different kind of johns. Professionals are the usuals, if only they are easy to screen and to verify. At one time it's stock options - it doesn't matter what you do, as long as your company is hot. Professionals can only charge you so much an hour but some guys are having income by turning up at work, and still earning when sneaking out for a long lunch time rendezvous.
Some girls despise professionals, six figures don't mean much to them. It's not much in some places. But if you have a little business, a little shop, that's different. Doesn't matter it's dirty, doesn't matter it's in a slump. If you survive and have spare money, you have potential. It's too easy to have half mil revenue and on the way to over a mil. If you juggle a bit on the books, six figure incomes are nothing.
Some girls, typically had some education and had a proper job, like educated professionals. Others find it hard to communicate unless for those self made guys with unconventional jobs. Single girls tend to be nicer to attractive single guys within 10 years of their age. Others tend to be nicer to middle aged married guys. You can treat them as nice as you can; they are not likely to turn into a stalker. The oral fixated will always praise a big thick beautiful cock when they see one, but they will not charge less for it.
Call girls need the money or love the money? It's all relatively. Boy friends at school at 11. Senior boys notice her and chase after her across grades. Before 16/18 it's rich kids showing her the world. After that it's rich men. Then the most eligible boys and men moved on. What left are men that she doesn't want to be seen with. Come 19, if she hasn't drop out yet, and find herself to be among the long term unemployed, what will she do? Minimum wage isn't any life for her, so you can say it's necessary.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
There should be a book or a movie with this title - the year 1999 is so extraordinary in so many ways. (There are, but nothing dramatic.) Being the turn of the millennium amplifies everything, or maybe causes everything: Y2K crisis, stock market, so many people aren't the same anymore.
That's the last time I had a player's fatigue. Once I called up an ad for a blue eyed blond. Then I found myself in some agents client list. New girls in town that fitted the profile would call me up, like doing an audition on the phone. $400, $500, ..., $700... That's how it was, nobody gave a dam as long as the girl was half pretty. But the more I did, the more I felt unfulfilled one way or the other. Oh yes, they were attractive, and we had good times too. But what's the point of going over the same thing again and again?
I could remember when I was in LA, nobody in my short list returned my calls. That was the sign of the times. When you looked at the stock quotes on your cell phone, you realized that your net worth was up by 10%. What would you do to celebrate? Usually, I would be richer after seeing a girl for an hour when the stock market was open - who cared about what she charged? So the good and the famous were usually unavailable on short notice. It's hard to find somebody decent to return your calls.
I was desperate. Somewhere on my list was a phone number that I must had dropped down a while ago. I didn't know what she looked like and what was her name. I only knew that she must looked good in her pictures. I called the number.
to be continued...
That's the last time I had a player's fatigue. Once I called up an ad for a blue eyed blond. Then I found myself in some agents client list. New girls in town that fitted the profile would call me up, like doing an audition on the phone. $400, $500, ..., $700... That's how it was, nobody gave a dam as long as the girl was half pretty. But the more I did, the more I felt unfulfilled one way or the other. Oh yes, they were attractive, and we had good times too. But what's the point of going over the same thing again and again?
I could remember when I was in LA, nobody in my short list returned my calls. That was the sign of the times. When you looked at the stock quotes on your cell phone, you realized that your net worth was up by 10%. What would you do to celebrate? Usually, I would be richer after seeing a girl for an hour when the stock market was open - who cared about what she charged? So the good and the famous were usually unavailable on short notice. It's hard to find somebody decent to return your calls.
I was desperate. Somewhere on my list was a phone number that I must had dropped down a while ago. I didn't know what she looked like and what was her name. I only knew that she must looked good in her pictures. I called the number.
to be continued...
Thursday, June 01, 2006
The players?
Updated Feb 24, 2007
Finally, I did it, taking off the link to this entry and leave it to the dust. Some accidental or occasional players may or may not want their blogs to be included in the list. Some 'players' don't write about hooker experiences or hooker stories; what left? Discussion boards? Do I have to subscribe to 100 people?
I keep track of these blogs but not because I find it interesting. I just keep an eye on what's going on. There's not much to read anyway.
I came across Sigmond's blog when he was about to abandon it. I said many things but basically I don't read luxury travel blogs when I travel on a budget, which isn't small but there's always something bigger that I don't find relevant or interesting.
As for the East Coast, I'm jealous: agencies are not allowed to survive in South California, except for the rip-off types, which are legal. We don't build up references and communities via blogs, but via discussion and review boards. As for suicide girls, what can I say except that all tattoos are carefully counted and reported here.
A review in The Erotic Review has a perceived value of $10. You also get the bragging right, and useful references. There must be something odd about anonymous players with a blog. For me, one can only put in so much extra contents into a review that has to be 'approved'. I dazzled them, I made them laugh, but at the end you know they just want you to write mechanically and exactly what happened with the minimum number of words. And when the big time comes, very soon TER realized that they cannot afford to let guys say what they want on the discussion boards. They rather moderate with heavy hands; leaving the boards half dead and totally boring. The picture that TER painted is as distorted as the big dog, which takes years for the die hards to realize it and abandon ship.
Nightside Johnny has something interesting going, but he's reluctant to be regarded as a player. Sigmund Fuller is way out of touch of popular culture. In an odd way, he reminds me of ex-sugar babies who always carry expired super-duper cards in their handbags; can't forget the faded glory. (By no means I'm implying that he's on the way down.)
The West Coast culture is always somewhat at odds with the East Coast. There's no surprise that I'm not a big fan of New York John and The Poet. Either the playing field is very different or we are very different players. I respect that.
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