Sunday, September 30, 2018

Tell me how to win your heart

Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue

It strikes me as the exact feeling for me when I met someone that I care about but didn't book her that day.

Winning her heart has very different meanings in this industry. It took me a year on and off with Chanel before I got her private number. The rest is history. But I could have booked her at her rack rate for a few more times to make things easier, or perhaps not.

Chanel II seems to be easy because she thinks her friend Margaret hooked us up. We bonded the first time and we talked a lot. She even texted Margaret when we were naked on the bed after sex. But she always appears when I am broke. I saw her once and only once.

I know Margaret is difficult. We had a good start but it took me a lot of time go through all the auditioning to go back for her. And at her prime, she didn't care about my spending level. Finally, when I got somewhere, the place she frequented got shut down. And I was broke, went hiding in a cave instead.

When I rediscovered her again recently, her enthusiasm surprised me. But that wasn't consistent. She almost reverted to her old self. And I didn't move forward. I don't know how long I can afford to see her regularly.

And just when I suspect that every time I see her, it may be the last. All of a sudden she mentioned about church, grama, rent. I know I won her heart. She wants some arrangements and some commitments. Of course I couldn't take that up. Fortunately she was not obvious, thinking that we have plenty of time to set something up. But sooner or later, I have to disappear at least for a few months. That might take us back to the first time we met. But she looked good!

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