Monday, December 30, 2019

A little review for the decade

Because I don't have much time.

I remember how is the party in 1999. We drove back to our hotel at NPB, stopped by the lights for a left turn, pulled over by a cop because our wheel of the rental car was on top of the white line. He looked like a male model and many still do. He let us go because we were tourists and obviously not drunk.

I accidentally came across Chanel's (the original) picture. OMG, that was the day she looked the most beautiful ever. She talked a lot. I pretend to listen and she knew it. I was just hoping the moments to last because I was holding her leg across mine, going up to her skirt while staring at her, absolutely no idea what she was talking about. It's a lot sexier than stripping her off and go to bed. She is irreplaceable.

When I accidentally discovered my old stock fund, the girl who won the audition was Margarette, the pretty school girl who morphed into a stripper body. She was about the 2nd girl I auditioned. We didn't get far because she was too young to be GFE. But I couldn't resist to see her on occasions just like Chanel. Then she disappeared. It wasn't until last year that I rediscovered her. She was onto me like she wasn't going to lose me again. She had the expensive naked look with red hot lips. I never saw her so pretty and kissed so much.

I had to admire my own taste for picking her for the 1st time. But sadly, she quitted everything just when I got into her flat and she talked about cooking. Heartbreaking

I was actually seeing Caroline at the time. I booked and booked because I could have an accident and the end of everything on a weekend, until I met Margarette again. Caroline is always my teen model. I wasn't going to see her too often because she was a bit expensive.

She is the most passionate girl I met even though she won't allow tongue. Now I know why. She is a real struggling actress/model. She is exactly my type and not many patrons have my taste in women. She saw the chance and grabbed it. The rest is history. Every time I met her, her kiss burst my pants. She wouldn't wait to undress before kissing like a girl friend and I liked that. But my cock was so hard that I needed to unbotton my pants and unzip it before carrying on.

Although she is far from teen, she has a borderline eating disorder, an actress and a model. That's why she is always my teen model. But her IG doesn't do her any favor. I can see the real her and I know how she really lives. I'm not that keen to see her again and I didn't want to low ball her. She is on and off a waitress and was fired the last time I heard. I could see how she appreciates my patronage. We even talked about her new boyfriend that she likes. I hope she is happy. But I'm sad for her because she has to keep up appearances for her family. I really want to see her again but I don't want to give her the wrong ideas that I can see her every month. My stock fund is finished.

There must be other girls that blew my mind. But there wasn't enough bonding so they don't always stay in my mind.

Since my stock fund was completely depleted, it surprises me that I am still doing fine. I accidentally ran into a pornstar/stripper type. I don't usually pick those because usually, it's a disappointment for the fee they asked. But this woman walked me out of the door naked without displaying any flaw. Maybe she's a bit cold, ducked my DFK and pushed my fingers away. But maybe she was still a bargain. She knew it and didn't come back so far; the grass is greener elsewhere.

By pure chance, I met a black girl who can be a victoria's secret model, the thicker type. I just couldn't put her underwear out of my mind. She knew I am totally into her and texted me a few times. But our schedules don't align. Very safe sex but she is a good fuck.

I had good luck the last time I took one for the team. She showed her pretty face but I didn't expect much for the heavy makeup. But in person, she looks a lot younger even with heavy makeup on. Not only that she looked like a schoolgirl, but she also looked like one in my neighborhood with shoulder-length blonde hair.

She has the expensive naked look with deep red lips. I thought of Chanel and Margarette even though they are very different types. She is too young to be GFE. When I couldn't help but stare at her face, she asked, "what?". She was wondering what's wrong with her. Was I discovering some false advertising like no blue eyes, a different person, etc?

Maybe I was a bit shy, she took the initiative, and so I couldn't do much damage. She blew me right out of the bet. So I laid down comfortably, spread myself and enjoyed the show. I liked her hair, her face and her makeup. It was such a sight when she was hard at work sucking. She would finish me if she could but I am invincible.

Then she poped up and rode me. She has the perfect schoolgirl breasts with a bit more meat to squeeze than others like Margarette. She has the perfect curve for a schoolgirl. So I was holding her pelvis, let her rode and watched everything.

In the past, I learned not to let them ride too much. They do it to finish you fast. And then there are so many other things to do.

But now I have changed. I have such a fond memory of Margarette when she rode me to completion the only one time. I tried to push her away but she wouldn't budge.

I remembered Chanel's one-time reverse missionary. It's very GFE but there's nothing to see. And then there's the squat, easier to finish if you know how to. Riding alone is just hard. Usually, I waited for them to surrender and asked me to get on top or do my fav position.

But Kat just soldiers on, until I had a smile on my face. I think she likes me because she pulled the condom for me and wiped me clean. I can't wait for her to turn up again.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Viagra, Nobel Prize, Prostitution

Yes, you guessed it. Should the Viagra inventors get the Nobel Prize? It can benefit all human beings. Sooner or later a male will not have quality erections as often if anything at all. He could have the same happiness if he chooses to. And his partner gets a good screw too. So much population, so much happiness. So little side effects.

The effect of Viagra on society has long been studied. One phenomenon is that older men go after younger women. Their usual partners or female in their circles aren't that interest. A younger woman provides a stronger visual stimulation.

Let me ask the obvious. Does Viagra promote prostitution? Some young take it as a party drug. Why wouldn't you?

When I was a little younger, I could an instant erection on the streets if I was visually stimulated by some particular imagery. But if I booked an escort I usually need some warmup time and long foreplay to get a hard erection.

It's the same now. But I have fewer erections in unexpected places at unexpected times. I blame it on the proliferation of porn. But Viagra changes everything. I always get a rock hard erection when she takes off her clothes. Or just when I see her in lingerie.

More, it is highly therapeutic. I can make plans to recharge myself and feel good. I don't worry about booking the wrong person. It's almost fail-safe. I won't be feeling bad and sorry for myself after. As long as she looks good, I can resurrect a dead fish and make it scream.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Slow dance

It all started when I was trying to pick some songs for slow dances with Julia! In her own home. Her apartment is really cute in the evenings. And I got the idea when she told me she likes to cook when she was on top of me after sex.

It wasn't easy as she was very much into music, carrying her boom box with her to hotels! And her taste is very alternative. I have to show good taste and try to convert her. I don't enjoy her music at all.

Worst of all, it has to be good enough to get both of us into the mood, yet there must not be tacky words like love. How difficult is that?

Soon I found out that I'm into rock ballads but many are not suitable for slow dances. Then I came across this band that I never heard of but the song is nice. I wasn't going to pick this little known song by a little known band when there are many legendary works to choose from. But the song grew on me each time I heard it and it became perfect.

Little did I know it was basically the one-time comeback album of Journey. Of course, I love Faithfully but I can't include that or it sounds like a wedding dance.

Sadly, I had one chance to get it done but I thought it was too soon to bring up the slow dances. The next thing I knew Julia dumped me. This became our song and I can never see her again. So sad.
(ps music last forever but music videos are always outdated)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Back to College

Not me. It's the time of the year for a visit. I met an incredibly cute girl in the dorm. I didn't want to be get caught looking at her shorts all the time but she shook my hand while we were alone briefly, introduced herself and showed off her bedroom (with other's present). She then retreated to her bedroom reading with her door wide open.

Healthy cute blondes are everywhere, leggy and showing off their mid-sections. She is different. She looks like she's from Alaska. Her face and legs match so she might have no makeup on or very little. Her face looked like a flawless sex doll.

She is on the small side but perfectly proportioned. That's why I can't stop looking at her legs and tried not to go near her initially. I would think she is the perfectly sized sex doll too. Why you want to be feed and fuck simultaneously? When the face and tongue are the most erotic parts?

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


While the music was loud, a barely legal girl came close to me and glued her face onto mine without a word. I almost jumped if she wasn't that cute. Then she held her iPhone in front of your face. It was a selfie.

Can you imagine that? At my age? She was with her friends too? I couldn't stop wondering what she wanted from me. But obviously she wanted selfies and nothing else. She was blonde, slim enough to qualify for the cheer leading squad anytime. And she came from a very nice neighborhood.

It wasn't like a light hug. I could feel her cool flesh pressing on all of my face and I had to counter it with my neck muscle. That wasn't all. I wasn't going to hit on her because, well, I still didn't know what she could be after. I did what I had been doing and didn't pay too much attention to her but acted like I always know her.

But she would stop her raving and came back again, doing exactly the same thing. So I was prepared and greeted her face with the biggest, sweetest smile. That wasn't for her camera but that was what I felt, while still having no clue what she was after. And she certainly wasn't drinking or on something. She left home not long ago and she was very polite and considerate in our conversations.

She did that again and again, once with a studio stick, a portable gadget that if it was on behind you, it felt like the cops are going to pull you over. It must had been over 5 times. Maybe I was very non-photogenic so she had to do it so many times to get one decent selfie. That explains what I saw in the mirror ... But I'm just so popular.

Chemistry is such an interesting thing.

When I first met Chanel, she let me DFK her. But it was like she was shy without response. Or like she was afraid to catch something but she couldn't resist. When I tactfully tried again, she tactfully ducked. I had high hopes for her since because her buddy Julia only gave me a split second lick on my lips after I went after her for months. But when I finally met Chanel again, she did the same thing. It went downhill from there. Since I knew her well she didn't pretend that she doesn't liked to be kissed. Or she now knows well that I am not the type of rich granddaddy that she thought her buddy passed to her. Or she liked to keep some distance because she knew it's hard to get into Julia's shoes.

But I always liked her more. She is prettier with less makeup. And she's looks more like a leggy model than Julia, who turned into a stripper. I liked her flatter chest too. I'm an equal opportunist. She must be feeling inferior with her pair. She likes to keep her top on until the last. But I liked to slip her loose top down to reveal her flat chest. Then I would not be able to control my desire and home onto her nipple, sucking away. But in the end, she wouldn't even take off her top while riding. I wasn't offended and I know it's complicated. She would be very nice to me the rest of times and even asked me to see her again. But I tried enough, did all what she was willing to do, and I blame it on chemistry. You can't hide that.

When I rediscovered Julia, she would look at me eye to eye while riding me. We looked at each other with lust, and smile. And she would bend down to kiss me. She would gave me her tongue. And I sucked all of her tongue into my mouth. And she stole my heart again.

Now, you can say that she turned professional. But it's hard to do the way I see it. When I met someone who doesn't look like their pictures, it's hard to do the eye to eye thing like I love her or I lust her. It's hard to smile too. But make no mistake, I can fuck like she is the prettiest porn star in the world. I can DFK her like she is my new girl friend. But just not staring at her, smiling and kissing.

Caroline looks like a teen model when she choose to. I had an erection whenever I see her legs under her shorts.  I like her schoolgirl blonde hair going glamorous on the occasion. She is flat like Julia but with a softer squeeze. Little did I know she has some sort of eating disorder and she is over 30. It doesn't change anything and it explains why I'm so hot for her. Time and time again I had to unzip myself, let my cock out so as to continue kissing her without hurting myself. Maybe she knows what to do but it takes two to tango.

The most regret I had is losing Apple's number. Young, schoolgirl type but a fallen angel. Everything is covered. No tongue, no eating that sort of things. But when she rode me she would be in a very good mood, all smiling and giggling and she would get down repeatedly and gave me a little wet kiss on the lips. We talked about the future too because none of us would not believe that we won't see each other again. I was using a different app that didn't save her number when I typed her number in without calling.

Green green glass of home

Accidentally, I came across a picture of my house, where all my kids were born. There were born in the hospital like everybody else but this is the place they call home and never left.

I was shocked by my emotion seeing the green grass in front. I know for a fact that the grass was far from perfect as appeared in the picture. But there were not bald or thin patches. And I had people do all the mowing. My first home since birth had no grass, nor any plants. The grass at my 1st house with Mrs Player was really nice, but it was just a decent sized rectangle. In the picture, the house was surrounded by grasses.

Now I fully understand why they call it the green green grass of home. I'm sad that a lot of the grass was gone. The grass on the slope was replaced by plants and bushes instead; that will be a lot easier to mow by myself if I so choose. The other side was replaced by rocks and munches during the drought. Nobody objected so I saved water and mowing.

And sadly, a lot of time since then the whole yard was neglected when I wasn't doing that well. I didn't feel a thing because I was from the concrete jungle. Now the house will look about the same even if you don't spend any time and money on it but the grass is a different thing.

To keep the green grass, you have to spend a lot of water, a lot of other expenses, and a lot of time to mow it. And typically you hire someone to do all of those. So it really is a measure of your state of mind.

Now since I am mourning the grass, may be I should resurrect it for the kids so they have something to remember and something to return to.

I thought of this because how many girls became nomads travelling all over the country? How many left their green grass at home?

In the news a while ago, an Apple Valley native left by being a porn star. She was found dead in her early twenties. The school may look the same as any other high school, only smaller. But the students will be living under the shadow that not a lot are going to college and a lot will not be able to get out of town.

I had a glimpse of Caroline's old home. It looks like mobile homes side by side. But there was grass all over the place. I know she likes her dump now but she should miss her home town too. Her mom and sister are still there.

Julia and Chanel certainly won't miss their old house. They may or may not be coming from poverty but certainly from urban jungles. I actually know where Chanel because she gave me her real number that tied to her extended family and to the area where they come from and still living. Both have a cute little apartment of their own and keeping it is their prime concern.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Letting go

Chanel (II) is nothing that I expected her to be. She is beautiful but I have seen better. She is skinny but I like model types. But we don't have chemistry. And I don't blame myself. For any other girls, at least I feel popular. For girls that I liked, I have a crush to return.

Chanel isn't the innocent, easy going, straightforward girl that I think she is. Maybe she has been jaded over the years. Maybe she is like that all along when I 1st met her. I just didn't have the chance to find out more about her real character. Now I don't think Julia mentioned Chanel because she thinks we were a better match. She just did it because Chanel is a good friend.

Looking back, Chanel talked a lot after sex and she even chatted with Julia where we were still in bed naked. She asked me if I could leave early making way for her VIP who paid double. This is the same character that I see now.

She doesn't seem to be happy to see me each time. That's really weird. Whenever I met Caroline and my other favorites, we kissed non stop like a pair of kissing fish until I couldn't keep my cock confined in my pants. OK, I admit that a few mishap happened when I booked Chanel. I couldn't get hard and then couldn't cum because I had too much sex and kept torturing her. But I let her off with a handjob more than once. Once I forgot my money in my car. Once I was late for 20 minutes.

And so I thought my charm works on her because she stopped short of asking me to book her again soon. I just did that only to find out the whole cycle never ends.

We talked about exit strategy, I have many options, slow business, many new girls and she isn't as popular as when she is new. But still, she treats me like a job. I doubt if she does treat everybody like this.

Not only that she was never passionate about anything, but she also did less and less. When I was working my charm on her, I knew she wasn't into DFK so sucked her face instead. Then later I found out that she really really doesn't want people to mess up her face makeup. I don't even know she put up lots of makeup. I thought she wears a little makeup and that's why I sucked her face. Maybe she put up a lot of makeup as an excuse to block me. Should I kiss her when she has lipstick on?

And since I have seen her body enough I don't kiss her from head to toe anymore. She takes the initiative, always starts the blowjob without taking off her lingerie. She rides when she likes it and tells me to do the missionary when she is ready. Of course, I let her takes over. But if that's all she wants to do, what's the point of changing.

Julia is younger but more mature. When I worked my charm on her, I did feel successful after a while, just when she disappeared. When we met again by accident, she really grabbed the chance and the rest is history.

I gave Chanel too many chances that I shouldn't. Maybe I did that because of Julie. I want to get back at her. Maybe I want to hear about her even though Chanel hasn't seen her for a long time and may never hang out again except for birthdays. Maybe hearing her history will be good enough.

I should let go. Let go of Julie. And then I have no reason to see Chanel again. We know each other too well. She knows I don't mind being taken advantage of, being stupid. You can say being a fool for her. I should stop. I don't even feel the crush to see her. I dreaded the look of her at the door. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Some people just can't keep a secret

Now I know why. They cannot lie consistently. They could not have remembered what they told who. So they have to tell the truth always. Chanel (I) the professional lier is the polar opposite of Chanel (II), the straight shooter.

It's such a sad story and I hope she doesn't mind if she is reading this. But if she is reading this she would have told me. I think her parents pushed her too hard or the school she went to went too far into the dark side. Her classmates are in ivy leagues. She is not bad herself but she dropped out of college after trying several times. I am not surprised by the way she cannot remember what she has told me.

She told me when to book her again close to her birthday. At the door, I always expect to be a sailor returning to his girlfriend. But she looked at me as if I'm a stranger, just another player customer. I have to break the ice over and over again before taking off her clothes, kissing her, etc. But she would tell me everything after sex, given any chance to talk.

Now I understand why, when we first met, she asked me politely to leave after the sex with half an hour to go so she could prepare for the next VIP that paid her twice as much. I never doubt that she lied but I always wonder how could she do that. It's simple, it was in her mind.

The interesting thing is that Julia made contact with her after a year. Now I understand that they are not fair weather friends. They really help each other out above and beyond friends. I will do that if I have a friend like Chanel and I have no doubt she will return the favor. They didn't talk for a long time most likely because they are struggling one way or the other and don't want the other to know. But you don't forget your best friend's birthday.

Last time Chanel talked about her colorful love life with two boyfriends, and that she was moving into a posh apartment downtown. A few weeks have passed when she realized that it won't work out with her boyfriends. And that she is too young for online dating, attracting not serious dates but losers and cheaters. A few years into the game she realizes that she shouldn't be spending only because she has the money and asked me about jobs and talked about an exit strategy. She didn't make the move.

When I was thinking about Chanel (I), she asked me what I was thinking. So she gave me the chance of talking about her, her rich boyfriend, and how she exited. Chanel (II) realized that she is just another pretty girl amount millions in the big city. There are just too many choices for successful men and most of them cannot resist cheating. At least that's what she thinks.

Now I tend to believe Julia more because she told Chanel the same story that she told me. That she survives only on serving home gambling tables and quitted all escorting. Of course, Chanel didn't believe all of it because the sums don't add up. We all believe that she is still doing something on the side like rich daddies. Or that the big winner got to take her home. But I believe her more because I know more; I penetrated her, Chanel didn't.

Now I really hate to do this to Chanel. She knows now she is my rebound when I lost Julia. She still doesn't know that I prefer her to Julie when we first met. She thinks I prefer younger looking girls and asked me if she looks young enough.

But I love to let Julia know what she has been missing. I now believe that she wanted to keep me. But her apartment won't allow it. She did think about cooking home meals for me in her kitchen. But sadly, I cannot do outcalls and not rich enough to have other arrangements.

As for Chanel, she invited me to pay her home visit. Now she said she won't want to mix business and personal life even though she doesn't have a viable boyfriend. She hinted that she would do outcall for a price but I'm not paying. I don't know if she's aware that if she keeps doing what she is doing, she can't keep regulars like me. Julia did a lot better.

Caroline reminded me of an Apple Valley girl who just wanted to get out of there since kindergarten, the Kansas City of CA. She may be the homecoming queen and prettiest girl in town. Maybe nobody goes to college. She ended up doing porn and dead at a very young age.

For me, I grew up like in Hollywood every day, I joked. And I tended to settle in towns where people fall in love and stayed, again and again. I always owned my house too. I understand that girls like Julia are very much attached to their expensive little apartment. That's their whole world. They see that they are out of Apply Valley every day. But if they fall behind in rent, the whole world collapses.

Caroline is a survivor in her dump, likely with rent protection. She finally got a photogenic boyfriend that is nice, she told me. He looks cool I admit and he is a charmer according to her. She is the trophy girlfriend if her age is right for you and you are not too rich. The funny thing is that she did not have a second thought about seeing me again. Maybe waitressing makes people honest.
A bartender gripped my shoulder in a suggestive way. She is a girl but unfortunately not attractive enough. To others, it looks like a friendly gesture or a form of communication with loud music.

A girl gave me a rose. It wasn't too awkward as it's in the open area with roses growing like weeds. She picked one for herself and gave me one for being nice.

"Do you really like this music?", she saw through me.
"I'm more of a classic rock and roll person.", rock ballad in particular.

Inevitably, she asked me, "How old are you?"
"You don't want to know!"
"Yes, around that.". I can't wait to admit, cause it's a big around.
"You looked young!". Yeah, I know, particularly in the dark.

A young guy, 20's at most, who had an attractive girl with him already, asked me out to another bar to "get laid".

A middle-aged guy pointed to an older guy and asked me to tell him that he is handsome. He is, especially at his age. But I didn't bother to do it without knowing what he was up to. He looked disappointed. Later I figured out that they are father and son on some occasions like birthday. It runs in the family, both are rather handsome. But it means a lot to them if I were to tell them.

Tuesday, May 07, 2019


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Monday, April 29, 2019

Only yesterday

Thanks to one of my fans, must be the most patient fan, who reminded me that I often get the dates wrong, by years. I admit that's probably true for somethings. But to me a lot of things seem to have happened only yesterday. Because I still got it?

I meet a woman in a hotel lounge last month. When she was standing under the spotlight, The Lady in Red was written for her. She was standing tall, so intimidating that I didn't even try to take a good at her. She has short blonde hair, stylish. Her pale skin sharply contrasts with her very red dress. I didn't look at her feet but later found out that she was on heels. She left the others and came in for a break perhaps.

Actually, we started a conversation in a private dark corner! What's the chance? It was dark and too close so I couldn't see much. But she is the definition of slim and she fits her long, simple, elegant, body-hugging dress. If she fits the difficult dress like that she could be in her early twenties, thirties maybe. If she is in her 40's and above, she has to be one in a million. And I couldn't say she has a beautiful face. But if her face disappoints she probably won't dress to the nine's like that.

More surprisingly is her story. In no time she said she hate events. So even the dumbest geek in the world know how to take the bait. I asked her what was the event. She is in medical research and that day was fundraising. And obviously, because she is so good looking, they dig her out of the lab to socialize with the rich patrons. I was so in love with her right out of the bat, if only she wasn't so intimidating.

Perhaps she understands geek and she knows that she is just so intimidating, she just poured out her story. She speaks elegantly but managed to tell me a lot without any help from me. She is born and bred locally. Whenever she comes back from aboard, she hates the place and maybe don't like the country either. Wow, each and every one of her rants are so up my alley. We could have such great conversations. We could have been soulmates.

But I think what she sees in me is something I am not anymore. So I just listen without trying to score anything. I don't see what's her point talking to a middle-aged man with wife and kids. I know I look, and in fact, so intellectual but I am always the underachiever.

And she even kicked off her heels in the dark and walked a few steps on occasions like Cinderella. So lovely. I can't stop thinking that she was trying to impress me and not intimate me but encourage me. But I have no clue what she was thinking. She was totally sober. Maybe she was a bit older wanting to score a college student? LOL. Maybe she likes someone mature but not looking like a walking penguin? Maybe she brought into my stereotype - well educated and successful but good looking? Wait till I emerge from the darkness. And I'm the type who may buy a red dress and ask Caroline to wear it. Then fuck the hell out of her. She left everything open when she told me she is waiting table again.

The week before last. I overheard a few teens on my back. One girl was interested in a guy. The other mean girl shot her down, saying that his haircut looks like he's 30's but he is 50's. I was like really going to ask her where he cut his hair, Tony & Guy and the sort? But it dawned on me that she was talking about me and my Flowbee. It was so mean. But I take it as a compliment for the 30's bit and the compliment for my hair.

Not a month before I overhead a few Asian girls and a guy at my back. Obviously, one Asian girl is the leader of the pack; the others won't say no to her. She starts saying how beautiful her cousins are. Basically, she is boasting how beautiful she is. Once when she was in BCH, a popular Korean restaurant for Asians young and old, a girl came up just to say how beautiful she is.

But why? Your friends all know that. Your new friends? They all sat there like dummies. You can say you are the queen of America and they won't say anything else. I know where it is going. Maybe she starting all that because I never looked at her given many chances. And I'm not going to. What's the point. I don't think she has a father complex. I don't think she's the type looking for love over money.

She went on to say her cousins are cheerleaders. Good for them. It doesn't work. I was sitting tight, not moving my head a bit. Then she tried something else, her friends and relatives all go to universities like so and so, all the famous and not so famous CA universities. Well, I was thinking WTF. Is she 16/17 looking for a few mature brave men?

A woman tried to get me into karaoke. She was excited when I could do a line or two, "can't buy me love .... love..." Almost had to drive her home. Another one asked me if I remember when I was a baby being cuddled.

It was not two months ago when the girl next to me started talking; the place was crowded. I think she was in the speakeasy stage. She is a nice good girl with average looks but not sexy, wondering why she has no dates. She actually started to woo me in the dark in front of her friends. She even got hold of my Spotify playlist and was impressed by my music choices; I prepared the list to play at Julia's house.

Finally, there was no misunderstanding when she asked, "We are here for the 26th birthday of a friend, how old are you?" How can I answer that without consequence? I paused and tried something to duck it. Then a boy at the background shouted, "41". I was so pleased because a boy in his 20's think that I'm 41, and that's for an insult. But I was too soon and wrong to admit that. It was hard for the girl. That's why it is a difficult question. If I say 31 probably she would me her number and wonder why I didn't call.

Before that, I met an American girl who just finished college in Japan and moved back. All of a sudden she asked me if I have kids. I asnwered before I realized what she was up to. So much better than asking how old. If I have kids I have to have a wife or girlfriend. If I have ex, more time had passed.

All time high

What a gem I rediscovered. The full lyrics and my comments after.

1 All I wanted was a sweet distraction for an hour or two.
2 Had no intention to do the things we´ve done.
3 Funny how it always goes with love, when you don´t look, you find.
4 But then we´re two of a kind, we move as one.
5 We´re an all time high,
6 We´ll change all that´s gone before.
7 Doing so much more than falling in love.
8 On an all time high,
9 We´ll take on the world and wait.
10 So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
11 I don´t want to waste a waking moment; I don´t want to sleep.
12 1I´m in so strong and so deep, and so are you.
13 In my time I´ve said these words before, but now I realize
14 My heart was telling me lies, for you they´re true.
15 1We´re an all time high,
16 We´ll change all that´s gone before.
17 Doing so much more than falling in love.
18 On an all time high,
19 We´ll take on the world and wait.
20 So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
So hold on tight, let the flight begin.
We´re an all time high.

I know line (1) is talking about the movie but it's the best describing my motivation, and perhaps so do you.

(2) Yeah right, there are so many mind-blowing sex that you can do. But Caroline made my pants so tight when she kissed me that I had to unbutton and unzip before I could continue. I forget about my wallet, my glasses and maybe everything else whenever I said goodbye to Chanel. And being the marriage consultant, listening to boyfriend troubles like a soulmate. A few of many.

(3) The most unlikely at first meet became my girlfriends, if only for an hour at a time.

(4) The kind despised by society. Live by the moment. It's funny that when connected by a hard rod, we can always move as one. I often lift a cowgirl up and change position without pulling out, weight permitting. I had a video of myself doing the flat ironing on a relatively soft bed. It was like a pair of mating dolphins moving as one.

(5) Are we all looking for the next all time high?

(6) I think girls often go what they haven't gone before for the right customers, like regulars. For Chanel, it took a long while before DFK became standard and obviously toe sucking.

(7) so much more than making loving, falling in love in the broad sense. Like shopping, dining. Delving into each other's life.

(9) I think it should be take on the world and win. We had so many of our own battles to fight. We cannot fight together but we can have a sweet interlude, a kind of taking on the world together. Even for the most talented, I feel sad for them at times. And I hope my girls all win their battles in the end. It's hard for me in their shoes.

(10) It reminds me of holding on their waist tight while they ride on me. Or holding on to their perfect breasts while letting the ride. Again holding on tight on their breasts while spooning. Or tight on their wrists while flat ironing.

(11) I recall the rare moment in an all-nighter. Of course, I don't want to sleep but too tired sex after sex. When I woke up in the middle of the night opening my eyes, the cute girl was staring at me. So it was sex all over again.

(12) Yeah, there are often clingeworthy lyrics to go with the movies but this is not one of them.

(13) (14) There can be no certainty what's true. What is true for you is true.

Monday, April 01, 2019

Finally ...

I told Chanel (II) that Julie had quitted everything and that's why I was after her. There are not many girls with their calibre nowadays. She was flattered. Of course, she took me home just as she promised when I first booked her again after several years.

I told her all about Chanel I. When I met Chanel II, Chanel I got married not too long ago. I was still mourning. They have many things in common that I can't stop thinking of Chanel I when I was with Chanel II. If I began to care for her when she disappeared, I could not stand the double suffering. That's why Julie was a safe replacement. Anyway, that was what I explained to Chanel II why I didn't see her again for a few years. She seemed happy.

I also told her I am now qualified as a relationship consultant/therapist. I know what ladies want, a guy who knows what they do, someone that they can talk to. But men can forgive and forget what their ladies did, but not what they do. It's tough to visualize sucking dicks for a living. I also told her that Chanel I actually asked me whether she should be getting married. And I actually laughed that she should go for it, if she didn't need to sign anything. I was so bad. But she didn't expect to sign anything - two traditional families and her sisters all married well.

Chanel II was too impressed. She started to tell me the rest of her two boyfriends that she hasn't managed to tell me. I didn't tell her directly but she soon realized that they won't work. I began to stay longer at her home after sex, without worrying that she would have to kick me out. Of course, dinner dates. Everybody needs to eat, right?

I don't know if my prophecy was spot on, or she tried to make it happen. I told Chanel II perhaps she would be running into Julie at the downtown popular Gym, and that their personal trainers will likely know each other if not the same. She indeed caught up with Julie and told her how bad I felt.

Julie was so sorry. The truth is that she couldn't host. She did quit escort and dancing but she still has about two generous Daddies who wouldn't approve of her sex works. She thought it would be best and simplest to say goodbye to me like that. After all, I met her again last summer and you can count the max number of times that I had sex with her. That was true but you don't know how she kisses! Now she knows that I have no hard feelings for her so she said that she wouldn't mind seeing me but it would be just hard to find the chance.

It dawned on me that she could skip the gym and sneak into Chanel's apartment to do some exercises and I can personally train her ;-) Just when I thought it was a very dumb idea, I proposed to do a threesome. I'm quite sure they would have done it as a tag team. If not, even better if they agree to. Every escort should learn. I don't think I will enjoy as much as one at a time but it solves all the problems.

It started off when I asked Julie to teach Chanel how to kiss with tongue. She showed her, she tried, I said fail. We repeated a few times and had a good laugh. Then I sucked and squeezed on all four tits to see who's the best. Obviously, they had seen each other naked before. But now they can't stop checking each other who's got the better trainer, LOL. You know, Julie is a flawless stripper and Chanel is a perfect tall model. I was in heaven!

I knew I had to preserve energy to deal with these two girls. I missed Julie so much that I immediately inserted into her wet pussy from behind, a spoon. I turned her a bit so I was fingering her and fucking her at the same time right in front of Chanel for her to see. When she was getting hot I just put her own hand on her pussy and asked her to masturbate in front of Chanel. I told Chanel to masturbate for me to watch too. They were a bit shy but they just obeyed with their eyes closed.

When Julie was almost there, I ordered Chanel to eat her to climax. She hesitated. I expected that they could have done some kinky things together but I then I don't know to see Chanel's response. But I would take no for an answer. It was so hot and that was the point of no return. I rarely say bad words more than fuck but that moment everything came out from my mouth, dirty and degrading. I wouldn't be able to recall but it would be in the line of "you little whores, what have you not done for money? you lick balls and suck dicks, right? Now lick her pussy. You want $5 tips? $20? $100?"

Reluctantly, Chanel went for it. It was so lame that I kept saying, "Harder, harder ... you little whore!" If I sensed that she was offended, I would have apologized on the spot. But she kept going just as I commanded. So the verbal abuse got worse that I can't and won't repeat.

Then the big squeeze came. OMG! I couldn't have done it better all by myself without Chanel's help. The only problem was to hold on. I took a deep breath and clenched my fist. I survived the big one and a few aftershocks.

Time was of the essence. Immediately I kissed Julie on her cheeks and pushed her off fast. I commanded Chanel to sit on my dick. It was the same spoon but now Chanel's legs were wide open for Julie to see. And Julie knew she had to return the favour. While she was eating Chanel, I held her long legs to spread them as wide as possible and to sync her body with my fucking movement.

I told Chanel to squeeze her own tits. They all do that for a show. But this time I wanted to see red. I kept verbally abusing her until she did what I wanted. When I wasn't abusing her, I told her to practice what she just learned, kissing me like Julie. It wasn't too hard since you can kiss while flat ironing.

When Chanel was almost there, I told Julie that I wanted to come in her mouth. We did simulate that before but not really in her mouth. I wouldn't mind trying it again as I fucked enough this time, two of them. Chanel had a rather long big climax. As soon as she finished, I throw her away like a doll so Julie could dock her mouth onto my cock fast. I came buckets after buckets. Despite all the shaking and jerking, she didn't let go and took it all in her mouth. When she caught it all, she retreated slowly into the bathroom. I opened my eyes when I saw Chanel kneeling beside me waiting for instruction. "Suck it." And she did.

When Julie came back, I laid down in the middle of the bed and opened my arms. They held me on each side with their legs wrapped around me as if competing who's closest to me. If they had done anything wrong to me in my life they are all forgiven.

Hot, isn't it? Indeed my Chromebook crashed when all the juices ran out. Because it was a dual boot Linux somehow the boot system was corrupted for the 1st time and the whole book has to be factory reset.

And you would have thought that's the perfect heavenly ending?

The weather was so gorgeous the last weekend that Chanel asked me to go to the beach. Why would you be surprised? I took Emma to the beach when she asked; she was new to the area. When she had the need to pee, I drove her to a fast food joint and handed her a quarter to enter the toilet booths. She was so impressed as if I was a member of the local yacht club.

This time I took Chanel to a stretch of quiet beach that I came to be familiar with. I know Chanel I married and lived in a house by the beach there. When I missed her too much, had too many time in my hands, feeling too lonely too upset, I might go there all by myself. All the time I looked at the beachfront properties, I thought maybe one day we will meet again.

This time it was totally different. I had one of my two favorite girls in the world in my arms, a tall model barely wearing anything. She was enjoying the jealousy from other women while I enjoyed seeing the guys drooling on her. It was such an easy long walk that we forget about the time.

Then we came across an elegant woman with her little kid. Maybe she was the only woman that was able to catch my eyes on the beach. Why would I look at other women? She was in a swimsuit but well covered from the sun and perhaps covering her body to hide the fact that she obviously had a kid. But she was beautiful and elegant from what I see. When we walked closer I was checking her face to compare with Chanel by my side.

But fact is stranger than fiction. Perhaps I never spent so much time on that beach. Since I fucked her kissed her so many times, I couldn't have mistaken. This elegant woman is Chanel I !!! I almost fainted.

It took me a few seconds to collect myself. I could barely walk away. Then I was into deep thought. Actually, my brain was blank. Chanel II squeeze my hands and asked what's wrong. I told her. She starred seriously at me for a few seconds, and then smiled as if she thought of something.

She let go of my hand and went after Chanel I. Later she told me that she asked if Chanel I recognize an old friend, now her boyfriend. Then Chanel II asked if Chanel I mind having a few words with me for old time's sake, while she babysat her kid.

Chanel walked toward me, getting more and more beautiful as she came closer. She is more beautiful than I remembered, than in my dreams. After all, she is still under 30.

"How are you?", she asked.

I was speechless at first. The original Chanel was talking to me after all these years. I could have written down the dialogue to treasure for the next million years. But this is the spoiler.

As expected, she got married, lived by the beach and had a kid years after refusing. Eventually, her husband cheated with younger girls. She wasn't into him in the first place so they divorced, and she kept the house.

I asked if she had anybody else in her life. She said no but in a familiar phrase, "Was I being fucked enough?".  She answered with that phrase once I asked if she likes sex toys. But in general, she doesn't like sex that much. I believe her. I remember that she would rather have a husband who she could talk to, rather than keeping her history a lifetime secret.

As much as I hate being rejected in the greatest degree, I had to brave this or I will regret for the rest of my life. "Can we meet again to talk about old times?" She nodded slightly and very casually. Wow! My heart was beating hard but only now that I could feel it.

Then she looked slightly sideways at Chanel II. "Oh, she wouldn't mind.", I said. It's a big if but since she was so nice as to hook us up, I just hope. I would be going to ask her anyway, and Julie too. Also, it didn't need me to tell her than Chanel II has her same background. That's how I got to know her. "Boyfriend" was just a word of convenience.

"How about going to my house for a drink now?", she said so unexpectedly. "I'll ask her." It was understood that for politeness we both were invited. And I wouldn't leave Chanel II on her own. She is in my pocket but not Chanel I.

I went to Chanel II and told her about the invitation. She gave me a wicked smile and assured me repeatedly that I should go alone; there would be no fun for her talking with my old friend. We escorted Chanel II with barely anything on to my car. Then I followed Chanel I to her home with her sleepy little kid. In a way, I shouldn't be too surprised. She is beating a tall young model.

Anybody want to know what happened?

We met when it was late afternoon when the sun was less brutal. We talked until after dusk on everything, from her sex life with her ex back to how she really felt when I first sucked her toes. Good times.

That was when I got horny and she sensed it in my eyes too. I didn't hide it. I did it so many times, before, after, and during sex with her.

"I missed you.", I whispered just as I did to Julie when I stopped seeing her for a month and to Chanel II after I didn't see her for a couple of years. I really meant it every time. I would be really really surprised if she said I missed you too. She just smiled understandingly.

"Do you fancy a foot massage?", it should be tempting after a long walk on the beach.

"OK", she said playfully in case I was joking. She laid on the arm of the couch and put her feet on my lap. And so I started. I can do it well. She even complimented on my massage skills, on her feet, and on her back. The problem is, I never can do it more than 10 seconds when I got so horny. And since I paid so I could do what I paid for whenever I wanted in the hour. Now I didn't know.

10 secs had passed. And then another 10, and another. I couldn't hold any longer. I kissed on the back of her feet, barely touching her flesh. She didn't do anything. I waited 3 seconds before I looked at her reaction. Nothing, just a relaxing smile. So I playfully licked on the tip of her toe.

"Message only!", she said seriously but then couldn't stop laughing at my silly sex craved look. I seized the moment and sucked her whole big toe in my mouth. She laughed like the first time I did it. She must have not getting it since. Very quickly, I gave an adorning kiss on all of her toes, missing a few inevitably, then leaped forward to her side. I held her waist gently, got closer in slow motion to demand a kiss, but giving her plenty of time to duck.

She held my neck when I was at arm's length. It was a go. So I gave her the most gentle and most passionate kiss that I ever managed. It lasted maybe a minute or maybe 10; I wouldn't know. Then I let go of her lips and said "I love you" with my eyes.

"600 hundred", she said with a wicked smile. Actually, I wasn't at all surprised. I would have done that if I didn't bark on the idea of treating a suburban housewife with a big house as a prostitute. Even if it was a joke but it isn't for a fact.

"seven, my lucky number"

"Deal", she laughed at my bargaining skill.

"ATM now?" That didn't happen before with her but that's the protocol. She leaned forward and gave me an affectionate kiss on the lips.

So I took her hand, pulled her up from the couch. She led me into the bedroom, bold and shy at the same time like a high school kid. Beside the bed, she turned slowly with her head down. I grabbed her really tight, gave her a rough and tough kiss while squeezing her bottom really hard to release my sexual tension in me.

While still kissing her gently, I relaxed and began to undress her with my hands. But she held both of my hands with hers, and pulled away from my lips. With her head down, she said, "I'm older now and I had a kid." I understood what she said. She was insecure of her body, especially after seeing Chanel I. "Wait till she saw Julie naked", I thought.

I held her back gently, gave her a little wet kiss on her lips, and whisper in her ears, "It doesn't matter!". I just needed to get laid, I thought. "Do you want to turn the light off?" Obviously not.

She took a step back and began to take off her clothes nervously as if she was going to disappoint me and turn me off. I was a bit nervously too because I really really wanted her but you never know how bad it could be, if I could still maintain my erection.

After she peeled off the layer on top of her bikini, I could help but exclaimed, "Holy Moly!". She was smoking hot. Hotter than I met her at 19. You know suburban housewife running around the lakes with sports bras and short shorts can be very hot too, just different from girls, like with slightly fuller thighs. Chanel was hot like a stripper. She had a victory smile on her face while I was totally shocked.

"Have you been dancing in the clubs?", I asked with a careful choice of words as my best form of compliment. "Personal trainer", she smiled with satisfaction.

Why? Why on earth everybody got a personal trainer? Should I get one too? She was never big on sex. I believed her that she had nobody in her life. But a personal trainer? Did she watch too much Oprah?

I ripped off her bikini and throw it far far away to the corner of the bedroom so she couldn't get it to cover herself ever. I pushed her hard and send her tumbling onto the bed. I dived onto the bed without hurting her. Then I kissed her everywhere chaotically without rhythm and plan. But whatever I kissed, sucked or licked, in the middle of it, I would go back to stare into her eyes and kiss her. I wanted her so much.

After I had enough like 1st night out of prison, I asked her to do the usuals that the other girls do for me. I didn't tell her but I was comparing how they fare. Then I asked her to do the reverse missionary one more time. She didn't fake noises this time, but made yummy noises all the way, while looking me sweet like a candy. From time to time, when I was staring at her too intensely, she would dive down and kiss me, just like Julie!

The finale had to be my favorite, spooning her hard. I couldn't forget the facial expression I caught her on the mirror once. She was like a kid, unhappy after being denied candy. I wanted to repeat that, fucking her fast and furious while squeezing her breasts hard with both hands. But this time it wasn't about getting my money's worth. I wanted her to feel good, to remember my cock. While I was at it, I rubbed her pussy gently, caressed her breasts and kissed her with her head twisted.

But an idea came to me. I wanted her to come with me. I put her hand on her pussy and whispered in her ear, "Do it for me". She twisted her head and gave me her usual disapproval look, rolling her eyes. But she couldn't fake it for long with my cock deep inside her. My hand were on top of her hand encouraging her to rub her own pussy. Soon she got into the rhythm.

"Ah-owl ... ah-owl ... ah-owl", she was like a talking kitten instead of making sounds as she rubbed herself faster and faster. Finally, she got there with a burst of contractions on my cock. I let myself go and came with her. I held her tight without pulling out - my best form of cuddling. I wasn't going to let her go ever again.

We took a bath, we ate, we talked. Hours and hours went by so fast. I stayed the night with her face on my chest feeling my heartbeat. What a day that was.

What a day it is. So many things happening. So many things to write about. And I manage to do it in a day with minutes to spare!

Friday, March 29, 2019

It's not working

I was hoping that Chanel could help me forget about Julie. She made it worse. I now know more about why I miss Julie so much.

Chanel (I) limited my time of DFK but when we kissed she was very receptive, with hands on my back and some caressing. Well, maybe not during kissing but she did. She also understands that within the hour, she is my girlfriend, my mistress, my wife, whatever I want her to be.

Caroline is like making sure that the new good catch will become her boyfriend. She goes all out to capture your heart, lingering kisses right after I go into her door. She would also deliberately pick up any tiny detail to remember so as to impress you, feeling that you are special.

Julie was far from GFE since I knew her. But when I ran into her again last year, she became not GFE but GF !!! When she was riding on my cock, she would look at me all smiling and then suddenly dive down playfully and kiss me with tongue. Went back to riding and repeat. Yes, you can act but you don't really need to go that far out to lock your client. I would think we have some chemistry and she would be rather fond of me in a way. And she isn't the only one nor the best one. I had to limit myself kissing her and sucking her tongue; my donations don't deserve that.

And when I give her a lingering lip kiss, her tongue would slowly creep in between my lips. Once I was so unexpected that I almost jumped. That kiss even got into my dreams though for some reason it was Carter kissing me.

Caroline and I foreplay with clothes on while still standing. This is even more GF than Julie. But when Julie kiss goodbye and then hug me with her face on my chest, every time was like last time. That's why I didn't feel the difference until I want through all the details after, trying to remember everything about her.

Chanel? She just laid there when I was on top fucking and kissing her. Otherwise no hugs no kisses. I don't think she's always like that or she wouldn't be so popular and still standing. Going straight to the point, I think she has a few issues with me.

Perhaps it was a mistake that I didn't tell Chanel that Juquittted everything. That I can't see her again. So obviously Chanel didn't want to compete with her friend affecting her business. But unconsciously she is. After she asked and knew about us, she gave me her number and invite me to visit her even before she moved. When I texted her 1st time to take that up, she didn't reply. But when I turned up during her incall day, she asked indirectly if I went to Julie instead. Without provocation, she criticized Julie's makeup and showed me her IG pictures. When she showed me her panoramic view of her new apartment on her app, I asked if I can see a landmark. Immediately she knew I was trying to see if I can see Julie's apartment from there. I think we both have too much Julie in our minds.

And then there are her boyfriend issues. #1 is doomed; I don't think any male can handle that, knowing that your girlfriend is a working escort. #2 is doomed because she doesn't love him and he is just nice, not even "taking care" of her. I think that means financially. Her less than enthusiastic text, when she even replies, maybe a way of deterring me for finding love in her. But then she couldn't stop herself from telling me her deep secrets. My good relation with Julie shows that I can be professional and she shouldn't be worrying about me looking for a girlfriend. But if she thinks that Julie and I have something more than professional, she is out of her mind.

So I booked her the 2nd time just to see why she wouldn't reply to my text. So I believed her everything when she was so competitive with Julie. She even agreed to see me before she moves. But when I texted her again asking her when she is turning up to play again, the answer is an unenthusiastic "maybe" on the weekends. I wasn't after that anyway. So I asked her if I could see her before that. No reply. OK, that's a no but can you do better? The best I can imagine is that she really didn't want to leave traces for the boyfriend to discover. But then she showed me her list of callers, telling me that I'm not special having her real number.

I was going to take it as a further test. I was going to see her in yet another hotel and secure the 1st booking at her new apartment. But it was hard. I really needed some lovely feeling that day. Even if I can see her that day it would just be an investment, wouldn't satisfy my craving.

I began to think of Caroline a lot. We just start passionate kissing with clothes on and after all said and done, she would be on top of me passing the rest of the time left. But I need to set up some conditions before seeing her, can't do it all of a sudden. And she lives so far away.

The alternative may be to find somebody to torture. I found one but she is as far away as Caroline.

Then I came across an agency with a girl in town. I never used this agency before but I had good experiences with similar agencies using European girls. Not the type of cute girls I'm more used to, but classic escort style with long blonde/brunette hair, bikini body, tall and leggy on sexy heels. May not be totally GFE but no problem kissing and cuddling. That was the description of the last one I had. Her face is a bit funny in a good way but a smoking body at about 30. I was wanting for some GFE but more importantly someone gorgeous from head to toe that I can lick off, preferably with heels on.

Since the agency advertises late nights, I booked for 10 pm. I didn't think that the lady would be busy. That was a mistake. I was early, texted them 10 minutes before the appointment. I waited for a total of 30 minutes. I cancelled and ready to leave when they offer me a discount and that she was ready.

It was very disappointing for an agency. She wasn't overbooked because she had jetlag. Probably she drove from far away, they couldn't wake her up, or the room was overbooked.

But it was a total disappointment from any such agency girls. She has nothing outstanding. Average face, not in good shape, not tall and rounded. What do you expect? My last girls were all models or lookalikes, with personal trainers and a stripper in her prime.

But well she is kissable and lickable, nice boobs and a big ass. The price isn't right but I rather not go home unsatisfied. So I held and kissed her with clothes on. Her dress is sort of sexy covering her average body. She backed off a bit but didn't turn down the kiss. I went forward for more. Again she backed off a bit but didn't turn me down. I let her off when she did some tongue play with me.

It is one of those nights that I was craving for big juicy tits. BTW, I heard that work out will keep you natural tits small. Probably true. I sucked and licked and sucked. All the girls I mentioned above are small to flat.

I was mentally prepared to kiss, lick and suck the girl in the picture. I still did. But mostly on her tits and her ass and pussy. Her legs and feet wasn't in the best proportions but at close range, they were smooth and clean. It is one of those one night stands that I wouldn't worry what she would think of me, whether she still like me after. I did what I like at the moment until she ducked or said no, like fingering her.

I came on top of her, stayed a bit, then rolled over to enjoy my nap. It would be better if she cuddles me but she didn't. I didn't bother to ask. I did what I set out to do and I would be happy to go home after the nap. Most women will worry about if I could get up again in time. I don't bother because I wouldn't normally. I had to assure them that I am done; I just need some recuperation.

She was nice to offer me massage, on me or her. The last time Chanel checked that I couldn't be revived and then sort of leave the bed. The first time we met she actually asked me to leave early; she had a VIP coming. I was going to tell her that for the rest of the time she is still my girlfriend and she should think of something to entertain me. But I never had the chance.

So I wonder why agencies will want to fly these average girls here? Maybe they come by themselves and find some agencies who would take bookings. I don't know. I wouldn't bother with these girls. But they are doing it like 10 years ago, a beautiful website, a beautiful gallery for each girl and beautiful pages with details and great reviews. The girls maybe real or generic. I would think the lady who I booked could be anybody they can find at the time. But then she really came from Europe on a plane with a heavy accent. Any never again for this agency.

I was so nice she really thinks that I would be back. But I tipped her anyway with the remaining of the cash in my wallet. Happiness is contiguous. She would not remember me if I never visit her again. (It may be one of the issues with Chanel.) So she couldn't be sad. I feel sorry for her for her averageness. But then I think the money will be good for her talents.

She escorted me to the door that Julie and Chanel don't. She is a bit rounded and at the door, she turned comical. She asked for a kiss goodbye and that was good. What she said kiss means something else. She moved her lips forward so I kissed her. Then she turned over with her ass up. No problem, I kissed her ass again and spanked her. Then she raised her feet high. That was unexpected; so I had to kiss her feet.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Reality is how you see it

Conway will be remembered as the person who made a major advanced in human mutual understanding, between sexes in particular. It's always suspected but not proven. Now every man and boy have a concrete understanding of what is inside a woman's mind; that thing called alternative facts.

In this game of sex, every companion has to deal with it one way or the other. Chanel I is a professional liar. She can do it effortlessly while you can't easily find holes in it. There is a subtle difference but Julie bullshit through it. She is very convincing but her lies don't pass the test of time. How do I know? Chanel (II) told me the other side of her that fit my experience. As for Chanel, I don't think she knows the truth herself!

So I gave up booking Chanel directly and went through her assistant. She wanted to see me after all. But then it was bizarre at first. No, it was bizarre throughout really.

"Don't text me every day, I have my private life!", she complained the first thing she had the chance.
"You told me to see you at home. And I ever texted you two messages!"

She claimed not to have remembered on the first message. And then I think she deliberately remembers me as another person to put me down. Then she didn't reply anymore. So I tried once again the next week when I could go to see her. No reply again. I wasn't going to talk about it nor complain about it. I wonder what game she is playing. If you don't reply I can't see you.

Just as she was trying too hard to put me down on texting, she managed to bring up Mrs Player, her boyfriend, and whether I'm fully or partially retired even before we had sex! Whhhat? A lesser person will lose his erection instantly.

Incidentally, I had something to do that day so I book her late in the evening. I told her the truth that it was a long day for me and I would have a problem performing. So she blamed it on my stress and there wasn't anything to do with her behavior.

Very understandingly, she worked very hard to relief my stress and frustration while I just laid there resting on the pillows. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make me rock hard with her blow job. I didn't want to see her exhausted for nothing so I asked for the condom. I made it into the cowgirl. Again, she could ride all day while I just laid there watching. So I lifted her up and put her back down flat on the bed without ever pulling out. I tried to come fast and furious. I sucked her face and then her mouth non-stop. If she passed all that we could have a beautiful friendship with mutual benefits - money vs sex. I had no doubt she did want to see me again.

But I failed to come even though I gave her a good fuck. So I ordered the final handjob. She was a bit surprised that I had no problem with my ego. Actually, I enjoyed if it comes to that. The more mature ones are best. Avery and Caroline would see me eye to eye romantically and understandingly while doing it. And of course marathon lingering kisses. It was actually on the first date with Julie. There were no kisses but she was unexpectedly sweet, looking at me with all the smiles in the world.

Chanel wouldn't do any of that. But that didn't stop me from grabbing her and kissed away until I came. At the start, she asked me if I did it myself so as to last longer. But I proved myself my coming like buckets. She cleaned me up quick to avoid getting the bed wet all over.

So it was all a test. She told me she remembered me. She didn't reply because either she was with her boyfriend or that all the messages were deleted from the car because she didn't want to get caught. And she has a good reason to not remember me at first. She got a lot of texts. She actually showed me her phone! How awkward. I'm that not special. I don't want to know. It doesn't make enough sense but she saved my number in front of me with a long name consisting of words to remember me by.

I still call it bullshit. Who else you would invite to see you at home? She admitted that it was nice for Julie to take me home. (If she only knew.)

I still think that she remember me from two years ago even if she doesn't look at my handle and account beforehand. How can you explain that she brought up Mrs Player the same way, before and after sex, both times I booked her? I asked why she brought up Mrs Player all the time and she promised not to do it again. No explanations. Is she jealous of her? Is that her way of reminding me not to try anything funny, like trying to be her boyfriend?

It turned out that she has two boyfriends. One is for love. He knows what she does but doesn't want to handle it. So he dates other people. She doesn't like it because she doesn't want others to share his love. The second one treated her very nicely. He doesn't know anything and he doesn't take care of her (not paying her and not supporting her). She told me she isn't attracted to him at all. What a surprise! If that's her way of deterring me from seeking love, it's a total fail. I wouldn't want to be in any of their shoes. She is totally open and vulnerable.

Would you go around and tell every client that you have a boyfriend? Or even two? No. I think she respects me, the one who went home with Julie. She is dying to know what's between us. She can't live while I know more about Julie than her. They haven't talked since over half a year ago. Julie even changed her number; I think it was after I texted her walls of text and then promised her to let go.

I asked her if Julie is gay because from what she told me Julie has been so nice to her. And that she wasn't that good to me. But she told me that Julie is good enough to me because she took me home.

She told me their group once went to see a very scary movie, those that will have ID checks. Not all of them passed, LOL.

Just happened that I forgot the money in the car; it's a long day. After the shower, I put on my clothes to get it. I left my phone inside so I wasn't sure the room number even after I took a good look before I left. I was confused because she took off the no disturb sign after I arrived. She texted me if I will be back but of course I didn't receive it. Yes, it's so fucked up I could have left. But I won't need excuses. If I do it I would have insulted her with half the money, just like what I did with Chanel I.

The stack of money was thick enough but she took the chance to count it in front of me and apologized for it. She tried so hard to say that our relationship is purely professional. Yes, but you are supposed to be my girlfriend within the hour. And whatever happens in the hour stays in the hour. I don't know why, even Caroline the over 30 teen model told me that she now has a better boyfriend while still wants my business.

It was more complicated in Chanel's mind. She doesn't want to steal her friend's client but she also likes to win. She actually will move next month into the classy apartment she told me last time. She didn't but she insisted that she told me last time that she hasn't moved in yet. I think her current apartment isn't as good as Julies but the new one will cost twice as much.

Without prompting, she criticized Julie's heavy makeup and asked my opinion. She even dug up Julie's Instagram pictures for me to see. It happened so sudden or I could have got Julie's account name. 

Ahh, why everybody has a personal trainer? Should I get one too? The two girls may meet again at the downtown gym and share the same trainer to save some money.

I'm quite sure that Chanel didn't read any of my shit anywhere. She may change her mind about visiting her in her new apartment. It will be very difficult with a doorman.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

She remembers me

I'm that unforgettable. Chanel remembers me from over 2 years ago when we met once. That's the only explanation.

That's why she had a strange reaction before I told her we met before. That's why there's all the interrogation about Mrs Player. The abrupt change of mood and tune. She is a straight shooter, relatively speaking, but that doesn't mean she doesn't lie.

Try patron somebody and then disappear for a couple of months; that's applicable to most industry. A madam once complained that she could have starved to death. I shouldn't have told her that we met over 2 years ago.

For her, I think she needs to keep her pride. I saw her once and then forgot all about her. But I kept seeing her buddy! And why would I see her again after so long? Very likely I will disappear again. And she wouldn't care too much; I'm just another client.

Now I had very good reasons but I couldn't manage to tell her all about it. She is the kind I'm afraid of; that's why she is Chanel (II). I wouldn't even see her long ago if not for Julie mentioned her name for unknown reasons. She's the one I could be addicted to. That's why I wouldn't see her if I didn't have enough cash reserve. I wouldn't see her if I didn't want to involve with someone long term.

I wasn't afraid of Julie. When she came back I just booked her to see if she improved. No. But she did when she last came back and I accidentally booked her after a could be near death experience. I wouldn't have missed her that much if not for her lingering kiss with tongue.

I wasn't afraid of Caroline. I just picked a blonde model type before I went into semi-retirement. I don't see how I can be attached to her. But her kisses made magic on me. Still, the affair lasted only a couple of months. Though she still wants my money when she has a boyfriend now.

So Chanel was thinking of reasons that I didn't see her after the first time. And she showed me the I don't care attitude when before I expressed that I want to see her again.

She would have felt jealous when I didn't see for so long but I managed to go home with Julie. She regretted giving me her real number because it was so unfair. I was so good to Julie while I didn't think twice about her. I think she played me on the phone. She remembered me but pretend otherwise and tried to make me jealous in return. She has nothing to lose because I might not see her again.

And it would hurt her pride when I booked her again only because Julie quitted on me.

Now I have to turn on all my charm and woo her back. Given half the chance they want to put me on a leash because they like me and I'm such a nice person. Julie really wanted to keep me but wants to see me on her demand. I still feel somewhat special but my brother doesn't work that way.

Friday, March 01, 2019

Drama drama

So I waited more than a week to book Chanel (II) on her "real" phone number. Less than a week will be too desperate. Any longer they will forget everything.

Whenever I get a girl's private number, usually there are dramas. A girl freaked out when I called her after more than a month, interrogating where I got her number. When I tried to book her, she asked me to go through her booker instead. I waited too long.

And then they may give you a fake real number for more tips or something. Chanel I gave me one number that she ditched. It was the 2nd time that she gave me her real real number.

So far Chanel was great, very enthusiastic to see me again - at her home. It wasn't a total waste of time on Julie (Margarette). My credit earned from Julie got transferred to Chanel. The only negative of her is that she didn't remember me a bit. Although it's several years ago, people don't usually forget about me.

So I texted that I miss her. I was ready to book her tonight when she replied. Sometimes you have to wait an hour not knowing where she stands. Sometimes nobody replies on the other end. But I saw Chanel texted me from her own phone.

She replied in less than a minute, no surprise there. But she said that she didn't know who's calling because she didn't add a contact, and gave me a crying river emoji. That was a lose lose situation. I can't imagine such a failure.

So I gave her some hint for her to remember who I was. Worse than not remembering, she guessed the wrong person. That was insulting and turn-off enough. And then she "hangup" - not replying.

So I thought when she remembered, based on what Julie told her, she doesn't want to see me anymore and blocked me. Fair enough. Not a big deal since we saw each other only twice. I will forget her long before I forget Julie.

The other possibility is that she didn't remember anything so she remained silence just in case. So I don't really know if I should invest my time on such a failure in customer service. Julie kept silence when I first texted her. It was when I used Whatsapp with a profile picture that she replied.

There is one more possibility. She prepared the act ready when I called to discourage me from seeing her again without having to give me reasons.

It isn't her fault for remembering another person when I saw her just one week ago. For any other person, I could have passed her over and try somebody else.

For a few minutes, I almost decided not to see her again. When will the drama end?

Since she hasn't quit, she will come out to play as soon as this weekend. I think I may try her booker. I don't know if he will let me through. If it's time to say goodbye, I would talk to her face to face.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Oh, Caroline!

When I see you in trouble, I must help. Oh, yes, I'm that sweet, thank you.

I offered to park outside your home to watch over you because I don't want you to think that I did that to you so I can rescue you, coming into your house and see you again.

You are so sweet too wanting to see me again. Maybe I shouldn't talk about money, that I am lacking. I thought that, like in the good old days, you just hang up on me. Or in the good 2G days, your voice somehow faded, asking if I could still hear you, and then static and then cut off.

You didn't. But you told me that you have a shitty boyfriend all along since you live there and you now found a new better one. I'm happy for you but why? Am I the type who want to be your boyfriend? I'm certainly not that naive. In addition, we are totally incompatible other than just sex.

But I'm still surprised how honest you are having a boyfriend while earning extra money. It seems like a non-issue to you. But I bet waitressing is so much harder than escorting that you don't give a damn. Or is it all a lie to build a wall between us so I will not cross the border?

Anyway, we shall meet again when I have a bonus.

And I almost forget that you are an actress too. Did you do it to fool me? What a coincidence when I just published my stories that I fucked 3 girls across the Valentine week. I was desperate, being dumped by my ATF just before Valentine.

Yes, I'm not totally broke but I cannot spread myself too thin. I respect you and don't want to lowball you. If I ask I am afraid to commit. You can always come down to compete with the likes of Chanel directly. Then I don't know who to see.

But we had our moments. You are my most passionate kisser. That's a compliment even for an actress. But when I'm with you I feel like you have someone else in your mind or something else. I don't need to be your boyfriend but I need to feel that I am in a date or an illicit affair. Traveling a long way to Hollywood to fit into your schedule or someone's lunchtime doesn't cut it. Give Chanel a chance.

If I were the scriptwriter it will be after dark. I'll leave my car in a dangerous space. I'll brave the dangerous streets, the homeless, gangsters, juveniles; I do what it takes. You will leave the gate open for me to sneak in. I'll feather tap on your door when you cannot wait to open it, in your simplest and sexiest outfit. The usual model look will be super, it kills me every time, but the laundry look or the French look will be excellent for a change. And candles in you slightly hoarding living/bedroom. And romantic music from your iPhone or laptop ...

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

We meet again

I was expecting Chanel II to quit but in fact, she was just skipping the Valentine week. When she turned up, I got an instant notification too because I left a PM complaining that she was elusive. I booked her as soon as I could find a place to park. I had to wait for her to check-in though. That's when I thought of eating an apple to stop my hunger while not having to clean up all over again.
I was so disappointed she didn't recognize me at all when some of the bookers do. She even asked me why I was so happy as if I found her looks funny or I had an agenda to humiliate her.

I told her when and where we met. It was a long time ago she said. She acted as if she remembered something but I bet she didn't. Rarely anyone will forget my handsome face. I was so disappointed when we had sex and got along so well.

I was really the check-in guy; the bathroom floor towel was dry and hanging. There's no reason to fool me. I wasn't so sure about Margarette. Once I caught her up before noon. And since I was her fan, she might pretend that I was the check-in guy while seeing somebody first who got advance warning of her arrival.

I was testing her DFK repeatedly to see if she changed like Margarette. I gave her chances to duck always but I overdid it. "Fortunately, you don't smoke.", she said with a plain face. Yes, she changed a bit, doing more but less enthusiastic.

Otherwise, she changed! She might be even skinnier. She was wearing her schoolgirl outfit with a little vest showing off her flat chest, the flattest of them all. But she was a bit taller like a model if she stands up straight. She now has wavy long hair instead of the short schoolgirl hair that I remember, correctly or otherwise.

She did have some makeup on, darker in the eyes, unlike the model who pretends to be the girl next door. She isn't as cute as before but pretty enough; nobody wants to be head to head with Chanel. The same with Mrs Player when she was younger, unless you are much taller like a model.
When I went over to the meat in her small tits, the strange thing happened. She started asking me if I have a wife! What? I did mention Margarette; that's how I came to book her. And nothing else. What was she thinking? No idea.

Maybe the only conclusion that a perfect man like me had to patron pretty escorts is that I had a wife with an unhappy relationship, or just having a wife.

I told her she looks a bit different when she asked if I liked it. I went over to check her feet and toes. They were well pedicured and pale over and under. She asked if I liked it. It was such a good start.
When I flipped her over, she told me I am very kinky. She had no problem when I admired her pale ass. But she told me I shouldn't be tickling her. So I had to lick her harder.

When it was her turn, she got in position to blow me but was collecting her hair strand by strand into her hands. Instinctively, I held all her hair for her when she began to blow. I don't know if she was trying to keep her beautiful hair from getting in the way or was showing off for me to watch. Chanel didn't even like me to watch her blowing - the beauty and the beast.

Again she was very enthusiastic to give me a good time but soon found out it was trouble. It became thick rebar and had no signs of weakening. Soon she used her hand to get me more excited but it was too late. I became invincible. I just let her because whatever she did with her mouth and hands, she just couldn't do anything other than making me harder. When she knew I wasn't anywhere near climax, she sucked very hard to bring me closer but in vain.

Since she failed to soften the blow, I told her to move on. I picked up my non-latex condom on the nightstand trying to put it on. But she grabbed it and did it for me. Even though both had long nails, Margarette did the opposite; she would open the condom and pass it to me for DIY.

If she wasn't afraid of my cock, she is a very good actress. She tried to mount carefully and slowly at an odd angle with her right hand totally attached to the side of her body. She pulled out when her pussy barely touched my cock. Very elegantly, she brought out natural lube from her mouth into her curved palm. When she spread it on my cock, I could see that it was a handful, like pouring a small cup of water on me.

It wasn't the end of her predicament once she got me inside. She kept talking to herself how big my brother was. She kept the odd angle while going up and down carefully. And her right hand was like glued to her side of her body. Yes, I was her check-in guy but I wasn't too big. How can she deal with the rest? I wonder. She wanted to go fast but she seemed to hit the speed limit due to my thickness.
I put one hand round her back and squeezed her small tits with the other. I was forceful but she probably didn't feel anything; her mind was on my cock. Her awkward body angle prevented me from using full force. I could let her ride all night, enjoying every second of it.

At last, she decided there was no other way. She was like a kid holding up her sleeve while braving for the flu shot. Or the defeated princess walking bravely to the guillotine by herself. She got off me slowly, almost sad, and ceremonially spread herself flat on the bed, arm and legs open, head almost falling off the side. I had many plans and positions, but I couldn't resist her inviting body posture. I got between her legs and into her sore pussy.

I looked at her closed eyes while giving her a few warm-up strokes. I held her head with both of my hands so I could watch her beautiful face while I pounded harder and harder.

She offered no resistance and she knew it would be futile. Then I kissed her deeply and squarely on her mouth. I was holding her head so our teeth wouldn't be knocking against each other while I was pounding hard on her. There was no tongue but it would have been getting in the way. I bet she wasn't thinking about anything, trying to do anything, anything but going into a deep trance. That was her only way to enjoy every bit of my actions or to tolerate her punishment.

I could fall in love that way, not caring about how many men she had sex with in the past and future. It was only me in the present time, in her whole world. [note to self: perhaps I really should write a book.]

It was the perfect way to end a lingering kiss, a kiss she couldn't have escaped. I let off her mouth and put my face against hers. I held her tight and started fucking her as if tomorrow will never come. Anyway, I couldn't climax in any other way at that stage. It was beautiful when I was finally done. A few times when I thought I was done, I gave her a gentle stroke before pulling out, only to find myself shivering and shot some more.

When I was finally done, she was like a kid who just lost a game and threw a tantrum, with her back on the floor while waving her arms and legs fiercely in the air to protest. She fucked me while I was still on top, totally useless by then.

I rolled over with a very sweet smile on my face. I knew she was staying an arm's length from me because my arms were spread, inviting her to come close. I think she was afraid that I would have another go; it would be traumatic.

The strange thing was that she kept asking about Mrs Player. Why she didn't do it anymore? What did I do to help her? Why she would let me lose going home late at night? She threw off my plans; I forgot what I had to say.

This time I remembered my watch to watch the clock. After her interrogation, I realized that I was a little over time. So I jumped up to the bathroom. Maybe I wasn't polite. On my way she was like happy that I was leaving and she asked me to flush [the comdom]. What? Never had a girl do that to me. Maybe she was saving face.

When I put my clothes on getting out of the bathroom to say goodbye, she could have texted Margarette again like the first time we met. She asked me when I last saw Margarette. "Last month", I pretended to think a little and say so unwillingly because of privacy issues. "Where did you see her?", she asked. Again I answered as if I didn't want to rat somebody, "her home". Again she told me her mom wouldn't let her dad lose like that, going downtown at night. I didn't remember telling her I hang out there at night.

If I had any plans, she worked it all out for me, in less than 3 minutes. She told me to see her in her home when I am there. She kept telling me about her neighborhood by names that I had no idea. It dawned on me that she lived probably within walking distance to Margarette. She said Margarette's apartment was a bit ghetto. She was trying to say that her apartment was in a better neighborhood. I didn't understand first because I didn't even know she lived downtown.

Then she wanted to give me her number so I would have advance warning if she comes to town, or I can visit her. And she made sure of it. I showed her my phone number on my phone and she texted me immediately. Wow, that was easy. Mission accomplished.

Now I hoped that Margarette responded. Actually, Chanel kept calling her Julie. That's the problem if your buddy hooks up with your ex. If Julie replied, she approves of us, and didn't mind what I said to her when we broke up. I also hoped that she will be jealous if only a little like last time when I was in bed with Chanel. She may be glad or upset or both when I can forget about her just like that.

Now it would be interesting if Julie didn't reply. I wonder what she will say to Chanel. She had to keep something from Chanel as I did. Those are only between us and we wouldn't want others to know. I wonder if Chanel will change her mind about everything. I probably like her more but I won't get hurt since it is only the 2nd time we met. First, she isn't quitting yet so I can see her when I want to. There are plenty of opportunities for us to like or dislike each other. Second, I had her real number, got that right in front of my eyes. She would have no excuses.