Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Green green glass of home

Accidentally, I came across a picture of my house, where all my kids were born. There were born in the hospital like everybody else but this is the place they call home and never left.

I was shocked by my emotion seeing the green grass in front. I know for a fact that the grass was far from perfect as appeared in the picture. But there were not bald or thin patches. And I had people do all the mowing. My first home since birth had no grass, nor any plants. The grass at my 1st house with Mrs Player was really nice, but it was just a decent sized rectangle. In the picture, the house was surrounded by grasses.

Now I fully understand why they call it the green green grass of home. I'm sad that a lot of the grass was gone. The grass on the slope was replaced by plants and bushes instead; that will be a lot easier to mow by myself if I so choose. The other side was replaced by rocks and munches during the drought. Nobody objected so I saved water and mowing.

And sadly, a lot of time since then the whole yard was neglected when I wasn't doing that well. I didn't feel a thing because I was from the concrete jungle. Now the house will look about the same even if you don't spend any time and money on it but the grass is a different thing.

To keep the green grass, you have to spend a lot of water, a lot of other expenses, and a lot of time to mow it. And typically you hire someone to do all of those. So it really is a measure of your state of mind.

Now since I am mourning the grass, may be I should resurrect it for the kids so they have something to remember and something to return to.

I thought of this because how many girls became nomads travelling all over the country? How many left their green grass at home?

In the news a while ago, an Apple Valley native left by being a porn star. She was found dead in her early twenties. The school may look the same as any other high school, only smaller. But the students will be living under the shadow that not a lot are going to college and a lot will not be able to get out of town.

I had a glimpse of Caroline's old home. It looks like mobile homes side by side. But there was grass all over the place. I know she likes her dump now but she should miss her home town too. Her mom and sister are still there.

Julia and Chanel certainly won't miss their old house. They may or may not be coming from poverty but certainly from urban jungles. I actually know where Chanel because she gave me her real number that tied to her extended family and to the area where they come from and still living. Both have a cute little apartment of their own and keeping it is their prime concern.

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