Thursday, April 20, 2017

Where are they now?

Over the years I have some acquaintances in the blogging community. I stopped checking on them years ago partly because I don't want to find out that more blogs becoming graveyards. Partly because Facebook killed RSS and to some extend blogging.

For the same reason, I deleted my blog roll many years ago; it would be counterproductive if it contained lots of deserted blogs. And since Google killed Reader, I didn't have the records to visit my dear old acquaintances. But I still have a list in Blogger that contains blogs in Blogger only.

It's not surprising that many bloggers had stopped. I myself could have stopped many times and still may stop all of a sudden. The most active blogger seems to be blogging her totally new live for as long as I can remember. It's hard warming to see that some book authors are still blogging.

In this business, the opposite sex always tries to take advantage of each other. This is a very individual game so it's hard to agree how to best play it and form fan clubs. It's not easy to "friend" each other and follow each other closely. That's why I still like this Blogger format.

This is my own private corner of the Internet. In five years you may wonder what happened to this guy and you can come back to visit. You may catch up on my new adventures or it might become as dead as my own shrine until Google decides to kill old blogs.

There's no easy way to follow me. Google Reader replacements are either too simple or too complicated or too expensive (not free). So I linked this blog with Google+ to make it possible to follow. But we have to use Google+. RSS is about cooperation but FB got powerful enough to kill it. Google agrees that RSS is dead and didn't even fight. I wonder does AdWord makes any money at all?

Instead of wondering where are you guys now I will tell you where have I been. The publishing of the Argentina trip was supposed to be the start of my memoir. Should I say it was time to hang up the condoms? I remember very well that I got Emma's call in the first few days checking on me. It happened that I was on a compatible network but I didn't pay for international roaming. I could see her number but couldn't answer.

Before that I wrote a lot of things all over;  they are of course as "popular" as this blog :-( For a memoir I wanted people to read so I took some effort on the readability and the topics. If you find that unreadable and uninteresting, you can imagine what my other writings were. Even when I wasn't doing it, I still enjoying writing about it.

Over time, it's less about keeping friends and readers but more about myself and my past relationships, particularly Chanel. You need inspiration and motivation to keep writing. Incidentally, I was invited to write a textbook very early on in my career. The typesetting tech wasn't there yet and it would be a nightmare. More important, I have to keep my Professor for the heavy grammar editing I needed and hence his whole group will all be authors in my book. I could do it all by myself but it would take years and I had no clue how those publishers work. At the time I was worrying where my next meal comes from and how to get a real paycheck.

I regretted turning it down by not replying. It's so much worthwhile if only to put it on the bookshelf to remind Mrs Player that I'm not a fake and I'm a big deal to somebody.

Of course, if money and time allow and when the opportunity arises I will do it all over in a heartbeat. That's what I did and always enjoy writing all about it. And since my old readers and new readers will be few and far between, I naturally let my guards down and revealed more of my individuality. I apologize for your lost inside my own soul searching.

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