Saturday, April 22, 2017

Got hit again

At the supermarket checkout, I noticed a middle-aged woman in a skin-tight outfit. It was 3-quarter pants and 3-quarter sleeves where you hardly notice when the sleeve ends and the skin starts. I carefully observed that her line was the shortest before I joined her.

I moved around too much and I'm automatically sensitive to these things. The local population is quite cosmopolitan and I'm often being noticed in a good way. But the problem is when somebody recently relocated here from nowhere. It was coincident that I followed her out of the checkout and into the customer service area. She was a young wife wearing something comfortable but you couldn't say tight, short or revealing. She was just uncomfortable when I was standing behind her in the line. If it wouldn't look more awkward I would have stood a few more feet behind her. It was difficult to show that you are uncomfortable with the man standing behind you but she did. Finally, when I got to the counter the agent reduced my pain by joking that the color of my stuff that required special internet order was worth the wait. I proudly showed off my internet order leaving the store.

She was probably in her 40's with little makeup on, probably coming straight from the yoga / slimming joint a few doors away. But her body is really something considering her age. Of course, the tightness help but her butt and breasts looked so good. Not only that, you know 3-quarter anything was so hard to wear when you don't have a model body.  She doesn't but she looks good on it. I would hit it given the chance.

Maybe she noticed that I looked impatient checking the line length of the other checkouts constantly. I just didn't want to check out her butt all the time. She noticed that a new checkout was opened and told me helpfully. Why would she notice anything about me at her back? Why would she bother?

Maybe it was my colorless gray sagging pants. It was a nightmare to keep it on my waist all the time but it was worth it for my legs looking great. Maybe it was my well worn blue T-shirt that needed the whole factory to stitch the very few visible seams. Of course, my sagging breasts and beer belly weren't visible in any way. Maybe it was my voluminous long stylish hair that many alpha males cut themselves. I think my little salt and pepper looks good but maybe it was my Clark Kent glasses that made me look like a college freshman or single father getting lost in the supermarket.

She cared enough to start a conversation but I was never good at it. More, if I had an hour to spare I would have booked something. You know what I mean!

I took each fire alarm down, in turn, to listen to the one that gave out the low battery scream. I could have replaced the old 9V battery but then I found out that the alarm was 10 years old. So it was made about the time when I went to Argentine. I only remembered that they were cheaper single sensor types because I was saving money for the non-critical areas; I have different types of alarms.

For about the same money I ordered two new ones with dual sensors that use rechargeable AA batteries. Fire alarms are supposed to be replaced every 10 years. I could try those with 10-year batteries but I don't trust them much. Maybe next time. Looking forward to the next 10.

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