Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The meet and greet

No, it's not the Seeking Arrangements' one. It's the Queen's. I was a bit underestimated her and overestimated her at the same time.

Imagine that Martha and Kendall stand shoulder to shoulder!

There's not enough desperadoes to attend so she opened club membership to anybody. That was an insult because she personally rejected me with a lot better credentials than the new members. And she deliberately withheld club membership benefits to me for a few transactions. The new cheapskates will not give any chances for her to do this.

Even though I never said I will go, I was on the RSVP list.

Even her team members weren't attending. I suppose it was less good looking ones who don't want to stand shoulder to shoulder with Kendall and the likes. So, you know how good their team is.

If she is after the entrance fees, it's at most a few thousands. But each of her team members have to spend the whole evening for it. I don't see how to justify the effort. As for future marketing purposes, it could have a negative effect. See, even her active team members weren't attending.

The number of ladies attending is impressive. So, I'm certain that Martha is on her side, though probably not one of her team. Unless the queen is getting something out of it, like helping them with bookings, she is doing all the hard work while the other ladies rip the benefits.

She even introduced a new team member, who looks promising at first. But the reception is lukewarm. If she is any better, I would introduce her in the Meet, instead of putting her to work first before the event.

I'm not even sure if they are working as a team or the Queen just let them fight for survival. Kendall announced her schedule first as usual. The Queen then announced her new recruit working the following day. Who wouldn't wait a little and try new toys? Then there is at least another working the same days.

I can see that Kendall turns up early every time. Good training by me. It's not about the waiting, but about what it looks like to the clients.

I would think Kendall will be a bit out of place in the company of other ladies. Martha would be alien. If I only know that before, I would have thought of something. There is someone else to pitch against. I would have seen them some more to tighten the bounding. It could be fun.

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