Monday, May 23, 2016

Post game analysis

Two of the Queen's team members didn't attend the meet and greet event. First, I think they are the ones that don't rely on appearance, that is, not that good looking. I'm surprised that one of them, the reliable one and now a veteran, left the team! She was still working hard last few weeks. I think she realized that it doesn't pay off working in the team.

One of the team who went to the event, left the team after. She is new and rarely works. I saw her face picture once and she is doable. If she actually went, it may be a farewell party to thank the Queen. But this doesn't make any sense. It doesn't help anyone. The more likely reason is because after seeing all the client pool, she was disappointed!

Attending or not, this girl may have left long ago after her career launch. The Queen just keep her in the team by name. But why leave now? Perhaps Q got some new recruits and her team looks respectable in number without her now.

Attending was one girl who got kicked out of the team, and an other one who didn't make it. But they are operating just as any other team members.

The new recruit who Q introduced before event received lukewarm welcome. I don't think she will go far based on her pictures, or the lack of it. Q tried to make up with words, with a height about that of Kendall, meaning long legs. Was that written for me?

A veteran joined the team after the event. What for? I doubt if she knows much about the team. The event is indeed successful.

But if the event is really really successful, the team would be booked up for weeks without classified. But then, Kendall, the new one, and the kicked off one all starts the week pre-booking together. I was expecting that. All those who went to the event will be club members. If they wanted to see Kendall, they would have done so. Although Q allowed / invited a lot of new members in, but the same thing apply. They must have seen Kendall's classified if they have been active on the local social network.

For some reason, Q put me on the attending list. An busy error or to annoy me or make me feel bad? So I sent her the entrance fee in the form of points for classified. Money did talk. She talked to me about another new recruit, if she would like to join. But again it wasn't anything like Kendall.

BTW, Q announced that she is going to marry another man, not the one originally announced. Is that another natural born heart-breaker? A joke? To erase an online identity?

I can now stay off Kendall for long without feeling too bad. But as I said, the others, especially Bridget, doesn't know how to blow by comparison. Looking back, I think Kendall deliberately, very consciously put some voodoo into it. I remembered her fully deployed posture, her trance while sucking. It didn't matter whether I was looking at her face intensely or not.

I really couldn't blame her. But I would think girls like her wouldn't create any drama. She didn't but drama came all the same. I wasn't expecting this after invested time and money and emotion on her.

If she calls me up, like Chanel, and says she missed me, I would have rushed to her right away. She doesn't need to say sorry. Doesn't need to say she misses me.  For Chanel it was like, "It's been 3 months now, where have you been?".  So demanding. It was more like, in her obedient girly haunting voice, "how are you?". Or it would just work the same, "get you ass here right now!".

But Kendall is not Chanel. I only got Chanel's number after a long time and some incidents. If they give up their number so easily, they would have a whole court of stalkers.

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