Thursday, June 16, 2022

Without love making, you and me are just flowing ants

 Last week, it was time to do it. There's not much of a selection so I waited until the next Monday. The star attraction came up at the right time so I hit her.

She wasn't my type but I ran into her before just like this occasion. But I feel the difference holding her in the spoon position. She doesn't do much. No DFK and doesn't like me to pay attention to her behind. She doesn't talk much. But I like the refinement. When I seemed to lose my phone, she would say I hope you find your phone after I was done. And that was it. I felt she cared, lol, as a client. I did perform well.

For some reason, I wanted more. One is the usual, that after you whetted your appetite, you want to eat more and more. The other is the med that is still in the system. A bigger cock.

I could have done it the next day if something right came up. But I could afford to be picky since I already had the appetizer. Then my Valentine came up. My only reservation is that I may draw blank since I had only a day's rest. 

She was new perhaps last year. She seems to be a Scottish redhead with pale skin. She seems to have a little baby fat and is heavier than a spinner. But I love her breasts. It's rare that girls bare them in pictures. Those who showed it are too big for my taste even if natural. And all the piercings and tattoos. Her pictures aren't high resolution so I can zoom in on her nipples. But I can bet on that.

The other reservation is her strange pricing and a long no list. She is about half the price of the star attraction. But she does video. That's a no-brainer. There's something to show for it - I'm not just a flowing ant.

I always hate the Hyatt near Disney. The many times I went in and out of it, it seems to be a near 5 star hotel. The entrance is huge and paved with fancy stones. It's big inside with a big parking lot outside. I hate it because of the bigness of it. 

It's a long way from the parking lot across the ballrooms to the lobby and to the elevators.  Once I wore a beach flip-flop and it took forever. And unfortunately, I gave the girl the wrong stack of cash. She discovered it when I left. I got her message only when I returned to my car. So I had to walk all over again to her room and back to my car. It took so long that she threatened me for scamming her.

Somehow she was hard to book. My turn was in the late evenings so I had time to search for the floor plan of Hyatt. Then I discovered that there is a possible shortcut to the lifts without going through the lobby. And I was right. Now I love it. I can wear anything at any time.

Unfortunately, the parking lot is full at this time. I had to park on the far side of the lot. I got straight to the lifts but there is a long line spreading into the lobby. There was a short wait but I didn't have my mask on for the full lifts.

I know people love Disney hotels and those near the other theme park. You can wear anything and lost in the crowd any time in the day, have visitors any time in the day. But it feels a little cheap. I always think this is like a 4 to 5 star hotel. I always park near the ballroom entrance during the day. And it's very quiet in the daytime too. But at night it's very different.

When I met her it was a pleasant surprise. Now I realized that she is the same type as my own porn star, Lane. A rag doll with a delicate body. New, naive, but rough and ready.

I was thinking she would greet me in Valentine's lingerie. And that I would have to check her bare breasts before putting up the video money. But she was naked so I had no worries. 

She left the door open. When I got in she was still in the bathroom probably shaving. Maybe redheads have a lot of leg hair. That reminds me of girls, "Oh, someone booked me! Shaving time." Or, "Oh, I got a VIP session. I need to shave!" But it wouldn't work. Maybe hairy legs are sexier. Having silky legs is a long process and you need the effort to keep it up. 

Some girls piggyback on other's hotel rooms. That's how they started without a lot of bookings. That's how I met Lane. But when she had enough client to be on her own, she discovered that without a credit card she couldn't get a room. So I had to go with her to the front desk to pay and sign something. On rare occasions, I do pay for motel rooms and leave them to my trusted girls. But I don't worry about bad things that could happen on big hotels. I just wanted to finish and disappear. I never saw her after that. I got my videos of several sessions. Her face isn't pretty enough to be my ATF. Her teen body is perfect. Immortal in my videos.

I was surprised at how unprepared or how unrefined she was. She wasn't new. Maybe she wasn't fully booked after all. She had to ask if the room was available before taking my appointment.

Once I saw her breasts, we were talking about camera positions. She wasn't worried about it but insisted on wearing a mask that she put on the classified. I wasn't worried about that; I worry about it coming off, limiting our movements and actions. How do we even kiss?

But we already kissed when I came in since she was naked. She wasn't into it so there's no problem. Before I could start my cameras, she went into the bathroom for minutes again for the mask. Why?

I was flabergasted when she came out. I was thinking about surgical masks as in TikTok. She came out with the cheapest but sexiest Venetian Masquerade mask.

Her pictures in the classified are all hers, at most a year old, probably current. She looks a lot cuter in person without mask on. She looks smaller, a lot more like a schoolgirl without the baby fat.

I was sitting at the end of the bed so she couldn't go anywhere when she got out of the bathroom. I grabbed her and sucked away while she was standing. I took my time. But when I finished her left and then her right, I couldn't go back to the left when she pulled out.

She made up for it when she suddenly kneeled down giving me a blowjob. It wasn't a blowjob. She was brushing her teeth with a thick toothbrush. That was when I remembered to turn on my phone camera for closeups. The stimulation and the visual part of it went off the charts. I could come just like that. But I had too many things still to do on camera.

That's when she discovered the bee sting med on my cock. She asked me about it but I blamed it on hand sanitizers getting onto it when I stimulated myself. She did see me holding my cock when she came out of the bathroom. I always rinse my cock before BBBJ. But I also checked that there is no strange smell and taste (possibly) if I don't. On this occasion, we all know that we don't have any clean towels. So I skipped that. This time, I had to go into the shower and washed it thoroughly before coming out for more toothbrushing. She did it like robotic clockwork.

I lifted her up and put her sitting on the bed. It was my turn to kneel down and lick her pussy. I can go on and on with a teen pussy, or the feeling of it. I licked her thighs too. But she refused to take off her knee-length sock. It must be the incomplete shaving. I didn't mind because it was like part of some lingerie.

Then I flipped her to lie flat on the bed. I licked her butt, her ass and her tights. And her back too. I just love redheads with delicate skin. She just laid there, perfect. She took care to hold the phone camera when I was eating her pussy. But I didn't have enough hands to hold the camera when I was licking her ass. When I was done, got up, saw her lovely ass again at some distance, I dived down again for a lot more.

It happened that I was standing at the end of the bed. She moved forward so I could fuck her standing. She seemed to be afraid of thick cocks. I kept asking myself, "she isn't new, is she?". It would be perfect if she kisses. But she gave it all, wide legging spreading without any possibility of a defensive move. 

I signaled her to turn over. She thought it was a doggy and I entered as such. But very soon I was flat ironing her on a thick pillow. Perfect again. It was slightly uncomfortable because of the high pillow. But the full cock contact was super. I still came a lot, not bad as I did the day before yesterday.

I laid flat on the bed to recover. She went to sleep. I could hear her breath. She didn't move a bit until after I rinsed and dressed. I will certainly go back for her. She has the face, the body, and the price range to be my new ATF. But I have a hunch that girls like her will come and go quickly. A year seems to be about right.

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