Monday, October 12, 2020

Tits and Activitism

 Tits and Sass look depressing. When it was new it was all that. A wide spectrum of sex workers, intellectual founders, vocal with a purpose. Now there were no new posts for a couple of months. You can blame it on Covid19 but it's not much better last year.

In its hay days, I can see several problems. No pornstars think that they are sex workers. Strippers who are legal shouldn't be counted. It just doesn't fit well together.

The lifespan of a sex worker is short. Countless girls work several weeks, 10K each, to pay off their credit cards and other loans fast. Then they went back to their old life or start a new one. Plenty of girls work a season or two when nobody books them anymore, being forced to retire. For attractive and well educated, they have other options. So how do you find educated editors to pass the baton once a year?

It's the same thing. How can you find enough educated activists to contribute?

In its hay days, legalization was a possibility, at least a path was possible. 4 years of Trump gave us the anti-trafficking laws making public discussion on sex workers an impossibility. You can't control what posters post but you are responsible for it. Even the die-hard activists would have been devastated.

And who is not devastated by the virus? The social distance is negative and you often have to exchange body fluid if only due to DFK. My goto site seems to be business as usual but how bad is business? Very, I suppose. In the best of days, I often don't feel getting my money's worth. For example, her pictures are a bit off, or my cock doesn't burst my zippers. This is worse than aids in limiting what we do.

I happened to know 3 of my ATF's 5 years each. Chanel is the 1st. I met Chanel II and Margaret the schoolgirl about the same time because Margaret hooked us up. They all have the ability to stay top dogs for all the years without offering nasty things that won't last. I don't see how Tits and Sass can support "permanent" staff. My girls have plenty of things to worry about other than being an activist.

Chanel could have married a rich husband. Margaret retired. She moved into a nice apartment and appreciating her simple good life, eating well and working hard at the gym. She never liked herself. I'm so fond of her because of her perfect schoolgirl body. I can overlook her perfect makeup as long as she makes herself beautiful. She seems to like herself after the transformation but I don't fancy her plastic surgeries and the new makeups. She is now more like a full-body stripper on route to be a bodybuilder if she wants to. I miss the old her so much. I didn't think she could last long after retiring but she seems to be doing very well.

Chanel II has a second home on the east coast. Very porsche. The virus doesn't seem to impact her that much. She continued to shop once the malls are reopened. She seems to be busy with her boyfriend and I don't know if she's doing regular business. She's like a catwalk model with long legs. She isn't that beautiful so I don't know how she has been doing well so far. She isn't that bright either. But maybe she is; she fooled me until I found her Instagram. But maybe she is. Her high school classmates go to ivy leagues and she drops out from one of the top colleges. But maybe she isn't because she told me all that. But I worry about her if she spends like that. I'm sure she has a lot of money saved and put to good use. But the obsession worries me when you fuck people for as low as a few hundred. Although if you want to hire somebody expensive that blows the rest away with her wardrobe alone, she will worth every cent.

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