Saturday, August 01, 2020

Hope is all that matters

I know it's a bit tone-deaf talking about pandemic sex or no sex on the Player's blog. But I remember an original Star Trek episode when Spock and crew were lost in space in the tiny shuttle. They had little fuel left, enough to sustain them for a while. The chance of them being found by the mother ship Enterprise was a needle in a haystack.

Spock surprised the whole crew by dumping all fuel and igniting it. All was logical when the captain spotted them in no time visually.

Looking back, I survived the last financial storm by doing something similar, less logical, and less heroic. I refused to abandon hope and kept going, even refusing 10K because it didn't buy me any hope. It could have backfired. But it kept me from going mental.

I sympathize very much with people who get nothing when they are closed down (with or without govt help). I sympathize with people who vote for a slice of hope in jobs, no matter how bad the candidate actually is, causing unnecessary massive job loss in the first place.

I survived the last one and surviving this one so far. The fact is everybody else is in it so hang on as much as you can and hope for the best. Our income is holding but it can change at any moment. It's not for me to worry.

My high school and college kids are doing well locked up at home. Bribe them with games and food and they are very OK. No way I risk them going to school without a vaccine. Whatever psychological and development damage is all bullshit. What is it worth to risk having a dead kid?

I don't think of myself as a survivalist. But I have a lot of gadgets. The waffle maker is very popular. It's breakfast, snacks, and dinner desert. All I need mostly is flour and the supply is plenty. I convert every ingredient into grams and I can make it fast like fast food. No more buying bulky organic bread and no more preservatives. 

Soda makers are all compatible now, thanks to the pioneer who battled the drink giants. You can now carbonate everything and get the gas without going out. I've been wanting to install a system like restaurants but the supply of gas is not convenient. But I learned that it's a good price to pay, healthy drinks without all the transport cost of transporting water. My heart and stomach like it. It's all that matters as long as it's cheaper than buying bottles of drinks.

Also, I have the best of the class of RO drinking water, all certified components. Taste great on its own or with drinks. My new trick of fast healthy food is to keep cold brew ice tea in the fridge and organic lemon slices in the freezer. And also pure Stevie powder that dissolves in ice water.

As for food, rice, and thin spaghetti as instant noodles. I'm not guilty of ordering prime meat cut and seafood delivered to the door, not anymore. Organics from Ralphs is plenty and a lot more affordable than Whole Foods. 

Induction cooking isn't a game-changer; the cooking is the same. The air fryer is. Now I can make fast healthy food. Not as fast as stir fry but the preparation and cleaning are faster so they are even. Without the use of a big wok, the fryer is a lot easier to clean and maintain. I don't care about recipes. Anything that slows me down is out. Anything that doesn't fit into the frying traying is out. The only trick I have is to brush a lot of oil on top of meat and veg so they don't get dry. Oh, I forget ground pepper. Cheap fat meat is the best because once you fry the hell until the fat is out it's prime meat. Except for organic grape tomato. You don't need to do anything and it's done when the skin burst lightly. Instead of recipes, I discover the good things for air frying. This is one of those. Tastes heavenly with no work.

Back to sex. I just discovered that some wipes I use for endurances are just first-aid numbing med. It's easily available; I just need to dilute to the right concentration with an absorption enhancer like alcohol. The investigation is a bit self-sufficient, unfortunately, LOL. But nothing can stop me from safe pandemic sex if I ever want to do it.

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