Sunday, April 19, 2020

What can be done while social distancing?

(It's strange that Blogger has some minor updates after all these years. Why? It gave up RSS, Google feed Reader, let Wordpress be king. It's not going to be as simple as Instagram or Tikok. Maybe there's something new under Google's sleeves.)

I have seen a lot of girls going online. I think I have seen one porn star going solo on a cam site. It makes a lot of sense. There are no other actors nor crews.

On the other hand, I saw many girls advertise as usual and I think they work as usual. It's risky as you can get it through breathing and people can spread it when they don't have symptoms or very little of it. But I understand if both parties have no family to go home to. They have no unemployment checks and they probably don't file taxes, not going to get the stimulus. 

Maybe they have a future vision. It's the same virus last year and next. We are not going to get a vaccine soon and it may not be like a flu vaccine. It could be less effective and the death rate is still unknown. The economy is under great pressure to reopen. So you have to assume the guys you are working with or commuting with don't have the virus if they have no symptoms, which is wrong. You cannot test people with absolutely no symptoms. It cannot be regularly tested like HIV because you can get the new virus with or without doing dangerous things; you can get it by breathing or touching. So opening up earlier isn't that extraordinary.

I also see girls wearing a mask on their ads. This makes some sense since the virus may be all over you but it only attacks the lungs. You cannot be infected by eating, or very unlikely. It could lower the risk a lot if both wear a mask and take a bubble bath or soapy shower after.

Really I wasn't going to write about any of these. I was thinking about what I can do at home. It's not that difficult to quit the "hobby" until further notice. Every day is a struggle getting the grocery deliveries and the supplies to deal with the virus. 

Of course, many people binge-watch at home. Last time it was Burn Notice for me. I looked for Chuck but it was only available on DVD! I went for Hawaii Five-O instead. I quitted together with Kono.

Spy movies always have a place in my heart perhaps Dr No is probably the first movie I watched. I never missed any James Bond movies with Connery as 007. Watching Chuck again is a totally new experience. I watched it from the 1st episode because I don't remember any details. It was that good (or bad) because you can watch it all over again like new. 

When I first watch it on TV, I don't know what Burbank is. I had absolutely no reason to go to LA and I didn't. Except as a tourist when I first came to USA or showing someone around LA when I am absolutely not qualified. This time around I can drive around DTLA like a local or like a taxi driver. I know the Valley, Hollywood, Pasadena, Silver Lake, Beverly Hills, and Burbank. Julia lived in DTLA and Caroline in East Hollywood. 

When I first watch it, I didn't have my master's in rock history. The creators shamelessly plug in their favorite rock classics, like "Is this love?" I have to wonder, what is their target audience?

There is also a Casablanca reference. But it would be too subtle for the immature. They just cut and paste a video of it. They shamelessly recreate their own Casablanca moment. Running away together in Prague? Propose in the balcony in a perfect French Chateau? BTW, I never noticed until now that Chuck never left USA to make the series. I had no reason to notice it. A Czech stock video followed by filming in a Czech railway station. In France, it was the Chateau. In Russia, it was the abandoned industrial complex. In Turkey, it was an ancient castle/mansion. It dawned on me that they were likely not filming at where they were supposed to, but on sets, imitations or copies of the original place.

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