Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Goodbye Chuck

My heart sank when I was in the 2nd last episode. I peeped at the list and saw that the finale is Chuck vs Goodbye. As I have been saying, I have no regrets except that it's hard to say goodbye. If I am gone all of a sudden I'm not afraid. I did it my way. And the way the series is going, it could be a sad goodbye, at least not the fairy tale ending the earlier episodes point to. I was expecting a happy ending all along and I don't really want to leave the series with a sad heart.

I began to accept a bittersweet ending but at the last minute, it turned into a probable happy ending. It's not bad. The others like Five-O or Burn Notice are hard to make you sad. OK, they kill off the grandmother but not the lead actors. There is a couple in Burn but there's no love story. There's nothing in Five-O. And these others are easier to write. So both reached the 7th season.

It's a miracle that the Chuck Sara relationship kept me watching till the end, the 5th season. There is a love story in every episode. I can't imagine the writers can keep it up without boring people.

I mentioned about the old-timer films references and old-timer music. I have to bring up the old-timer guest stars. I remember Five-O must have been spending a lot of money to hire guest stars, who have a lot more star power than the series lead actors.

Not Chuck. The guests they bring are like old-timer music. They are famous, great, but they are have beens. In other words, they don't age that gracefully. At least you feel a little bittersweet for them. Like the old James Bond Tim. He still looks great but he can't do James Bond anymore. Like the Terminator woman. Maybe she's having fun doing it. But if it were me I may hide except for occasional appearance. Acting on TV really exposes your aging.

The exception is Bo Derek. I don't know what went into her head. She is in her 60's now. She is going all out - no wrinkles, no eye bag, no botox lips, laser white skin. Does it worth it?

The most gracefully aged is Ladd, the Charle's Angel. She has all the wrinkles around the eyes but she just looks beautiful. Her new and old pictures are both attractive. This is what I expect from Chanel I. But sadly it will be very unlikely I will see her again.

These old-timers bring back old memories of our own, just like old-timer music.

OK, looking forward to the future, there is an unexpected detour. I had known to try watching Korean drama. I surprised myself that I watched almost a full season of a comedy with a handsome man and a woman with an average face. I don't watch comedies. I like beautiful women. And I hate to read subtitles. So after that, I avoid hooking up on another that I will regret.

I can't find any obvious spy TV series nor obviously beautiful women. I am now starting Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber. They have a decent budget, perhaps big. Nice outdoor shoots with historical backgrounds as props. Nice makeup props. Atmospheric like period drama. Nice music too. Stylish fight scenes that you can do every 2 minutes with infinite variation. Women are beautiful and more organic than Koreans who all look like pop stars or movie stars.

Did I say most of the series are forgettable? When they need to find something that Sara remembers, immediately I think of the sketch of them with a baby. But when it's a place instead of a thing, immediately I thought of the house with a red door and the carving on the supporting beam. That was a few episodes ago. I actually paid attention and remembered.

Are they overdoing the house with a white picket fence thing? Is that even realistic? How can two doctors' salaries not afford a big house in Burbank? I know it's not affordable in major metro areas like New York and when it's not possible to commute like around LA.

When we got off the plane, we were put into temporary accommodation. The condo and apartment neighbors didn't try to make friends because they knew they were of a different class. Soon we move into a big house with 6 ft white fence, not that I wanted but it's HOA requirement. When the neighbors see the moving trucks I can see that they are happy for us and dream about the same day for them. Those are nice neighborhoods and nice condos. People walk their dogs and high school kids will social at the pools when it's getting hot.

Then we started many worry-free years with everything, nice cars, golden retriever, and babies! Our parents and siblings were proud. Perhaps we took it for granted, me not so much. People will say, "Oh I also live up there!", which is some 10 miles away. The younger ones will ask, "What business are you in?". We almost lose it under the hammer and we actually signed it off for a day or two.

I remember when I was practicing changing diapers, I told myself, "There goes my life for the next 18 years.". Those were my best years actually. I feel so lucky now sitting in the same house with all the big babies in their own room, when they are all taller than the height recording chart still hanging there on the wall! I treasure every moment; who knows what tomorrow will bring?

By the way, 18 years came and went. It wasn't that bad. I still have passionate sex with perfect bodies when I choose to. I have to cut down a bit nowadays for the big babies. I'm fully functional and I made an 19-year-old girl moans OMG, OMG all the way. It might be just plausible. But of all the things that she could please me, this is rather unique. Indeed I never had that. Maybe I got better. It was just Christmas last year. And I had to report that I still got it. Last year I met a pretty 17-year-old girl who must have been vying for males' sexual attention. She kept gluing her face to mine and took selfies. It must be the lighting.

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