Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Ginger Ride

This is the first video I shot with Miss Yolo, or Linsey. Perhaps the best. She is so natural. It's like I'll have sex with you, I'll make you happy, buy me dinner.

I must confess in the process of rediscovering her videos I went off to masturbate. I could have called someone but why? There's nobody else like her. I could save some money. And if I'm not satisfied there's always tomorrow. And in the process of editing this video, I almost went off to masturbate again. Good times.

YOLO is her moto. I think that's why she sells herself in the first place. She often wants to talk me into doing something that I'm not interested in, just for the sake of "done that". I think that's her client did. If it's not difficult or dangerous, she will do it if the money is good.

I have to marvel at modern technology. I made a lot of video in the DV days! Anybody remembered? The cams were already handheld but they were huge monsters compared to a piece of thin metal. You don't even notice the difference because now the video is always focused, always stabilized and in 4K if you want to. I remembered I had to bring 100W bulbs into hotels to enhance the video and switched to power-efficient CF bulbs so as not to fry up the lamp. Some of the bulbs are still around in the garage! Now you can get good quality at night.

On the other side of the coin, you need the top of the range PCs to edit and recode the video so you don't need to wait forever for the whole DV tape! Now even the cheapest Chromebook can do the job if you put Linux in it. Of course, nobody still shoots clips an hour-long or more.

On the software side, I remember it was a good reason to upgrade Windows when Movie Maker came out. But there was only one freeware that can do multi-tracks and obscuring moving faces. It was very difficult to use with no support and no updates. But I hang on to it as there was no alternative.

Now you can run everything fast and free even on Chromebooks. It was so easy to obscure the things that you don't want others to see.

And not long ago no free editors can handle vertical videos well. Now it's mandatory. Any editors and players and websites that can't handle it are out.

Now I hope the WebM standard is universally accepted so you don't worry about the codecs and formats. There should be no royalties that all machines and websites can handle the one standard at the very least.

The Ginger Ride

1 comment:

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