Thursday, February 13, 2020

Her IG becomes her

Boyfriend? No problem. Just don't tell him about your IG handle. She used mixed language for her name so you wouldn't know how to search. And I suspect her boyfriend isn't that sort of guy with an IG account.

She freaked out when her boyfriend wore a gold chain. She didn't talk with him. But she whispered into her story for her 100K followers

She doesn't interact with her followers other than clever comebacks. They are mostly her haters. It's the same for her "friends". They show up or not in her IG. Any other interaction will be in real life. So her followers get to know her more than her boyfriend and friends, including most of her body she posted without the 4 dots.

She also found a clever use of her IG account - as a date check.  Say she hang out with her gym instructors and his friends. Before she took anything she posted a story with his face in it. So if anything happened there were 100K instant witnesses.

As for her sugar daddies, she did post at least two of them. Another one was probably her client when she started the IG. "I hope to see you again soon" has a different meaning for her. But he's long gone of course and she didn't bother to delete anything. I also think that, like Caroline, her use of her IG changes with time and she doesn't bother too much or too dumb to be careful enough.

She posted a daddy's IG on one of her stories. He's a weirdo who had a tenured position so he's not going to bother. She held the hand of another one on a yacht. She called both of them daddy!

When I started to see her again she had been a bit weird. I think she was figuring out how much I know because she expects me to know Julia's account and so possibly her's. Why? Because I was invited to Julia's house.

She is pretty good because even though she told me a lot of things, they are mostly real while I totally had no idea who she really is. Like when she asked me to come back because she didn't have enough money. Little do I know she was spending $1,000 each day when she still had half a month to keep up.

I had no idea why she invited me to see her new house. Most likely she thought I'm Julia's daddy and it couldn't be bad. She changed her mind after she talked with Julia, who didn't seem to tell her everything. And Chanel may not even mention me to Julia. Chanel didn't ask me not to text her again but explained why she replied so coldly. It was her boyfriend. She couldn't afford him to find messages left in the car. It was plausible. And the boyfriend is real with 100K witnesses even though we can see his face or anything. Also, she pretended not to remember when I texted her. But it didn't work because I booked her again.

When she said I could visit her home when she decided not to move, I can catch her lie. Because she had time to prepare and knew it wasn't possible to let me into her home. She has a Porshe and I don't know how many cars she has. I don't know how she lives but it had to be a big house with a big garage. Or a low rise with parking right outside on each floor.

The only thing I know is that she has to have a walk-in closet. Cars, she can hide it. But it's hard to hide her nice things in her home. I will feel so inadequate. And wonder why she keeps turning up for a few hundred dollars each for all these years?

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