Saturday, February 09, 2019

Owing me, owing you

I have to assume that Margarette was the only one using Whatsapp all along. Yes, she is sorry for quitting on me. But I can't blame her. She is sorry for bumping me around for 2 weeks before visiting her home. I let her walked all over me because I was so curious. She is not sorry for everything else, and blame her booker for them. But she owes me.

Once upon a time, two childhood friends like brothers built themselves a mafia empire. Eventually, they turned against each other. The boss prevailed. At execution time, with a gun pointing to the underboss's head, the boss asked, "Did I owe you anything?"

Underboss's eyes lit up. If he could just think of even one tiny flavor, he could have his life spared. "You owe me a piece of bread!", he claimed excitedly as if his life depends on it.

The day they almost died of hunger while hiding when the then mafia boss was going after them. The underboss had a piece of bread and shared it with the boss to save his life.

While still holding his gun in his right hand, the boss reached out to his inside pocket to bring out a piece of bread, the same type as the one they shared. "Now we are even", the boss said, passing the bread to underboss. Underboss was speechless and stared hopelessly at the piece of bread in his hand. That's when the boss fired.

Margarette was very nice to me the first time in her home. We cuddled and talked. So I brought it up.

When I was going out of the door the first day I met Margarette, I saw the door knock flashed once. When I was outside, I saw a muscle guy going to the lift not far ahead of me. He was very courteous so as not to alarm me. I wasn't alarmed and reciprocated.

What happened was that Margarette told the booker that I was leaving before I gave her the full amount of money after upgrading. Not expecting that I would be paying the full price because I left so early, the booker or his muscle man was going to come into the apartment to get it. After I paid in full, Margarette just had enough time to send him away via text. It was like he was rushing out fast. The door just managed to close itself and hence the flash. Or Margarette locked the door so I couldn't get out so the muscle guy had time to get me. And she just had time to unlock the door and sent the muscle guy back.

I brought it up because I wasn't blaming them. I was saying that Margarette had been mean to me since day one. They didn't do anything wrong. They weren't threatening and I wasn't scared. But I wasn't happy how Margarette thinks of me. She was very sorry for the wrong reasons. She blamed everything on her booker. But she had to text the booker that I was putting on my clothes and leaving. And she had to be concerned to tell him that I hadn't pay the money yet. She wasn't sorry about that.

Since then, everything is a fair trade. Nobody owes nobody nothing.

Once she apologized that she hadn't slept all night and go straight to church with her grand who she promised. But it doesn't help because why would you party all night if you need to go to church? You could have gone home after church instead of grabbing my money. Yes, she did say that she needed rent money. Now it's a dam good excuse. I'm such a sucker. If she said she worked at the club I would be happy. But then she couldn't tell me because I would find out where she dances and broke her compartment - the secret separation between dancing and escorting.

She owed me but I could have demanded how she repaid me. I let it go. But if she was lying about rent money and going to church it's a sin. I was obliged to see her enough since. But the church part was credible the way she said it. Otherwise, she would be way better than Chanel in lying.

Once she ordered chicken strips. I delivered but she didn't seem to be very grateful. It was a bit odd; maybe the booker was playing some games with both of us. But then she gave me a few dance moves while she was eating almost on my lap. We were even.

The other time I was delivering organic lubricant. I couldn't find the brand and had to bring something else. She was apologetic for not willing to risk the lub I brought. I agreed that she shouldn't use it, totally wasting my time and money. And I promised that I would be gentle on her. The problem was that I forgot all about it when I was in the heat of the moment. She didn't complain or gave me signs during sex. But after that, I saw her face more bland than usual. Looking back, she could have said to herself, "this fucking guy." I am sorry for that but she could have just reminded me to be gentle.

I was scheduled to see her at home before Christmas. She called me a week before but I couldn't make it that far. We made it after New Year. She canceled and canceled. The reason was period and sickness, the two most offending excuses for a woman. I wasn't doing anything. She called to schedule and then canceled. I didn't say a word, trying to be the nicest guy in the world. Because I was so curious about her home. If it wasn't because of that, I would have canceled her to eternity, unless she manages to bribe me to my satisfaction. She was super nice that day so we were even.

Then she called less than a week, trying to come over. Yes, I did called her every week before. But that's when I didn't have enough of her, when I had a crush on her. Now it's like an old couple. I'm still hot on her but less than a week? I don't have that sort of money, or more truthfully, I didn't want to spend that much on her.

Then she called me a week after to visit her at home again. You asked me out. I would love to do it later but since you were in the money grabbing mode, I was happy to help you out. But I was happy to pay with no strings attached as always. You asked me to come earlier but with good excuses and politeness. You were free was enough. But I couldn't change my schedule. She still blew me kisses as if she knew that's not very good to ask.

Now, at one minute past the appointment, she was so impatient that she texted me asking where I was. That was very OK but without pause, she told me that she didn't want to start late and she had plans later. That was inexcusable, especially that she seemed to be so mature about everything. And this was the first time she did that. Maybe that's the problem with real numbers (she called it). Bookers won't do that to clients.

That was erection killing. It can be the reason for canceling. It could be so disrespectful. Say, some VIP who was scheduled before me faked on her. So she wanted to bump me up so she could have more time for whatever she was more keen to do later. Do you understand that there is something called undivided attention? The sad thing is that I was almost never late and always leave early. So all my years of punctuation and generosity went down the drain for nothing. She never thought anything of it. I soldiered on because she would have to pay me back sooner or later. But then I didn't know it was the last time.

I told her all that in our goodbye message. But she didn't think much about it and she wasn't sorry. I looked up the old message if I read something wrong. No, I was as pissed off as ever. She replied, "Something really came up."  She never feel wrong! That's not my problem. At least you have to know how late I will be before rushing me. She always assumes the worst of me. Then you can ask me nicely if I could go earlier or we reschedule. I have enough self-respect not to let you walk all over me again for nothing. I could have left just to get back at you. And if you remember every time I was done early, when I was done you could ask me if I would leave earlier. Macey did that. She was so honest that she asked me to leave earlier because her VIP is coming. I actually feel special like helping out a new friend.

Even worse, my bad luck, the doorman screwed up and she was like angry. In the lift, she jumped and pushed me by reflex action when I touched her.

She once told me I was easy. I don't know I should take it as a compliment. But it's a sad thing. But that's the truth. But then obviously she didn't want her tits to be squeezed, against spooning and uneasy about cuddling. So how is that I'm easy when she is difficult?

At her home, she just asked me to flat iron her, both times. What? That's my fav position. Now I know she was trying to give me the best of times. But I thought she was too lazy to put enough makeup on.

Did she owe me anything? Yes, she should be sorry for telling me not to be late and she had other plans after, or something did come up. These other things can't be good, either VIP or something fun for her while I am work. She was never sorry.

Now you cannot give a lot of candies to a kid and then take it all away. Why would I jump through hoops and loops to go to your apartment? If only for two times? I felt so special and you took it away in no time. I don't mind the money but it hurts. Is the money so important? It's yours anyway if you were patient. I understand you were trying to fit me into your schedule ASAP. But you have to understand that the minimum is that I just want to have a good time without distraction and divided attention. I was not so desperate as to bed you no matter what.

Now you knew that it was our last time and you didn't care about it much, other than just the money. It was so hurtful and you didn't even feel sorry about that. I planned to kiss you when I got inside and I did it anyway. I felt better. When I kiss you I did it tenderly to forget everything bad that night. I was so into it that when you put your tongue into my mouth, I was so surprised I almost jumped.

I could have such a good memory of our good times together and you ruined it. It's so easy to do if you think more about me and put some effort into it. You robbed me of those good memories. You owe me.

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