Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Blog statistics

I decided to show my page hits to show that not many people are interested to read my blogs nowadays. Because what I posted seemed to be jinxed as if somebody I care is reading the current developments. But who else cares? The page hits are over years of posts. My new posts may have a few hits, mostly myself while writing on and off.

Last time I felt jinxed, I shut up. Then I eventually got the sweetest dream. But when I posted again, it turned into the worse nightmare.

So, although the Chanel character may be well known by all escorts in the English speaking world, nobody will care about Margarette. More, even though I have Chanel's 18-year-old full height picture with a little baby fat that went along with her Citivibe video add, they are forever in a data DVD stored inside a fireproof lockbox. I don't know if they are still there. I would never do things to people that I don't want it myself.

Also, I never described Chanel's appearance in terms of nationality, where she lived, and that sort of identifiable details. My names are all changed to protect the guilty. Time and space are also warped for dramatic effect. Yes, the drama may be a bit off but even if Chanel's boyfriend read it, he may not pick up anything familiar. 

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