Saturday, September 01, 2018

She lights my fire

In my dreams
I searched for her a thousand times
But when I turn my head in the fog
She is right there under the neon lights

Since my ATF Kali got married, I have been looking for a replacement. Margaret is the first one that meets my eyes of all the auditioning. They both started at 19, both believable because I follow them for years. Margaret is a pretty girl with a flawless body. I tried to work my magic on her but eventually, I gave up because she wasn't big on kissing.
It was the same with Kali, absolutely no kissing. But one day, she gave me a mint, and the rest is history. She is the gas station of my life force. I am recharging every time I deep kiss her.

Eventually, I lost track of Margaret. She turned up less and less because of dwindling interest. The last time I thought of her was when she deleted her profile. It is the same old story, but still sad.

Fast forward a couple of years, I have been spending my money on this IG model Cara with blonde hair, blue eyes. She can be 30 but looks like a teen model. She looks great, even in a swimsuit. Indeed, she does a bit of actual modeling. However, after seeing her at all the angles on every inch in point blank, she isn't the most beautiful woman that I have sex with after all. Still, I have to pay her just the same.

That's why after a close call on the freeway, I didn't call her but browse the classifieds instead. Over the years, picking the right girl basing on just pictures, often faceless, become 2nd nature.

I was surprised when she opened the door. Her body is above the average of the 19-year-old flawless category. She looks better than her pictures but that didn't surprise me. She is pretty and cute at the same time. That doesn't surprise me; you get that once a blue moon. She looks a tiny bit familiar but if I paid her before I could not have forgotten this pretty face. It was a surreal feeling but the moment passed.

More surprisingly, she is not a candy girl. She is not just an eye candy who doesn't do much. Girls this pretty don't really need to do much to get all the money. Men are easy.

When I was sitting naked on the bed, she stood between my legs, letting me undress her undies, grope her, rub her, and she sat on my lap for some breastfeeding. She DFK me without prompting, repeatedly. She doesn't know deep throating but rams her throat on my cock, gently.

More, when the DFK was too intense, she would just stick her tongue into my mouth, the whole of it. That wasn't enough for me; I almost suck the whole thing out.

When I was putting my clothes on, I recognized her makeup palette. I asked her if she knows Margaret, thinking that she may be her cousin learning from her and inheriting her tool of the trade.

"No," she said, "I'm Margaret."

I didn't accept it for a second but there is no other explanation. They have the same awkward taste of music, same body, same makeup tools. I just couldn't recognize her because her makeup was totally different. And I was absolutely right, I met her before. She decided not to lose me again.
Odd enough, her body looked exactly the same.

Now I have a big problem. My bank account is dwindling too largely because of Cara. I can't keep both of them. One has to be disappointed sooner or later, despite their efforts. Luckily Cara didn't turn up lately because of the change in advertising laws and more likely because of dwindling interest and the lack of willingness to pay her higher fee. And I have very good reasons not to visit her; the traffic is terrible and I can be late for half an hour easily. We don't want that.

So I have been seeing Margaret, just because she meets all my needs while more affordable than Cara. When I rediscovered her again, she had the naked look, which surprised me; what's the last time that I picked a girl hastily for a half hour fling only to meet such a beautiful girl? When I saw her again she reverted to the fancy Jenner look with fancy tapes and eyelashes that originated from Asia. Odd enough, I thought she was slightly fuller than a couple of years ago. But she looks the same as before when I see her the next time. Rightfully, her classified stated that she is 19 again.
Kali has the classic big beautiful eyes that you don't notice at first, unlike exotic models with eyes like a laser. But when you get closer, you know her eyes kill and her double eyelid is what Asian girls will die for. I don't know if her's are real but that's the most popular procedure for Asian girls. She is still beautiful without makeup and will show off and stare at me nose to nose when ordering me to do something that I don't really want. But she knows that she is a devasting beauty, carefully avoiding anything that could be accused of unethical.

Since I saw Margaret can do the naked look well, I view her fancy makeup in a new light. I don't think she is hiding some flaws. She is transforming into a different person who sells sex, and the makeup helps. You wouldn't recognize her when her makeup is different. And I very much appreciate that she takes the time to do all the fancy stuff. Yes, it's not just for me. But since I'm her loyal client I always get the first appointment of the day if I can make it. Maybe Kali is prettier but Margaret is cuter.

Kali is Asian with straight black hair down her shoulder blades. She has all her boyfriend's money to make it very stylish and voluminous, yet you don't notice the difference a few steps back. Margaret is Latina but she also has back length black hair, so straight and fine that it looks longer. Her hair looks shiny and well maintained but she just uses an ordinary shampoo.
Kali has a pair of a medium sized perfect breast for an Asian, so perfect that I couldn't tell if those were real. I still couldn't tell when she left me.
Margaret has the essential schoolgirl breasts, B cup at most, responsive nipples. I have been so fond of them that I think she hated it when we first met. I kept squeezing them when she blew me and she tried to duck out of it.

Kali has delicate skin, can be ghost-white at times probably because of her quarter white heritage. She looks 100% Asian though. As for the body, Margaret wins outright. She is taller, has longer legs, same narrow waist but bigger butt. But Kali isn't bad at all. She always kills when she walks in with her heels and dress. She wasn't trying to impress me. Her boyfriend just gives her a credit card for everything. It's a long story. I'm the cash ATM for her. But the fee I paid can't buy one of her heels.

Margaret's performance doesn't seem to be consistent. I don't fault her; perhaps she is a real person with a real personality and issues. One day she seemed to be ready to get married but another day she seemed to be a little distance, though still eager to please. There's a little bit of a problem. When I want to go epic and be gone with the wind, it may end up in a rom-com with a pretty woman.

She seems to be realizing it. The last time I saw her, she was waiting for me in the fresh cozy comforter when I came out of the bathroom. I went in and cuddle her like a Barbie doll until she wanted to kiss me, DFK actually. That was the perfect setting. Even better, she didn't refuse any tongue fight challenge. And again I sucked her whole tongue out and then some.
I told her to get a ride to warm up before I rough her up in her pussy. The best way to do it is the doggy. I know she isn't comfortable with DATO but she showed her lovely asshole when I was pounding her hard. I pressed my thumb on her starfish as hard as the astronauts sealing the oxygen leak in the space station as if my life was depending on it. I could imagine her screaming for joy but trying very hard not to disturb the neighbors.

I always want to finish doing two of my favorite things at once, kissing and sex. Philosophically, it's a complete cycle of fluid exchange. But once a while, you can feel the subtle reluctance and hesitation in her. I wouldn't go there if I sensed any of that. But not today. She has no hesitation.
When I was done I held her like a Barbie doll in the cozy comforter. I always spend a long time with her, totally worth it. When it was about time, I gave her a little kiss and rolled out of the bed on the other side. That's when I noticed a burning candle on the nightstand. It was there all along. Silly me. Maybe I was so focused on her nipples.

It dawned on me that she's the one. I gave up long ago on searching for a Kali replacement. Margaret is superior in most departments even though she doesn't have the killer eyes and killer heels. Kali could cause me a DUI if she allows me to overdose on her kisses that day. I don't have the same feeling with Margaret yet but she actually offers more. I just need to take more out of her. If only she could stop moving a little to the beat of her music when I was cuddling her.

On the way back, I blasted myself with Hello, both versions. At the lights I had to turn down the volume; I am ashamed of my music choice.
The major problem is, I'm not looking for a long-term relationship. Maybe I should talk to my bank manager.

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