Saturday, May 12, 2018

Honeymoon's over

Caroline announced her birthday on her social media but nobody responded other than liked. So I took this opportunity to lure her to be more personal to me. I left a message on her birthday to let her book me instead for a VIP package as a late birthday present. It worked.

Last time she didn't respond. I had to book her through her assistant as usual. I find it rather impersonal because I was visiting her home anyway. This time, I think if she didn't respond I could have found somebody else over the weekend. It was fun until I wanted to make sure that she will get my direct messages from then on. She told me to go through her assistant because she doesn't want to go behind his back. I'm so not special!

I was late for maybe 5 minutes but I was trying to get lucky to get a parking space quick. It ended up later and it took me 10 minutes to walk to her house. While I parked I texted her assistance. While I was waiting a few minutes for a reply Caroline messaged me directly asking me if I turned up. What a screw up by me. But I'm glad that it happened so I got to see her true color.

Now, today she did look like she dressed up and made up for me for the VIP package. There was music too. But then she asked me if I wanted the VIP package or not. My heart sank but I tried to be cheerful. I am so not special. Instantly, I know she was running late because of me being late. She wasn't picking a good day to receive her birthday present. She just fit me into her tight schedule.

Then the phone kept dinging. I excused her last time but this time there is no excuse. She just acted as if it was not happening. Last time I asked if she needed to attend to the phone she acted as if there was nothing, like saying "What phone?".

Sex was good as usual. But she was a bit off because she was running late and worrying.

I liked to cuddle her after as usual. Being a very nice man, I discovered that I could still tell the time at the large digital clock even though I was at the corner of the bed glancing almost to the ceiling with a very small viewing angle against the clock face. My time was up if I were on time. I was a little surprised how long we cuddled. So I got up and asked her what time was it so I was not mistaken. To my surprise, she said don't worry, she set a timer and went over to check. I had 20 minutes left. My heart sank again. I was so not special! Was she trying to send me a message? So cruel at that. Could she have told me she needed to receive an important casting call or attend a casting?

Of course, I went to the bathroom to clean up. I would have left if I knew the time. We kissed goodbye a lot as usual and I left, leaving her to do whatever she was scheduled to do.

Last time at her home I felt weird. I booked her in the morning for a same day lunchtime meeting on a Monday, when she told me would be more convenient for her. She scheduled me 30 min later than the usual time. When I got there I had to wait 20 minutes. She looked very different. She was semi-naked in a robe instead of in casuals. Her short blonde haidr is more curly. Her makeup is pale rather than pinkish. Her eye add-ons were Asian rather than Western. She still had her nose ring on but tucked in! I know she has a nose ring from her old pictures. But if she takes it off you wouldn't tell. She looked intellectual with glasses. And she is a commercial model.

The phone kept dinging and she acted as if it's wasn't. She seemed a bit off, sad or disappointed. I sympathized with her because she told me she was on hold for an important call. She told me through her assistant which is rather convenient without having to act like it's not a lie.

To compensate, she did rather well and told me personal things. She told me I am always welcomed any day. I was out of my mind and mentioned Sunday because there's no traffic. I was talking about Sundays in general but she was asking me to come the next Sunday. My face could have said it all. I didn't want to pay her every week as if I wasn't seeing her enough. But she thought I wasn't free that Sunday. She even asked me to swing my schedules before giving up.

Since she asked nicely I wanted to surprise her. But it was probably the wrong Sunday. Was it the next Sunday she was talking about, which is her birthday? I feel so special. That's why I left her the special birthday offer, letting her to book me instead.

I didn't fault her. But I was puzzled. Could she has that many clients, lining them up on a Monday lunchtime? She could have already seen someone before me. Her makeup and outfit may show that she was caming. But it doesn't pay that well compared to what I pay her. Could it be her sugar daddy? But visiting on such an odd hour and quick?

Now I think she is on social media doing the #sugarbaby thing. So she has to look good for the cam. So she can use her spare time to go on cam soliciting. And that explains that she could have many other clients other than where I came from. That's why she needs an assistant for her busy schedule.

I thought the phone dinging was one off but it was not. I felt so not special. Actually, violated. So much disrespect when she is so good at making you feel special. I thought she forgot my wallet but she remembered to bring it to me between the two home visits.

There are no hard feelings. I feel good ending this way. I always look for excuses to dump somebody. She would blame herself instead of the loser running out of money. I just wish her luck. She may even have a live-in boyfriend like a struggling musician. That's so miserable for them. She is a small time model doing odd jobs for commercials, maybe a classy waitress on the side. But she is into it having to maintain a social media presence. (May be it's only good for the sugar baby gig.) What does she expect being mid-20's? If she is going to break out, she will be hitting 30. Actress maybe but model? There are so many young models. Maybe she needs the money to complete her low paying professional degree. But she said it just the final year and she could go back to it just like that. Good luck.

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