Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Rather than spending the V day with somebody, I picked somebody to receive my V day gift instead. That somebody was Caroline of course. I don't book people on V day because she may be expecting too much. And if everybody wants her I may be rejected if I'm not the top dog. I'd rather spend some quality time with her before the day.

I read that a working girl suggested a sun catcher as a gift idea. If you don't know what's that like me, it's a congregation of prisms to defract sunlight into rainbows. I picked a big crystal that is beautiful to look at all by itself. I bet she prefers a gift card so I included both. The crystal is like flag planting at her home so she remembers me all the time. This is small, beautiful and functional; I hope she has no reason not to hang it near the windows. I made a V card too that resembles a past Visa campaign if she is old enough to remember.

I think she lives on a previous street lamp manufacturing site. The manufacturer is still there but part of the site was converted into "apartments". According to satellite photos, there is a row of longish warehouses and I think they turned into two houses each on either end. Some homeless people camped nearby on the walls of the manufacturer where nobody cares. On the other sides, there are apartments for singles and two-level residential buildings.

Actually, her apartment is not bad at all. She is a bit proud to say "my house". Around all the chaos, her apartment complex is rather green; there are trees providing plenty of shades. There are even plants in the front yards! You don't know it's a row of converted warehouses. The size of her apartment is good. One apartment building in central Santa Monica has a kitchenette, a bed with a tiny bit of extra space as in a small hotel room. Her bedroom combined with the lobby and living room is rather spacious in comparison. She has a good-sized kitchen that is also a walk-in closet and probably the dining room too. She has a bathtub in her bathroom; some new boutique hotels have just a shower stall.

Security is a concern for a young white girl in that neighborhood. But it's way better than some anonymous giant apartment buildings when you have to go through multi-story car parks and the cramped lifts. Her house is the first on the complex with an entrance right on the street, opposite an elementary school. If she finds someone to escort her home in the evenings there's no reason to fear.

As she has no one to impress, that is really a sufficient place to live. If she has rent protection, there's really no reason to move.

Maybe she's happy there. When I started I lived above the printer's and almost moved above a frozen food store. But a lot of lesser women than her would love to live in a 3-bed house, push a stroller every other day and shop. I guess there's a price to follow your dreams.

She slipped that she came here at 14. If that's actually 18 or 19, she is just about 30 now.  This makes her more special; looking like a teen model at 25 is a lot easier than 30. She is so nice to look at, particularly naked.

I asked her if she really lives there; she showed me her cat's toy. But the cat looked so different. Maybe last time she was hungry and a haircut was long overdue.

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