Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Moved, but not convinced

Finally, the documentary about trafficking in the US was made and released in 2017. On this net neutrality day, I would like to comment; I doubt if I would bother anymore if nobody will be paying to come across my opinion in a thousand years.

There are two brave victims coming forward. I can only comment on one of them; the type of girls I could have met in my turf.

I am totally moved by her experience. I understand why so many State Attorney Generals want to close down Backpages. Now I'm for it. It was closed earlier in the year with fanfare. I did know the CEO was arrested. I think lawsuits are still going on.

Previously, I wasn't against closing down BP but I doubt about the effect. What's the point when they shut down Craigslist, people move to BP? Girls who advertise on BP are seen as inferior in my turf. More like desperate. Red Book was shut down because people were involved in offline activities. But if you close down BP, is the whole internet escort business at risk? That I have to defend.

I recall I might have read about the victim before. She was like kidnapped at random and then sold for sex on BP long term. At the time I think this is the exception and there's little to do with selling sex on the internet. It is the random act of kidnapping an all-American girl that would outrage any Americans, making US into a 3rd world country. Be it for sex or anything else. LE will solve it the best they can. And they did. But it was the parents who kept searching online and recognized her ad.

I still think this case is the exception than the rule. But the authorities and the media failed me. Why would they try to convince people that there is a large-scale trafficking going on? The facts don't justify the numbers. The results of raids also justify my thinking. When LE managed to catch dozens of people, most likely they couldn't find any trafficking victims. And when they claim they have one or two, they fail to provide details.

Instead, they should concentrate on the victims. One is too many. The documentary did a good job, other than the routine claim on the scale of the problem. There is also the story of a flight attendant who rescued a trafficking victim. So you might ask if she is the brightest FA in the land or trafficking by air is so rare?

Often criminals are so stupid that they plot their own inevitable demise. Even in 3rd world countries, there are so many ways to get girls working there's no reason for outright kidnapping. Even criminals have their code of conducts.

The criminals who kidnapped the victim should have thought that family and friends and supporters of the victim will search for her until the world ends and that every LE will go after them with or without daughters of their own. Even worst for the criminals, every state AG went after the big money too ending in the collapse of an empire. Now, who will be punished severely by all the pimps on BP who lost big money?

Maybe the CEO was thinking like me too. One exception doesn't justify shutting down the whole business, "helping" so many people. It doesn't matter for me though. I don't use it.

Without BP, it will be harder to make big money and there is less motive to become traffickers. I'm all for it. But then will the die hard traffickers hide the victims down the 18th level of hell?

Now CityVibe has been trying to copy Craiglist and now is pretty much like BP. What's the difference in principle? What can CV do if people move their ad to CV? CV even tried to start it's own review site. It was closed and rumors have it that they were warned by LE that would be crossing the line by playing both sides.

Reviews are actually a good thing. You cannot move around without trace when you depend on words of mouths. People don't just want a piece of prime cut meat. You all know about GFE. The private emails I receive for comments were amazing. "Is she passionate?"  WTF!? I don't know you and I don't know how you look and how you smell. You may be lucky if she even agrees to kiss you.

BTW, this may be a better way for reviews. I don't use TER anymore. You can't get the whole truth for public comments. It's better than nothing but I get bored about the person before I met her. The other site basically allows you to make a positive reference, and negative too. For details, you are encouraged to talk privately. Those who refuse to talk are very suspicious one way or the other. The site gets money by charging for the PM's and of course, the classifieds.

I noticed recently that CV is deleting the amounts from the advertisements. It is a big inconvenience because you know that the pictures are fake when they charge for $180 an hour. And before that previously popular words like GFE was all missing.

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