Thursday, June 15, 2017

The kisser

After I discovered the model, there are few reasons not to see her again and again. But it just needs the 2nd visit to satisfy my leg fetish for the time being.

Since I can't get away for the whole hour easily, that's a good excuse. I even solicited a few girls to do a very early morning session but all failed.

Incidentally, the model was off that weekend so I asked for recommendations from the agency. It was a total disappointment and the pictures were so blurred that you cannot argue that they are fake. She is all natural with a teen slim figure, though her face looks 30. Her body, with nice skin, wasn't bad at all but nothing stand out compared to the model. In addition, she wasn't beautiful nor cute.

Very soon she grew on me. Her body not only looks alright but nice to touch. She is, I would say, well groomed, so every part of her is appetizing. Somehow she must have known her popularity as compared to the model; she was very humble and eager to compensate with her actions.

She would go up and down the bed to find better positions to please me. But then I suspect that she was using delay tactics to avoid early penetration when she wasn't ready. Indeed, she seemed to be afraid of my cock.

Mrs Player seems to have a hunch that I was preparing for the next day. Maybe a few more seconds of brushing or the mouth rinsing. It was the occasion, once in a blue moon, that she kicked me and demanded for sex. If I turned her down it would be big trouble. Unlike Chanel, I have not a lot of incentive to turn her down. After all, if I were not horny enough, I wouldn't have book another woman to release my frustrations.

So, the next morning, my cock was erect and invincible, no matter how she tried to tame it. Running out of things to do, she brought out a condom and rode on me, so I couldn't move much and do damage. She was right to fear because I felt tight inside her. Once she warmed up, I did a lot of things, harder and harder until I came again! Not a bad date when you were short of time.

Because the agency disappointed me, so I went for another one going by my instinctive reaction to the pictures. I was so desperate that I emailed a scan of my driver license for screening purposes. Of course, crucial information other than my real name is redacted so that my ID cannot be stolen if some hackers got the data.

Before that, an agency rejected me based on my recent inactivity. I wasn't that inactive but that agency doesn't play like others. That's why this time I agreed to be screened so I could book at the last minute in an awkward time in the morning.

This date was even more disappointing after the trouble I went through. Everything is average despite her pictures, which is obviously fake. But if you believe that some pictures and some reviews are too good to be true, your chance of hitting the VIP model will be slim.

She wasn't pretty, not ugly, but good at some angles. She wasn't tall, nor short with a little plumb, as compared to model thin. She breasts are all natural with decent shape and size, but just not appetizing to my taste.

She wasn't even friendly to start with, probably sensing that I wasn't that pleased with her. But things just started to coming together when I tried to kiss her. She was rather responsive and soon I was kissing her non-stop. I did pause from time to time to see if I was over doing it. She didn't mind at all, or so it seemed.

There wasn't much to do after the VIP model. This one doesn't have the legs to look at, her breast, pussy, and ass aren't that outstanding. So I kissed her more. And I gave up some of my favorite positions to spend more time right on top of her. Kissing and fucking are more than the sum of parts. Time and time again, I met girls who weren't that receptive to kisses but turned their lips to mine to be kissed, sucked and tongued, while I was fucking them senseless.

On my way out, I thought that was the end of it, our relationship, until she opened the door a little bit, turned to me, lowered herself a little backward, tightened her lips a little, asking for a kiss. Did she have enough already? I hesitated a tiny bit because I was surprised. She wasn't asking for a peck on the face or a dry kiss. It had to be a wet kiss. And so I obliged cheerfully.

That did the trick. Against all the other temptations, I found the time and saw her the next week.

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