Saturday, May 13, 2017

Crossing Lines

I wondered how many Americans would want to watch the FBI version of the EU? I was right, not that much. A big American network was involved but they hardly screened it if any. It wasn't doing well in the participating EU countries either.

As for me, some of the European cast is cooler than the FBIs. The locations are pluses. In the US there are only cities and small towns. They also travel in style. Yes, the FBI also have their planes for travel, but the ICC team also has copters to go across countries.

Donald Sutherland is good but him running around like 007 is too much. The cast seemed to be unstable throughout the seasons. Some characters were killed before they were developed. It's not surprising that it was ended at the 2nd season. Netflix could have made it great starting from the 3rd. They tried but didn't get anywhere. The story line is a lot more interisting to me than many of the Netflix originals.

Critics critized that the ICC unit was fake. But it was a fiction! Are any FBI drama based on real stories?

Sadly, what was left is a Facebook page where the cast was promoting it hoping for another season as a Netflix original.

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