Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Every time when I am near Mrs Player, we were like dating! Even in the supermarket, taking out, in and out drive through. Nobody dress that well like her if not dating. Even in her most casual clothes I could look like a billionare for some people who know the total price tags. But since she is the opposite of a blonde model bimbo, we just look like a well to do young couple in love.

How young? Her enemies said her online pictures look like 16! And since I don't look like a sugar daddy, or that she doesn't look like a sugar baby, I suppose I don't look far older! Just last year, a 30 something girl with an 18 year old perfect body told me that I looked 20's at first sight. And it wasn't a compliment. She held back until the 3rd meething when we were more acquantined.

Imagine that last time we took out, we arrived when the resturant was full of people waiting outside. She went in and out on her sneakers, costing more than my wedding leather shoes, wearing a ankle length dress split from the tights. Every man, woman and children did the double take. Naturally she walked fast to get less attention, but her dress was like flying in the air.

Last time we went into a neighborhood faster food resturant, guys in the kitchen peep at her through the hole to the front. The guy at the counter ask me if we had a good day as if we were in a 5* resturant. Even if you don't know the price tags, it is obvious that you don't dress that well in casual clothes unless the date is important!

At the supermarket, the fat checker is a joker and a foodie. He was chatting with the woman in front, promoting our food on the belt - ice cream, chocolate, all sorts of prime meat. She looked at us at times and said something. She was afraid that we heard her and misunderstood. She came over to say proudly that, "you  guys made me look bad". She has the typical housewife look, not hot nor sexy in shorts, but a pleasant body to look at. I bet she could do better if not for a supermarket trip. Her comment is more about Mrs Player than me but I'm taller will killer legs under my sagging pants!

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