Friday, April 22, 2016


Do you remember 3 battleon started the expedition march and only two reached destination? Rebellion! Queen had to kick people out and my Helen is save.

The feeling is mixed. I hope it was Helen who rebelled so the queen will tell her to be more customer oriented. I hope the queen does have her powers to hold onto them. And nothing I like more than an independent, rebelious mind, who still treats me good that is. But then I don't hope that the queen kick her out. If she does her own bookings it's good. I do want to see her disappear.

So it was another girl. So not everybody will do what the queen says. So I can sense that Helen does want to stay with the queen. So I can get to her via the queen.

And the queen is a fellow writer! I am going to move her with an essay. But perhaps she will say to herself, "what fuck is that!" But if she cares enough, she will reply, "Babe, we can't change the past, can you get over it for me? I'll open a brand new VIP lounge room for people just like you. Is that OK?"

OK, my shit is coming. Don't let it hit the fan!

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