Thursday, September 24, 2015

Money laundering Christmas in September

I don't want the DHS, NSA or the FBI on my back. I borrowed the term money laundering to mean using my, our, legitimately earned money to finance my expenses on legitimate escorts in my totally private accounts, without anybody else knowing.

Do everybody want an Forest Gump moment when the envelope from Apple was opened? It was an updated version.

When I left my old company behind, I still have some stocks that I never bothered to look at. After some took over and split when I was there, I have stocks of a few companies. I have been receiving correspondence since, much of it was the reason I never looked back: delisting on the major stock exchange, moved to some lower tier brokerage accounts, etc.

So, how money laundering comes in? For these stocks, I registered in a PO box that was long gone. I never bothered to jump the loops and hoops to change the address. In the beginning, some of my salary become stock. I can sell whenever I want with only a trace on the IRS forms, that nobody else look at except for the IRS.

I have been receiving letters since May redirecting from my PO box, looking for the legitimate owners of the few hundred stocks. I ignored them as usual.

My new year resolution has been to organizing everything in the cloud with laziness, so in theory I can see if I have spare electrical plugs at home from anywhere in the world. And in September I got to sort the pile of documents. (That doesn't mean I did anything from Jan to Aug.)

Instead of filling in the forms and return it in the self addressed envelope a few months after the requested 30 days, they have a website! So I typed the url from my cloud laptop, typed in my social, and received the Forest Gump moment of my life.

It wasn't a lot, but I always thought it was a few hundred dollars that I wouldn't miss. I knew one of those companies become penny stock. Again it wasn't much, but I can have a regularly shared sugar baby for the next 5 to 10 years to replace Chanel. Or, massage with happy ending every other week until I retire. (But who would want that?)

And it wasn't some stock values a couple of months ago. On the website the total value is based on today's stock price. I thought this company who took over my company got a bad deal. But their eye was on a small part of my company that I wasn't involved. After that, the company grew 15 times!

It must be the rules that if the stocks value reaches some levels, they have to find the owner hard. For better or for worse, if I opened the letters earlier, I could have seen the highest ever peak of the stocks. It's not too bad now, I lost a lot of money but I wouldn't miss the roller coaster of the last several months.

Before opening the letters I was auditioning on several girls but only one leggy blonde has the potential. I have yet to verify that she is local.

For those "anti-human trafficking warriors", I wish you well, but you can't possibly ban escorts. The money Backages getting now was supporting a non-profit serving the community. I told you every hotel employee can tell you that when a pretty young girl check-in in her name with a mature gentleman, it's more common than you think and nobody can and want to do something about it. Now these girls are very networked, know where to advertise socially, where to travel and how to split 5* hotel costs.

Mrs Player sold about a million of her merchandise every year. So that extra income get caught in my laundering scheme automatically. How karmaic! She is still hot, especially wearing her merchandises. I particularly love the 4" , deadly expensive (to me), sculptured high heel. The way her ankles were at the brink of twisting made me want to fuck her good.

But other than watching her changing into and out of her merchandise, sometimes even being her arm candy modelling her men's collection, she just wouldn't want to fuck. So, abolitionists, what can you say to me?

Saturday, September 05, 2015

The Alphabet Girls

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