Saturday, January 25, 2014

What my tax refund brought me last year

I'm working on 2013 tax right now as the refund reserve is running low.  2013 turned out to be a very fun year.  To review that I have to start from the turn of 2012.  To spare you that, for now, I will start with the last one of 2013.  My best overall award for the year.

My trick for self preservation is not to hangout on hooker message boards, not to scrutinize every review, and not even to look at PM's of your alternative identity.  You save a lot of energy, time, and most importantly, money.

So when I have the need, I don't have much time to select.  But that's OK.  There are many professionals who's job is to make your decision wrong.  On that day, on my bookers' listings, there are no outstanding ads.  So I picked a summer intern lookalike, leggy and in an Ally McBeal jacket and skirt.

When the door opened and I looked behind it, I remembered that why I did not use this booker that much.  Instead of a summer intern (=young), she is what a cougar should be.  I wasn't disappointed as my expectations are not that high; it would be silly otherwise.  But you have to at least use the picture to claim something and be judged against it.  Many bookers are careful not to annoy customers.  If they put out an outstanding fake picture, they will be fairly certain that customers will not complain.  Or, they will be out of business soon (unless your business are from backpages, no offence).

Since I'm in a roll for the whole year, I didn't prepare to turn away if I sense that something wasn't right.  Naturally I scanned her even though I was a bit surprised.  She has back length hair, rather natural as opposed to silky smooth from head to butt, or so good that you are only allowed to have a glimpse of it.  She has a classic oval face, not pretty, not cute, nor anything wrong with it.  Not really anything bad for the naked look makeup, just about every girl do that so they can get in and out of the shower with ease.  Just that maybe some girls just don't need to apply much makeup for the makeupless look.

She has a thickly padded white bikini bra.  I have no idea why she picked that.  From the amount of flesh I felt, she must be wearing a throng type 2nd piece below.  But my scanning stopped at waist level.  It wasn't too flattering compared to my other girls.  And I wasn't there to pick flaws.  It was a pity that I stopped as I found out later that her legs are one of her strengths and she had a 4" sexy scandal and well done pedicure.   If I looked down and she had it on and wore that well, I couldn't possibly have 2nd thoughts.

I have a theory that through the keyhole I looked like a handsome 20 something with clueless expectations.  (Maybe minus the handsome a bit.)  And that she must have that sort of thing knocking the door too many times.  She didn't even bother to put on her heels expecting me to go away.

I didn't have 2nd thoughts anyway as I hadn't even considered other ads.  She is highly fuckable.  I could waste my time picking someone else but very likely I won't do any better.

I always know that model material and GFE are somewhat negatively correlated.  At the time if I don't have any alternatives in mind, I would stay expecting that girls will work harder to compensate for their shortcomings in appearance.  I was right more than wrong.  But I learned to be careful not to let them know my thinking.  When I was naive I tried to communicate that "you are not that good looking and you should do a lot more than model materials".  "I stay and don't disappoint me."  It doesn't work that way.  You will hurt their feelings.  And everybody is diva on their own domain.  If they know you will not be back given half the choice, they just don't bother.

But even for the insecure girls, if you find something on her that you are really (or not really) into, she will probably do her best to show her strong points to get you hooked.

This cougar is none of the above.  Maybe one day she woke up, wanted or needed money, and just stepped across the line.  She is a natural.  She doesn't need to prepare anything.  Just cross the line and take clients.  Without clothes she looked the part as a sexy call girl.  But with clothes on she can go to work in a supermarket or a bank, all without modifications.

We were well acquainted in the seconds on the way into the bed room.  We get naked and headed for the bathroom.  She was leading the way holding my hand, while I was like pointing a gun at her end of spine.  She was happy and I was happy, both laughing all the way to the bathroom.

After she kneel down, she began to compliment the size of my dick.  As usual I didn't take much notice.  I know I'm not small at all when I am fully erected.  So what?  Will you give me a discount if you are satisfied?   None offered so far.  I'm supposed to be very grateful if they cum.

I came out of the bathroom first and she soon followed.  When I was still standing she walked into me, smiling with her eyes and held my neck.  In the pass I would think this is the GFE routine.  One DFK and you can't complain on reviews that she is not GFE.  Nowadays one DFK doesn't make you a GFE.  So they just don't start that on their own.

But this cougar is different.  She is a natural.  I think she just thinks that is the right thing to do at the time and she liked to do it.  While I knew it would be the beginning of a beautiful relationship for the next hour, I remembered the mirrors.  Out of the bathroom I usually wait by a mirror for qualified hookers to get a close examination while enjoying myself.  After hangout in the bathroom, I knew she is well qualified.  But she came out so fast that I didn't have time to think about where I should sit and wait.

GFE can wait.  When we were both standing up I took her to the front of a floor standing dress mirror. Model materials are more likely to stand by the mirror and let you explore her body.  But still they may not be happy to give you the chance to discover any minor flaws.  For the majority they won't like you to discover something that will turn you off, or held against them when you have the choice.   She just went where I took her.  She didn't mind if that made me happy.

I kissed her, fondled her breasts and sucked them good.  And then down from there.  I wasn't just looking at the mirror from time to time.  I was turning her slightly all the time so I have the optimum angle to look at myself performing those acts.  I looked at myself squeezing her breasts both directly and in the mirror.  I saw myself sucking her breasts and licking her nipples in the mirror.

In hind sight I remembered her ad says all natural.  It is usually the code word for organic breasts.  They looked like it.  They are not suffocatingly big.  But they are good sized, in good shape, elastic and have a very natural feel to them when squeezed.  Her nipples were not so perfect as to look dead.  More like those of a teen.

Her butt is her strong point.  She was a throng on so there's nothing to help her butt to stay up.  It's round, firm and bouncy.  In front of the mirror in daylight, you should notice easily if there's anything wrong with her legs.  I didn't.  Well proportioned and goes well with her butt.  I kissed all the way down to her fancy toes.  Since she was supposed to be standing straight up all the time, after I went home I discovered that I hurt some of my muscles going up and down from head to toe.

If I'm writing at this speed it will take all year.  Let me publish it first.  Will continue.