Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Ending 2012

I cut off cable and satellite.  I have no idea that The Client List is still going strong.  May I wish you a happy ending for 2012 and many more happy endings for the new year.

This is a quick update, but not necessarily short.  We'll see.   I have traffic school to attend by year end.  Though the good news is that because of effort to save State money, I can go to any online school instead of spending a whole day with juveniles passing "I like you" notes in class.  I have other deadlines by year end too.

Being the rare client who made it on a "newspaper" with decent circulation, I feel that I have the responsibility to show the bright beautiful side of the industry.  I'm still getting hits from that article left and right.

I think 2012 is the end of the prostitution abolitionists.  Using human trafficking as a smoke screen only give you good slogans, but didn't change anything.  Your mistake is not listening to friends and enemies.  I can tell you that charging on Craiglists won't work.  Shaming corporations to pull their ads on village voice won't work.  The circus got bigger and bigger until you became the joke.  You don't listen to sex workers who are supposed to be all victims.

You keep attacking human nature.  I know most of you are very religious and don't accept evolution.  But evolution is the accepted truth with evidence and it's a powerful force.  If you work against it you are throwing egg onto stone.

Macau, Las Vegas in the far east had already over taken Vegas in many ways.  One way Vegas can't compete is erotic entertainment.  Many tourists from the far east have no idea that the night life in Vegas is so crap.  Vegas have the most gorgeous show girls and strippers.  But they can't beat classy whore houses with full lineups.  There's so much hassle to find an escort to go to bed with you in the sin city.

Now you abolitionists know that there's no shame in money.  When there's enough money to yourself and to past down generations, you can call me anything, as long as I think I am helping someone, even prostitutes.  That's evolution, taking care of your offspring and give them a good head start.  Long live Backpages!

There are more things worse than being a prostitute if you just listen.  Like marrying a rich guy with a house by the beach.  Like the thought of being poor.  Chanel kept delaying the marriage in the hope that she could find another rich man that she can talk to.  In the mean time she kept a few old clients for living expenses.  But she is so afraid of being poor that she wouldn't ditch her boy friend without fallback.

Another obvious human nature is menopause.  Not so long ago in the history of humans, women died before they reach menopause.  Recent discoveries also allege that older fathers also contribute poor genes.  That's design by nature and it takes millions of years to change that.  But now we have nearly every woman reaching the menopause age.  Many of these women don't want sex.  What is the husband to do?

In some cities in California, men came out to play in nightclubs after their kids are sound sleep at home after 9pm.

Thanks to the Client List, giving a fair portrait of extras.  But I'm not sure it's 100% a good thing for me and some girls.  I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, that Chinese massage parlors are seemingly all over the places, from $15 food massages to the usual $60 per hour.  The reviews in YELP made me laugh a lot.  "Oh no, no extra happy endings in my neighborhood."  A woman said, "the place is crap.  After a while, the male owner came in to do the massage."  I still can't stop laughing and rolling over on the floor.

Not so long ago, parlors are easily classified into whore houses, hand job factories, DIY fantasy land and real massages places (where you may still get happy endings).  I went into a massage parlor next to a beauty salon, and ended up getting a great massage and a happy ending without too much effort.  The bizarre thing is that women also enjoy massages there.  I have seen classy parlors which were setup to be unisex  but ended up with males only. I'm sure this one has woman patrons because while I was receiving a massage and then happy ending, a woman went in for a session and left her kid at the front office that I could hear him playing.  No men will do that in a massage parlor.  I heard that women ask for pussy rubs too but I don't know any masseuse good enough to ask her how often.

My 220V clipper died.  Not really, but it ruined the cheap compact portable voltage adapter.  I am not throwing more money in it.  RIP.  I got another space age clipper that is a European brand.  A 220V fan also was broken within a few months' time.  I thought the last connection with the old 220V country is the toaster, not big enough for 4 local sized toasts but a waste of energy for 2 slices.  I was going to severe all ties but then I discovered that another 220V  kitchen appliance was is regular use.  Can't throw away all adapters.

I am still fond of local girls over there.  But now they will be overwhelmed by Eastern European girls.  But the good ones will rise to the occasion and their fees too, like a boat on rising sea level.  But I think I'm not going back because I can't believe that a generation who grew up on mandatory child benefits will agree to austerity.  The bankers committed crimes but governments either let most of them off, or said openly that they can't do much about it. Only fining HSBC for laundering drug money isn't very fair as so many people are dead in the war on drugs.

During tough times the different attitudes shows.  Employees over there are obviously dispirited, in the shadow of being lay off or actually had been laid off starting next month.  Here they are just happy to have a job even with minimum wage.  They treated me like a king.  Why?  It's simple.  Please rescue them from their minimum wage job.  Any job is better than theirs.  Long haired young blond collecting supermarket carts.  Very bright kids working at the supermarket checkout.  I also look like I run my own business who can hire on the spot.  When I sneak out in a Friday afternoon and shopped in an automotive parts shop, somebody actually called me boss.  That's what the guy wanted to call me for real.  But I don't have my own business.

I'm still laundering tax money (from mrs player) to keep myself on the client list.  I hired a remote assistant to handle my screening calls without compromising my privacy.  I can't be on any good list without her service.

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