Friday, December 24, 2010

The brothel

I always wanted to open a brothel, a virtual one that I don't need to do much in order to own a brothel.  After it rained seven days and seven nights, I did it out of boredom.

It's called Escorts 360, because it existed now on Facebook as a serious of pages beginning with that name.  You can type that in the search box and they may turn up.  Because it's a collection of "pages", so it can also be called a magazine.

Basically the magazine is the extension of what you see on my blog, the falling panels and all that. Each page is a combination of feeds with different themes.  Basically the magazine is a direct reflection of what I read  in my Google reader.  I always wanted to share it and read it myself in a more interesting way.  I always wanted to mock up a magazine like the wall paper on Facebook (try the tab), but I can't do that without leaving identity traces to find hosting or register my mobile number.  Facebook pages are far from what I wanted but it's painless and effortless.  You can pick the pages you like without putting up with the others.

All contents are automatically generated, except for the Editor's pick.  The Facebook term of use isn't too bad, banning only porn, but not necessarily nudity.  That's one way to op out without disabling your feed. Also, escorts are universally legal, hence avoiding the arbitrarily enforced policies of Facebook.

My complete blog feed appears under the name Thomas Playor.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The anti-model - My Holiday present to some of you

Notice her extra fat tissues all over.  But the essential fat tissues turns out quite sexy in the videos.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The library (non) incident

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Client 9 Conspiracy

The rape charges against Julian Assange has been reported and analyzed in some detail by Reuters.  I didn't read it first because I didn't search for it, knowing that it dubious and doesn't really matter to Wikileaks itself.  Now that I have read it, I really think it will affect tourism somewhat, a tiny bit?  I have seen at least one rape counselor made comments defending Julian.

The reason I mentioned Glenn Beck's defense of Assange because Beck hated him.  Beck brought up some interesting conspiracy theory regarding several sex scandals.  Eliot Spitzer went after AIG and subprime lending.  He was blocked by the banks' lobbying.  Then the prostitution scandal broke out.

How he was exposed I did not research.  But honestly, all of America is using basically a don't ask don't tell policy.  If nobody complains, LE do not normally go after prostitutes and clients.  If nobody make waves, LE would not have gone after Craig's List.  Exceptions are, eg, election times when LE actively pick some visible targets and do some clean up.

Conspiracy cannot be proved at present time, otherwise it is not conspiracy.  But Spitzer did go after the banks, and he did lost his job because of prostitutes.

For the implications look at Iceland, which is bankrupted by the banks, because the regulators are in bed with the bankers.  Iceland is so friendly with Wikileaks that their parliament summon the local head of Visa asking why they dropped Wikileaks, and probably go after the credit companies in some way.

So if prostitution is legal, we might just have avoided a global financial crisis.  And if prostitution is going to be legal, we will not go all the way like Iceland, until everybody can see what's wrong with illegal prostitution, even Melissa Farley.

Spitzer may not be that hypocritical.  I enjoy commercial sex from time to time but I do not recommend anyone to do sex work.  The odds are not that great and I didn't write too much about the obvious.  Like many clients and escorts, Spitzer may not see his high price hookers as prostitutes, or being a social problem.  He probably meant it when he said he would crack down on prostitution, but his hookers do not count.

The new (few days old) Wikileaks documentary.

Now will you work for pencils?  Not sex work related.  You can donate pencils to low income families without paying for it.  Click on the upper left corner.  It only takes a short time, and somewhat interesting too if you like new things.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Anti human trafficking hypocrite - US State Department

From the Wikileaks obtained diplomatic cables (released and screened via 3rd party I suppose), we know that US security contractor DynCorp involved in child prostitution.  The fact is, Afghanistan nationals were prosecuted.  The cable called for the US state department to cover it up to protect the reputation of DynCorp, whose involvement in child prostitution became "the help of procurement of little boys for a tribal dance".  So the trafficking before that, the abuse and rape after that were all blamed on Afghans?

Ironically, the US State Department confirmed all these and more at, of all the places, the State Department trafficking 2010 report for countries.  Afghanistan got a grade of tier 2 watch list.  One of the traffickers in Afgan, as the United States State Department wrote "foreign security contractors". 

Who paid for these foreign security contractors like DynCorp?  People like the Embrey Family, Helen Hunt, Melissa Farley, and all the other US citizens.

 US should get a tier 4 - fail - for not doing anything whatsoever.  And this is a repeated offense.
Back in Bosnia in 1999, US policewoman Kathryn Bolkovac was fired from DynCorp after blowing the whistle on a sex-slave ring operating on one of our bases there. DynCorp's employees were accused of raping and peddling girls as young as 12 from countries like Ukraine, Moldova and Romania. The company was forced to settle lawsuits against Bolkovac (whose story was recently told in the feature film The Whistleblower) and another man who informed authorities about DynCorp's sex ring.
Again the US did nothing.  It's a civil suit.  Was there an investigation?  Anybody at DynCorp convicted?

From the documentary by Frontline, people campaigning against the practice in Afgan got stone walled.  Nobody wanted to talk about it.

There are many supporters of Wikileaks, prominent people, journalists, academics, whatever.  If you want to donate sure you can search for it.  The simple way is to sign a petition - this one is pretty good, over 400,000 in a day or so.

Attacking the attacker is a classic move when you are desperate.  Julian Assange is not Wikileaks and we don't need to go into that.  But the case is intriguing.  He got a unlikely defender - Glenn Beck!.  Even if he didn't present so many publicly known facts, he deserves your confidence for defending what he claimed a "dirt bag".

Talking about the Swedish model (of prostitution legislation), there's another Swedish model regarding rape.  Woman number one held a party in honor of Julian the date after she was "raped" and introduced him to woman number two.  If you watch what Glenn said, I doubt if you even want to be a tourist there. 

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Texas company "helped pimp little boys to stoned Afghan cops"

In the Houston Press, an extensive blog post untangling an alarming story from the state department cables: "another horrific taxpayer-funded sex scandal for DynCorp, the private security contractor tasked with training the Afghan police," and apparent proof that the company procured male children for bacha bazi ("boy-play") parties.
The story boils down to this: this company, headquartered in DC with Texas offices, helped pimp out little boys as sex slaves to stoned cops in Afghanistan.