Monday, November 22, 2010

Buying and selling sex online

I still have many hits on this topic.  And I can do better than this.

To look at where escorts advertise and where clients read, go to  Disclaimer: I don't endorse it and didn't ask you to read the reviews.  But it gives you good statistics of where the advertisements are, and obviously these advertisements are answered.  It's big enough that small and large cities are covered, all the way up to Shanghai!

You will find that for national coverage (and international as well), cityvibe seems to be most popular.  Eros follows.  Of course in some cities and regions the order is reversed.  Cityvibe has more fancy stuff and adapted more to visiting escorts.  But cityvibe has  two sections, one for the traditional advertising and here we are not talking about the one for classified that is a copy of craigslist.

In your home base, or if you are a visitor with time in your hands, get to know your local scene.  Eg, myredbook is advertising, classified, review/discussion board, and massage parlors all in one in San Francisco.  With this model it never went too far out of SF with any scale.

There are sites that look like a combination of agencies or listings or advertising.  If they are popular and appear in the local boards, they don't need to advertise anywhere else.

There are local versions of TER with more detailed reviews, and more drama.

Every site has it's characteristics.  If the escorts look right for you and if the price is right, you can sell sex there or buy sex there.

For the classified the Craigslist replacement is Backpages and Cityvibe classified.  I think CV is free unless you go featured, while BP starts at $5.  It's true that your advertising budget reflects your fees, but your quality doesn't.  You got ripoff anyway if you have no idea.  Many escorts advertise in traditional malls and classified.  Some charge two different prices but some are consistent.  The problem with traditional malls is that for traveling escorts, you have to call them up to move your ad whenever go are on the move.

As for the reviews, if you can make good use of the Amazon reviews, you will be OK.  Amazon also has many self reviews, fake reviews, conflicting reviews.  The overall rating is not very useful because for example 7 out of 10 people are so dump that they should buy the more expensive version to get the job done.

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