Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Brits are fucking morons

Do I have your attention? Now am I suppose to prove that you all are morons, or I'll have 60 million people suing me in a class action? What were you doing when they passed the current libel laws?

Certainly I was one of the morons, in that I could have voted against it, if I knew anything about it. I didn't care about it, nor anything much else, and lived to regret it. At least, I hate London being renamed Sue, serving the rich and powerful all over the world, like a prostitute, no matter how rewarding it may be, not to my pocket anyway.

Of all people, Belle de Jour support libel reform! You may hate the Sun, but instead of shutting it down, you are free to read other newspapers.

In the name of protecting people, you can't even speak your mind if you have no absolute proof. This would have wiped out all conjectures, all theories in history.

In the name of human trafficking, there is a world wide illegalization of prostitution, coming from a religiously fanatic country whose has representatives arguing that faith base treatments against physical sickness have to be paid by the state.

In the name of global warming, there could well be tax collectors and police officers that have universal jurisdiction. In unrelated matters, there are already incidents where UN security agents interfering with local officials.

In the name of gun trafficking, govts and NGO's all over the world are supporting US anti-gun organizations, in spirit and with money. I never touched a real gun before but gradually I become pro-gun, which is a surprise to myself. You have to look at Iran, importing fanatic soldiers to suppress it's people. That's why the right to bear arms is the 2nd Amendment. It may seem outdated but how about in a 100 years' time? A thousand? What you can't do now when you can do a decade ago? At the rate of losing freedom, it will be Iran all over some day. The ease of obtaining a gun illegally has no relation to the right to bear arms.

"In the name of" legislation has no place in this connected world. So they try to filter the internet, well again, in the name of child pornography. CP is highly illegal in most of the modern civilized world. You get people knocking at your door just by downloading something. You just don't get CP through the open internet. It's secret, encrypted, whatever.

If they filter the internet, will you let your child free roaming unsupervised? You are a moron if you do. There are free and voluntary filters. You can throw money to it to make the filter knows what make people horny. You can make it illegal to not label a site with adult contents. But you cannot make it mandatory to be filtered.

ps trial without jury is being held after 350 years. I'm going to buy a gun when I still can.

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