Monday, July 13, 2009

Sex, alternative, massage

That's about all the things I wanted but always couldn't decide on. It's not too hard to find a girl who is good on everything, but once she offers sex, it's totally not worthwhile to spend time on massage for example, unless you pay her the same rate (or higher!) whatever she does. It's always better and cheaper to split the work with two different girls. But booking two girls back to back is a nightmare and different providers tend to occupy different areas or cities.

Ideally a call girl should be attractive, available, adorable, affordable and drama free. That's what I spend my money on. Availability means that I don't have to drive far, and she is a local that will not disappear all of a sudden. She will have time for me when I call her, or better still, sitting at home waiting for my calls. But if she wants to charge a lot, it's only fair, though I would be thinking of spending money on big ticket items once a while, timing and distance become not issues. I still didn't now why exactly I dumped a girl, who were all of the above, but tried to stop accepting money. She did brought some drama once, starting to behave like a girl friend. I dumped her immediately and didn't miss her a bit. I didn't know why as she is all that good otherwise. Perhaps we never kissed, and cuddling is a bit routine. No, it's not because of GFE, and I adore girls who treated me not that good. A girl had to take a long phone call, she unbuttoned herself and signed that I can start.

Ideal paid sex is so hard to find (not surprising) so I have been searching over and over. And once you found it and then lost it, it's harder next time. That's why I settled on other things from time to time. But really I constantly fight against anything but sex, because if you don't use it, you will lose it. Getting too much hand job will not help your sex life.

Masseuses do better jobs when they do not provide happy endings. Again it's arithmetic. My number one masseuse pockets $40 per hour plus tips, which is another $10 to $20. Since she doesn't offer anything else, she told me she is happy if she gets two clients a day! That will be way better than a 10 hour shift in MacDonnalds, with all sorts of deductions and taxes. If she has no bookings she can stay at home or go shopping. So she's happy when I booked her, then she will drive a long way to the "clinic". She would put me in the locker room if she can, so nothing will disrupt us, not door bells, phone calls, other clients and masseues. Whatever all hell broke lose outside, I would be half sleeping in heaven for an hour.

Once girls like her start offering happy ending, people will lineup and the only thing to do is to process them like a factory every half hour. The massage part becomes hard labor. But things are not as simple as it's not a market with open information, and it's illegal. When some girls like my masseuse doesn't get two or even one client everyday, they might start to offer a handjob for regulars after the same good massage.

Alternative to sex, including happyendings, become interesting because the girls use all their imagination and all they have got to keep you interested, without offering intercourse. Locally, there are large numbers of girls, who instead of being strippers and hooter girls, worked more privately as masseuses. Once I went into a "clinic" with a spare room for doing homeworks, complete with table, books and stationaries.

Of course there are the sensual massage providers, which are very similar to escorts, including the price, who doesn't go all the way. I met very attractive twenty to thirty-something aspiring actress sort of girls. Very nice but it's not difficult to fight the desire to return. They are anything but cheap, and I didn't want to get rusty on my skills.

One of my favorite is playing dolls. Once I returned to a clinic to get a decent massage, hoping that the owner didn't remember me. They will be broke if every client visit once in 3 months. But she remembered me. She sent me a gorgeous 19 year old sort of girl but put me on half hour without asking. Her massage was pretty bad, or half hearted, unusual for a pretty girl who relied on massage but nothing else. So I asked if she provided extras, and she said yes in a very natural sort of way. She had perfect big natural breasts, with a curvy waist to go with them. She was even tall, ideal height for me sitting on the massage table playing with her twins. She was even pretty, not intense without makeup that sort of beauty, but pretty doll sort of way. She would stood still, let me roll up her vest, pull down her bra, and do whatever I wanted, as long as I wished, until I put her hand on my dick. I kept fighting myself not to return just to suck her breasts and a handjob, but failed for a couple of months.

There are more unexpected fun before the rules are tightened. (And when the massage rules are really tight, it's easier to find sex.) Girls may entice you until you beg for a handjob, parting with whatever reasonable tips they ask for. There are times when I decided not to give in no matter what. But that was the time when I got perhaps the best handjob. She got me into a huge erection without doing anything illegal, and then finished me off without asking. I never drove near that place for a while, for fearing that I would prefer a handjob to sex.

The other time I met a masseuse by chance, who went to work in a brilliant white lab coat covering her knees. Inside she wore very sexy clothes, even a cheer leader uniform. She was more like 29 than 19, but similarly shaped, that I would prefer any day. I thought it was a sure thing when she rubbed all the right places without being illegal. But then I found out that she wouldn't cross the line. That's how the place was setup. I couldn't touch her and she wouldn't touch me at the critical places. What can I do? She wanted me to masturbate without saying it. And so I did, with all the encouragements that she could offer. I wasn't that afraid of her and wasn't that afraid that I would love masturbation too much, I returned a few times to see if she would be more flexible, vowing not to give in to her demands. She didn't make any concessions, as it's not her call but the owner, but still I ...

One of the disappointing moments was when I wanted to get laid while my friend was on that part of her cycles. It wasn't the best of times and best day of the week. You know you will very likely be still wasting money after doing a lot of rush homework on the net, until you lost the appetite. So I went to a place I've been before hoping for a sure thing, while still saving the sex for my friend later in the week. The masseuse was disappointing, totally not the doll type. Her massage wasn't that good either. Even worse, I didn't manage to touch her in a gentleman sort of way, and she wouldn't massage anywhere near my dick. I knew it was hard luck. But I thought long and hard: "Is this woman I would flag down on the road and expose myself to for the weird fun of it?. Would I pick her up in the mall and ask if she would watch me playing with myself?". The imagination worked for me. I hinted to touch myself, and when she saw what my hands was going, she nodded in an understanding sort of way.

Usually girls look away, look at something else even when they are facing it. They will continue massaging the other sensitive parts to help along. A weird thought in my mind was asking her to actually watch me. But when my hand started to warm up, she disappeared into the back of my head, sat down and kept massaging my shoulders. That's perhaps the only time I finished anything ever, without looking at a woman.

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