Monday, February 23, 2009

Porn vs real life - I don't think it will cause problems for most people, except for the addicts, and everything has addicts, and all addictions are serious problems sooner or later when the media reports on it. For me porn, escorts and real life do not mix. Looking at escort pictures with the intention to commit sex has very different effect on me than porn. An escort with a "must see" picture probably will not attract any attention from me if it is only porn. I don't expect an escort to do what a porn star does, and what an escort does vs what I get at home. You can say I have realistic expectations and the right sort of expectations. Of course an escort can be a porn star, a slut, a causal affair and what you want her to be, as long as you pay enough and wear a condom.

Chuck seems to have found it's winning formula, repeating the theme over and over again, up to several times in each episode. Both parties are so certain that nothing is possible but they kept crossing the line unconsciously. I am of course thinking of my ex professional girl friend. It was impossible from day one - she an escort, a "popular" one at that, and I'm not rich enough for her standards. But I'm way better than her rich boy friend in all departments expect for the one thing. And I enjoyed being with her (except the times when I was really crossed). Though anything more than an hour or overnight will be a different thing.

Instead of complaining about Princess Syndrome in previous posts, I could do something constructive instead - the science of dating or something like it. Dating agencies are bound to fail because people have no reason to be honest, and they really cannot teach people how to get better matches or they will go out of business very soon. There's no secret about dating. People are not honest or don't know about themselves well. Similarly, managers have a hard time dealing with new arrogant recruits.

Will dating agencies tell you this: if you have different outlooks in life than your date, you may be OK for years but end up fighting over how to raise your kids. Planners are valued in corporations as well as being dates, or you will end up with little saving and pension. And meet your potential in-laws ASAP. You can see if your date's breasts are likely to be real, resistance to overweight, real temperament when the honeymoon is over...

The really important criteria but never to be mentioned must be "must like sex". Wet and dripping wet and flowing like a river are very different things. Oral fixation is a good thing but can you keep "up" to her standard every time, and the risk of her going after anything stiff.

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