Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's amusing to be philosophical about porn. But do you think lesser of the girl if she is covered with cum after a burakke party? She has lots of money, can't sing, can't act, too pretty to be a waitress, and don't know much to do anything else.

I was visiting a massage therapist for about a year, who is pretty enough to join the 1st wife club, that is, you don't mind seeing her everyday. Never tried to ask her out because of her metabolic rate, she can never be a thin model (she told me she consulted doctors). She isn't fat or thick, just no point to show her off, rather stay in her massage room instead. She wouldn't do anything sexual, she made it clear on day one. No foot massage, may be a little thigh massage not too high up. I never pushed, it's complicated on both sides. But certainly, it's not because she was watched by her boss. She hid me in the most private room available, just short of any underground boiler room. She liked to be stared at while doing the chest massage on me.

There are those who tease you with everything within the law, until you submit to do it yourself, sort of pro dom in massage. And then there are those who do happy endings with no hesitation, as someone new said here that it's the easiest money ever. Some pride on getting you off without you touching them at all. As much I love the massage and the good feeling of a happy ending, I rather have two back to back sessions, which cover all my needs.

It's hard to refuse those massage girls who need money, but not a lot. They don't go all the way because they are totally young and beautiful, and they get enough money for that. Many of them are too delicate to handle clients on their own if they take in/out calls. Once you start grabbing and sucking, it's hard to save yourself for another appointment, and it would become economically uneconomic.

I was so paranoid that she would run away with the money while I was taking a shower she asked, Chanel walked in the bathtub after finishing her call, grabbed my dick causally like it is a innocent toy, washed it, and suck away. It seemed like the most natural thing to do. Later I found out that she wasn't good at it because she doesn't like it. She later put on the cover because she thought that she shouldn't give away too much for the bargain. And later she would give me enough BBBJ to please me, but no pretense about it. Unlike, Emma, who seemed to have a field day every time, blow it, cool it down, repeat, until I couldn't last any more.

Do you sometimes it's like bribing a kid with candies to do chores? I know the size of the bribe and the chores are very different, but that's just something to get use to - the porn philosophy? In the beginning I can't stand hard core porn, prefer soft and censored porn where in your face cocks are blurred. Now it's the opposite, call it progress, just as anybody else. I also hated ugly fat guys, but now I can appreciate the dramatic effect. Also, I can overlook it and concentrate on other things.

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