Monday, November 05, 2007

Teresa Carr Deni

Erotic material exploring is being interrupted for a piece of important news. Teresa Carr Deni is the judge who declared that prostitutes cannot be raped. Gang raped at gun point became armed robbery charges, because sex is a service agreed by both sides beforehand, before things turned ugly. See my shared panel for more details all over the web.

At first it was like one of those outrageous judgments in the line of the judge who gave a child molester probation or 30 days. But the outrage here is the sentence. This Deni judge was setting a precedence that is huge.

Firstly, my analysis is that this Teresa is a bitter woman. There must be sometime in her life that her men was stolen from her by other women. May be she was once and likely still in a sexless marriage, and her husband buys sex. May be just that she hadn't been laid for years (and years). She took it out on people she thinks inferior to her, like prostitutes.

Or, she was just desperate to get some (votes).

I can think of this has big human rights issues. Someone cannot be raped by law. Where's Amnesty International?

Gang rape at gun point become armed robbery. Wow, what next. Kidnapping a prostitute to rape becomes shoplifting? Date rape a prostitute becomes drugging someone for theft?

This is way beyond prostitution. Say if a girls says, "you buy me a drink and I go home with you." If she gets raped, he could get away with robbery. This cannot be right. What were you thinking Teresa?

Friday, November 02, 2007

The worst play day

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