Sunday, July 08, 2007

Buenos Aires - Club Black

At this point I was very disappointed with the Internet escorts. The local agent did claim that she could not guarantee anything about the escorts, but she could get the going rate and that the appointments would be reliable. I was betting that she had some local reputation so the escorts would play less tricks. It wasn't to be.

So I head straight to Club Black, against advise from some US expats. It was really just across the corner from my hotel. It was the number one club. At $300 (peso) an hour outcall, $20+ (US?) per drink, and more for the ladies' drinks, it had to be number one. That's how the negative advice came about. A drink is comparable to a Korean beer in a room Salon in LA, though the drink has higher alcohol content. BTW, my drink was free, got a coupon from the airport.

[In the rush back to my hotel, I didn't look at the bill much.  I vaguely  remember it's very roughly $20 US a drink.  Someone below says its 120 peso for the girl's drink.]

Another important background informaton is that, the above price was in pesos, which used to be about the same as dollars. At the time, the peso had long settled down to roughly one-third of a dollar, but people had long memories about these things. I heard about disputes from time to time about whether the stated price was in peso or dollar. I tried calling an escort with an ad in a newspaper, and asked her what currency was the price, she laughed and said dollars.

I had no legacy problem because I was always thinking in pesos. So I was expecting a hooker bar, somewhat more expensive than the other many such bars. But I should think in terms of dollars, as in the good old days. The club wasn't that plush as compared to top clubs in affluent Asian cities, in prime locations. But it has style, with front like an anonymous bank. There must be a center stage overlooking the corner of a major cross road in Recoleta, as shown in a previous picture. However I never got that far. At the entrance, there was a long bar with some 30 to 50 stools? It was a long walk towards the center stage. Lining the long walk way, opposite the bar, was some group sitting areas, like a lobby in a hotel.

I knew it was early for Latin America standards, 9pm, but I couldn't help it even after I upgraded to a larger hotel room. Instead of looking at the 4 walls all the time, I looked at the screw, walked up the screw, and walked down the screw. I knew there must be at least a group of regulars or VIPs far at the center stage, keeping the staff busy. Otherwise, the bar area was rather quiet, except for some 20+ girls sitting quietly on the bar stools, enjoying their drinks. I walked in, but nothing happened, so I sat at the middle of the long bar with some empty seats. I gave the bartender my coupon and enjoyed my free drink.

I wasn't impressed with the girls at first glance. But I should be. They averaged about 22, mostly local Argentinians, and at $300 a puff lining up the bar, that's quite impressive in terms of dollars. I didn't realize that their dress code was as conservative as some LA room salons, while I was expecting some playboy materials walking around as bunnies. Cleavage and short skirts were rare. Indeed most were dressed in casuals fit for office work. It wasn't designer outfits but they did put enough effort in their clothes to show off their individual styles, while remaining subtle.

As with some Asian culture, where breast enhancements are seen as kiss of death, fancy makeups are seen as cover ups, even in the evenings. So, the lineup seemed tame and plain at first glance. But as hostesses in a hostess club, they seemed to be as good as anywhere else.

I'm sure they all noticed me, and seemed friendly, but I was left alone so I took my time to look around, and to look at more girls gradually turning up for work. After a while, I began to over look their conservative dresses and began to realized that they were pretty young, in different good shapes, and came in many different styles. One was in a subtle cheerleader outfit, and looked like an American high school cheerleader. One even looked a little goth, showing off her awesome waist baring one inch of her tummy. If any of them came up to me, I would say yes yes yes and rushed back to my hotel.

But I think my strategy worked too well. I took the chance to sit at the bar in the hope that I would be left alone to watch all the girls with minimum drinks. Indeed no girls and no waiters bothered me. I began to feel like I was in a Catholic girl school party with all girls sitting on one side, and boys on the other. It didn't matter that I was sitting on the same side with the girls (at the bar), because I was the only boy invited. I smiled at my targets, they smiled back but stayed put. Friendly staring also didn't work. If anybody came up to sell drinks or whatever, I would have told them to get me that girl. But nobody came. The girls looked at me looking back at them and other girls. By then my free drink was over long ago, and I had more drinks than I wanted to drink.


  1. you obviously are a first timer. Remeber its South America-Negotiate. the girls are $150.00 you can get two for $300.00. they are perfect. One of the best brothels i have been to.

  2. And you must be the CPA who only gets work from Jan to Apr doing taxes, spending the rest of the year there.

  3. Anonymous, I dont know about the player but I'm not a first timer, and I can tell you the girls at black go for $300 and at least the one I hooked-up with earned it!
    Player, I had no problem calling them over, I actually talked with a few before I found one I liked.

  4. Know the "going rate" is the first thing in bargaining. In Indonesia it's half the asking price. You are not getting ripped-off at Blacks for $300.

    Sure you can negotiate if you are local or can come back often. Of course you can drive a hard bargain no matter what. If you haven't learn, the last thing you want is to drive a hard bargain in the human service industry, and hookers are the last last thing to do such thing. You just get a dead fish.

    The Black code I think is that they can't solicit you no matter how much they want to. If you initiate contact they can't wait to come over.

  5. I was there a week ago, and a regular told me that they will sit and look at you all night. YOU have to initiate, and buy them a drink if you want to keep talking to them. It's the pro/con about the 'strip clubs' in BA - they will not approach you.

  6. Yes, that was what I think after the two girls tried to get my attention right next to me without talking to me. But only Black has that rule. Girls came up to me in Madahos.

  7. I went to BA in october and rent a taxi for the entire evening only cost me 100.00 pesos, the driver took me to all the clubs in town in four nights, had some much fun,the last day of my stay a meet a girl in Catos and she stay with me free of charge,I had some much fun that I'm going back in january.
    If you want to save money rent a apartment instead of hotel.

  8. I only I can speak Spanish, I can pick up girls anywhere on the street, especially near the cemetery.

  9. I just spent last week (May 5-9) in BA and went to Blacks. 1st time and what a fine place and for the company $300 was well worth it, and don't forget to tip. I spent 4 days/nights with same beautiful girl. Can't wait to get back to BA

  10. 300 peso is now a bargain if the exchange rate stays the same. On the West Coast BA is as far as the Far East, but for similar quality you have to spend a lot more in many Asian cities.

  11. I am going to B.A for the first time this July, 2008. I normally go to Brazil but due to the dollar conversion problem I want to try B.A and the Peso. :)

    I do not want to find trouble, and from what I can gather from these posts I cannot go wrong at Club "Black". I'd like to put a couple of similar clubs on my list. I do not mind paying a bit more for hot girls, low pressure, and safety. Please post any suggestions. Appreciated in advance.

  12. There's no similar. Black is top, Madahos is 2nd, and a lot of others down the line.

    Black is in the middle of Recoleta, while Madahos and a whole street of clubs are walking distance away in the tourist area, lining up next to the world landmark cemetry. So all clubs there are safe unless you venture far out of Recoleta.

    Basically they all ask for $300 unless you want to bargain in smaller clubs, or have good spanish and bargaining skills, or you want to offer BFE. So if that's the price range for you, I'm sure you can find your type in Black and Madahos. Must be at least over 100 in the two clubs alone, and many more if you turn up at peak time, after 11pm I think.

    Of course you can take a look at those world sex guides.

  13. Awesome.....thanks. Look for my new post on my return in mid July. thanks again

  14. I go to BA frequently. Black is old hat. Yes, the chicas are beautiful, but the price of the drinks will kill you. By all means, go to Madajo behing the Recoleta cementery. About 80 - 100 to choose from, many, many of the same quality as toose in Black. You can aby a small bar fine and take one to your hotel or there is a first class rendevouz hotel one block down the street for about $18.

    The chicas will be happy for about $100. Cheaper on a slow night or later in the evening. If you can't find one of the prettiest latinas you have ever hed in Madajo, you had better go back home.

  15. Old hat is precisely what I want - established well known clubs have reputation and characteristics to maintain. You can make the choice without stepping in. Only girls get olds, not the clubs.

    Yes, drinks are expensive in the top clubs. Madaho isn't a lot better. But the BA clubs are best in the world in that drinks are voluntary. I could get away from Blacks or Madaho, don't remember which one, with just a free drink coupon I got from the airport.

    Incapable of much conversation in Spanish, I picked the girl and went back to the hotel, never have time to drink.

    As for the high price of drinks, Black has the best stripper in a small stage - close up. Madaho shows are good too, though the stage is pretty large.

  16. can you post the exact location for the club please

  17. Cross road:
    Ayacucho & Alvear (in Recoleta) 4804-9652 / 9749

    There's the big 5* Alvear hotel at the same corner. Also my Ulesys hotel.

    If you are online there's always google earth and other local maps.

  18. Are the rates quoted here in Argentina Pesos or ARS as it is on the money exchange? I mean 300 pesos is cheap for a very beautiful women what can one expect for the 300 pesos? Just a quick full service?

  19. 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence.

  20. Never been, but i have lived here for some time and aregentine girls will NEVER come over to you, You for sure have to make the approach

  21. Been to Blacks twice in the past week, take home price is definitely negotiable, drinks are pricey, if you like the girl and she trusts you, then she will give you her number and you can setup a follow up date without paying the Blacks fees. We took home three girls one night and all of them were a blast just to party with, I laughed as much as I was in the bedroom. Expect to pay for two drinks, condoms, girl and taxi ride home for her. Beware Blacks is addicting to find new girls once you figure out how to negotiate. You can only negotiate after you buy them at least one drink, at least thats what I found out.

  22. I have to agree with the post from 08/23/08. If the $300 is in pesos as you mentioned in the 3rd paragraph, then (in today's harsh economy), it comes out to $85 USD. Look it up on

    In Amsterdam, you would pay 50-60 euros in the redlight district. Prague, 800-1000 CZK which is around $40-$50 USD. All cheaper, but not too in the case of oh, lets say, The Bunny Ranch where I've heard of rates being in the 1000 USD range and up! At the end of the day, its much cheaper than what we got here in the States.

    My question is, what does that 300PESO price pay for? My guess it depends on the girl.

  23. Of course it's peso, or nobody will fly that far. For me it's always multiple. The Brazilian girl put down 3 condoms on the nightstand before getting comfortable. They can't cut you short and go back to the club early. The other things are YMMV, and being in south America, the back door isn't that difficult. In any case, extra doesn't cost that much (in USD terms) if you know to negotiate in Spanish. And you give them incentives - expansive breakfast and dinner and shows are not. You will be around for a few more days, or come back next month, is.

  24. Have you ever been able to convince/get 2 girls at once either from an agency or from the club?

    From your last post it sounds if they are willing to negotiate anal, then they're willing to do almost anything...maybe even munch on another girl's box.

  25. I'm never interested in double - too much of a good thing and dilute my attentions. Threesome is slightly different. I would love to watch them doing each other but you need good partners.

    Anal is the cultural thing, so they don't charge an arm and a leg for it.

  26. Greetings gentlemen, I'm on my third trip to Buenos Aires (I'm here in BA for two more weeks!) in 4 years because I feel its THAT good. Was surfing the web and ran into this blog. The first two trips were incredible. Recently, the dollar appreciated against the peso 3.62ARS to 1USD. The country has experienced quite a bit of inflation as prices of everything has risen quite a bit from 2007.

    The standard price for company and the deed was $300 (pesos) or U$s100 ($100 usd) in 2007. Now it seems to have gone up quite a bit. Looks like for grade 'a' service you will be hard pressed to get them to agree to less than $400 (pesos) with $500 being a benchmark price. It depends on how hungry the girl is and how willing you are to walk away from the deal. The starting ask price in Blacks and Madahos may be as high as U$s300 (USD)! but they come down from there fast.

    The girls in Blacks (on Avenida Alvear) I think are phenomenal with the highest concentration of 8s, 9s, and 10s. A new club called Hippopotamus (on Junin) emerged...its nice until you've seen Blacks and Madahos. Madahos (Vicente Lopez and Azcuenaga) has more strip dance shows than Blacks and the girls are hot but not quite as barbie doll. There are at least a dozen more boutique or smaller clubs in the neighborhood and may have some nice girls in there. Newport (Vincente Lopez and Junin) is a bar/pub where usually older freelance girls often work. The drinks there are normal price and there isn't any cover. The girls there in my experience work harder and cost less than the other clubs. Cover charges can range from 30 to 90 pesos and sometimes include 1-2 drinks. Don't be afraid to ask for a free look inside the club although you aren't likely to get one for Blacks. If you are adventurous ask the cabbie to take you to one of the many massage parlors in Microcentro. The one we went to was $100 pesos for 30 minutes with the girl...quality get what you pay for. If you speak spanish also try another one of my favorites . This is an escort website service...the girls are almost always as they appear in the pictures and you can get incall or outcall for same or less than what you will spend at the clubs. Good luck and happy hunting!

  27. One comment, Black, no 's'.

  28. The girls are not supposed to husstle you. You are free to move first. That's called class...

  29. Does anyone have anything to add about a place called Play that is in the Recoleta neighborhood?

  30. Anyone know if women are allowed in the clubs, with or w/out escort? We like to go together and there are many places, especially where machismo rules, that don't allow women in their man caves.

    Patricio makes me laugh. Hookers with class. Que interesante...

  31. I have no idea if women are allowed. The manageress in Black was/is a woman. The dress code is pretty decent so ordinary woman may not stand out that much to other patrons.

    If the top two clubs aren't good for you, there are always international sex guide and Argentina private.

  32. Hey Annie!
    I have been to Black several times with my husband because he is local and we are always having fun there.
    A lot of girls do it with women/couples but not all. The best is you ask them, they are all very friendly and you can negotiate the price.
    Have fun ;)

  33. Visited Club Black in BA twice this past week with my wife. Price breakdowns based on what I can only assume to be poor negotiating on my part. However, both experiences beat anything we ever had at home that we still felt it was worth it.

    Wednesday, Nov 4th 2009
    AR$80 each to enter - included first drink
    AR$80 each drink - wanted AR$50 to upgrade to name brand alcohol- passed
    AR$120 for drink for girl
    negotiated down from US$400 to US$250
    house wanted us to buy girl another AR$120 drink and girl purchased herself.
    Cab to hotel: cabbie refused to turn on meter - went nine blocks to our hotel - said free ride just give good tip - gave AR$10 and he complained - didn't feel like listening to his crap and gave him another AR$5 - with meter on should have cost AR$5 total.

    girl stayed 3 hours or more until sun rose plus some - appeared she enjoyed herself as much as we did - as good looking as she was inside Black - she was even better looking in the light of the hotel room.

    Friday, November 6th 2009:
    wife decided I could go fetch a girl and bring her back - we had rated girls from the previous visit - "legs", "minnesota", "aqua", etc.

    AR$80 entry - included first drink
    AR$120 for girl's drink
    US$300 for girl - down from US$400
    she left and we negotiated again but I couldn't get her to budge
    AR$120 for girl's second drink to leave
    AR$5 for doorman's tip to hail taxi
    AR$15 for taxi - same freakin' guy!

    got her back to room and my wife was so pleased that I had I had picked her. the girl was so nervous it was great! 3.5 hours later she left right before sun up - even better than the day before

    rough conversion rate at time of visit AR$4 to US$1

  34. Hi, thanks to the Player for setting up this board! It’s very informative.

    I am travelling to Buenos Aires in March 2010.

    Above 'xxxchairmanxxx' chairman said the girls are as pictured on this escort web site

    The girls on the site are ridiculously hot. Does any one have experience using escorts sites in Buenos Aires and if so how was your experience and were the girls as pictured?

    Thank you.

  35. DawgBear, I never really looked at the bill for drinks. I was in a rush - to get back to my hotel and party. I just vaguely remembered that it was comparable to an LA hostess club, >$20 a drink for myself, and a lot more for the girls. Now I know.

    I don't think you get a bad deal. I think US $100 per hour was standard. For couples I will charge double if someone is willing to pay me! They don't really talk about time but they have to count the time because they have to report back to the club until before dawn.

  36. Tommy, I assume you know there are other sex travel boards.

    I was rather disappointed with internet escorts - I don't speak Spanish. As in some other countries, girls hiding faces are particular risky. Girls showing faces usually comes as girl in the picture, but less glamorous. Makeup is expensive, plastic surgery is a lot less common, and many have day jobs - looking tame.

    Unless you heard otherwise, I think Black's girls are safer bets than the internet, and they are hot enough. xxxchairman may be right. But if you have only a few days don't waste any of your time like I did.

  37. Hey, last year I went to Argentina and let me tell you that night there never ends! I was looking places to rent apartments buenos aires and found one in the neighborhood of Palermo which has a lot of night clubs! I loved KIKA, it is such a great pleace. Beautiful people go there.
    I had the best time ever...

  38. How dioable is Black or Madaho if you don't speak Spanish?

  39. I don't speak Spanish. In Black I did it all by myself. I didn't remember whether the girl knew simple English words or I did Spanish words, like hotel, how much, zero to nine. In Madaho a mature woman, probably American, came up and offered her translation service. So I got to "talk" two lovely girls and had a good time there instead of pick and go. It cost me only tips, but I tipped her well.

    Some waiters at bars, and of course the top bars, are supposed to speak English and can talk to the girls for you. But you have to be active, they are not supposed to solicit.

    Other times I use pen and paper, writing universal Arabic, or drawing. For difficult concepts, I remember the approx Spanish words, like otel, serviso completo.

    I also have a pocket translator. It's good, but rarely used.

  40. Good questions. I tend to pick the younger candies there so I forgot about gfe most of the time. It depends very much on individuals I suppose, and since if you are doing the top of the ranges, it should not be difficult to get, if not included. Sometimes a little incentive will work wonders.

    For the clubs it should be easy to bring it out if you know spanish, or just to test it on your subjects. I didn't enjoy hanging out alone with no spanish so I usually just picked the first candy I can set my hands on.

    I have an outcall escort trying to bribe me with DFK, so she could stay longer (and charge for it).

    In the apartment that I recommended, she went all gfe without any provocation. She is happy to do outcall if I don't like the place.

  41. Bank should give the best rates, and they should be pretty much the same. You can find all the banks shoulder to shoulder close to Club Black, and the 5* hotel there. I just use my US ATM and the rate is similar and reasonable. Just make sure it's not cash advance, they earn a lot on it. But I don't remember what is the US account I was using. I think the big US bank there is City and I have an account there.

  42. BBBJ - some do, some don't. I never tried to ask or insist on it. Club girls tend to act classier so you have more obstacles to overcome.

    I think I normally pay up front. If not I'll put the money on the table. They don't rip-off and it's legal. Don't bargain too deep and they are happy to make you happy.

    Valuables - club girls are not likely to cause troubles or they will lose their jobs. I never heard anything regarding stealing. Your hotels will check ID's for outcall girls. I believe you can call police for stealing.

    I just bring enough money, my cheapest watch OR an expendable phone. For everything else I put in the safe in my hotel room. I also have an ATM card if I get lucky and need more money at an instant. Forgetting your valuables is more of a problem than girls stealing. They have to rob your wallet or your watch, which are almost impossible. You just check your things after the session. Escorts do the same to help clients, counting 1 for the wallet, 2 for the car keys, 3 for the phone and maybe 4 for the glasses. Make sure you have everything before you unlock the door and let any of them go.

    If you need to bring a bag you can always lock the zippers.

    Overnight - decent hotels have safe in room. Otherwise, I put my money under the mattress or pillow, sleeping on it all the time. Or just hide it. If you are worried, just don't shower until they are gone, or do it together.

    It's hard not to stick out like a tourist when you don't live there. Unless you know spanish and visit all the time, you are hardly qualify for the local rate.

    West Coast dress code don't work anywhere in the world except for the West Coast. It's not a bad thing sticking out like an American, but some stay there for months per year when they have no seasonal work back home.

    I doubt if they enforce dress code in the clubs, but I didn't notice shorts and slippers either. I also went there when it's pretty warm. Basically they dress like Europeans, and many of the clients in the top clubs are local elites partying all night. Staff all in smart suits. If you like to blend in more you may want to cover your leg hairs. But if you feel comfortable then I doubt if they won't let you in because of what you wear.

  43. Awesome blog. Great information, Player!

    What's the going hourly rate vs. 2-3 hours or overnight? The reason I ask is because I've seen other comments about women staying for 3 hours or so until 6am with only one fee mentioned. Is it session based or by the hour? If it's hourly, do you get any sort of discount if you book longer sessions?

  44. One more question, what escort sites do you recommend if any?

  45. In the spirit of stimulating the world sex industry and counter the demand abortion movement, I think I'll start an FAQ. But here's the quick replies.

    I pay the translator (probably an older working girl) a drink, which is the same price as the girl's drink. And that is absolutely not the price of a drink you order for yourself. This must be what I did I recall. I didn't remember if we ordered the 2nd drink. Just don't do it at Black.

    As for tips in general, a few US dollars is about AR$10.

    I don't know about regular STD testing in AR. So I did not insist on GFE if that's not offered. My philosophy is that girls don't want to give you diseases if they can avoid it. Say if you insist on GFE, she will have to give it to you even if her flu is not totally gone.

    In the top clubs, where girls do not come and go so often, testing or not you have some protection. Girls don't want trouble and the clubs have a reputation to maintain. Down the line I doubt if there are any regulations.

    Forget about what the romeo's say. One hour is AR$300 my time at Black or Madaho. It went up and now probably down. It's also negotiable if you pick the under dogs. I booked one for 3 hours and she didn't give a dollar discount. She still have to report back to the club before 6 am I think. If you find an outcall girl or freelancer that's a different story. Girls can also read your mind well. I rather had her than having discounts with another.

    Complete service is their word for anal. Girlfriends and wives do that so many working girls also offer that.

    AR sites are generally more fake than US. 1st they don't make over that much in real life - makeup are very expensive.

    It's like having no reviews in US to detect fake pictures. (They do have some reviews in spanish somewhere.) Pick those with faces, so you can check at the door whether her picture is recent and real. They don't cause trouble if you turn them down. Sometimes they just send you anything to get some taxi money.

    The problem is, if you screen out those with faces and who looks like super models, there aren't much left. So boring sites are probably realistic. For the glamorous sites, take away 30% and see what you have left - provided if the picture is real in the 1st place.

    I looked at most of the sites at the time. I printed out a dozen girls but of little use. (didn't bring notebook or expensive phone) Go to the better apartments. These are the girls available. You can take out, book later, if you want.

  46. My phone # and addresses are way out of date. Only the top one or two apartments are worth visiting. They are probably closer to Recoleta. Internet escorts aren't bad. But for each 3 that shows up, if you have to reject one, that's too much hit and miss.

  47. Santa Fe 1707 is still in business. For update information google Argentina Private.

  48. Sure, there's no limit on this blog, as long as it's about whores, or even not.

  49. All Credit to the player for setting this up, far play,

    Hi player, just a quick question if you don't mind,

    Currently now December 13th 2010,

    What prices do the girls go for in black? Madahos?? At this current time?? There must be a standard rate but, they likely try you if your a tourist with something crazy.

    From talking to girls in both clubs and other men in there they all seem to say the going rate is more or less US200-US300 or is this just a crazy price for tourists?? It seems like a fake tourist price to me but that's the price sooooo many people are saying????

    Many thanks
    And appreciated

  50. There are ups and downs but 300 peso is a very respectable offer at Black. There's not so much as a tourist rate. If you offer the local rate, they may wait a little for their regulars, or go with someone that boost their egos more.

    And for that 300 peso, you can do it morning, afternoon and night back at other places or back at your hotel. That's the opportunity cost that the top club girls will consider for you. I have posted one way to get current prices of various places.

  51. Hello,

    Thank you for this blog and for sharing valuable information.
    I will travel to BA from Europe next month for the first time.
    I will be there for 3 days (thursday, friday and leave on saturday), with a friend who will work during day time.
    I am looking for nice fresh-faced, non-hardened looking chicas
    (argentina if possible)

    Per your information, I am very interested in Black and Madahos.
    And I would have few questions :

    - Do you have noticed a real big difference between the girls from Black/Madahos in comparison to other places ?
    Maybe even between Black and Madahos ?
    Can I find there the nice looking girls I am looking for ?

    - At what time do you recommend to be in these clubs to have the best choice (Thursday, Friday) ?

    - From all post, I have understood that 100 US$ is roughly the price for nice girls from Black for 1 hour.
    But generally you spend the night (remaining part of the night) with the girl. So do you negociate the price with her according an agreed duration (2, 3 hours...) or does the price vary according the time you leave the club ?

    Being only 2 nights in BA, I have planned to test Black and Madaho's. I cannot try too many places !
    I read some posts on pubs like New Port. Is it worth for the kind of girls I am looking for ? Is it the same approach as the Black with pros ?
    Can I gop there during the day ? And if so, what could be a good time ?

    Many thanks for your answers.
    I will share my experiences when I am back.

  52. Buenos Aires Escorts Argentina Public

    I just created the above fans page in Facebook, and imported most of the BA materials. If you post comments here it will appear there too.

  53. I spent a week in BA a little over a month ago and ran around like a sex crazed lunatic. I went to clubs, apartments, called chics from the websites, and went to massage parlors. I have my account and experiences and current rates, so feel free to follow up on this posting and ask me anything that I haven’t covered.

    Ok..where to start..let’s start with websites: For those that don’t know, websites like: or or or and there are a lot of others.

    After being there a week and calling lots of girls from all these sites and visiting many apartments here’s my take. All the phone numbers you see posted for any of the girls on these sites are numbers to an apartment, more than likely located in the centro/downtown. I don’t know if it was just coincidence, but all the girls that made my top list came from apartments that were within a couple blocks of each other. All of them were located in the centro at either Suipacha/Paraguay or Av. Cordoba OR Esmerelda/ Paraguay or Av. Cordoba. One word of advice if you’re not staying in the centro area and are close to a subway line..take the subway into downtown, don’t waste $ on cabs as a did the first couple of days until I figured it out. It’ll cost you a quarter and all you do is get off at 9 de Julio, walk a few blocks north and hang a right on either Av. Cordoba or Paraguay. Suichpacha is the first street parallel to the main drag you’re walking north on, and Esmerelda is the next parallel street 2 blocks off the main drag. One apartment I went to was actually on the other side of the main drag and very close to the 9 de Julio subway station. That place was on Libertad/Av. Corrientes. I had a good time with Yazmina at that place..more on that later.

  54. Most people, as I did, have the same question..are the girls on the site the same girls that will meet. Here’s my take…I believe that you will likely not encounter the girls you see on the site at these places you go to after calling the number. In some cases you will. But here’s the thing. I’m almost positive that all the pics you see on the sites are these girls when they were between 18 & 21 and at that time they had their whole getup done. They got all dappered up. They paid $ to have professional shots taken to create their portfolio that they would use in a profession they planned on working in for many years to come. Most of the time the names of the girls on the websites don’t mean anything. You can call for Jasmine and they’ll pick up and say “yeah, I’m Jasmine”, and when you get there, the girl you were expecting isn’t in the lineup, and you can ask any one of the girls if her name is Jasmine and if you happen to do that before they tell you their name, they’ll most likely confirm that their name is Jasmine. It’s like everyone in the place is called Jasmine. Getting back to the whole portfolio thing..these girls get this work done and use these pics for the rest of their careers. It was my impression that when it came to apartments the girls you see listed may be working there, but you have to sort of get lucky in meeting them, meaning you have to get lucky with timing. They have to be available, actually there at that time and not with another patron, when you arrive. And it’s not like you can arrange for their availability because they don’t go by the names listed on the site so you don’t have their real name. So unless you get lucky and meet them there to get their real name, only then would you be able to arrange to meet with a particular girl and only that girl on a subsequent visit.

  55. The other note worthy thing is that these girls are all a lot older than the pics they display on the websites, I’d say somewhere in the range of being 6- 12 years older than those pics. So the 22 year old you saw on the website may be at the apartment you called, but she’ll actually be 33 and of course not as hot looking, but it will be her if you are able to visually take a few years off. 2 of the 3 girls I had from websites/apartments were the girls from the pics, they were just several years older. The good thing in these two cases were that although their faces showed age from the website pics, their bodies were still rather young and they were hot, like a girl in her early 20s, in that respect. With respect to money, cost varied, but cost did follow quality. Few places charged 200 pesos, some were 300 pesos, most others were 400 pesos for an hour and 250 pesos for 40 mins. When I went it was nearly 4 pesos to a dollar, so that’s $50, $75, and $100 respectively. Trust me, it’s worth the $100, go with the better looking girls that charge $75 or $100. In fact, the 3rd apt girl I had was a 250 peso deal for 40 mins. Speaking of money, there’s a bank at the airport, something like “nacionadades” in the title. It on the right side just before the exit doors where you can’t come back in, right after your luggage goes through the final inspections and you pick it up. They give the best exchange rate. There was a line, and I waited nearly an hour, but it was worth it. I got the rate that you’d find at At the time they gave me 3.955 pesos per dollar. May not be worth your time if you’re exchanging only a couple hundred, but I brought fifteen hundred with me. Credit card companies and atm withdrawals are rip offs when you see the final tally between their commissions and exchange rates.

  56. I had 8 girls in 7 days, though I wanted to get to 12, but found I was just too oversexed and couldn’t do it anymore, in fact I just kind of laid low the last day and half, I mean I went with the other guys to clubs and places but didn’t hook up cause it actually started to feel like work, if that makes sense, can you believe it? In addition if you can I was having more and more hook ups/sex my standard as to what was attractive started to creep upwards, and it got to a point where I was only turned on to the higher standard of girls, the ones that cost the most and at that point of having so much sex, I wasn’t inclined to fork out double the standard rate. As I’m typing this, it all sort of sounds funny now. 8 girls: 3 from apartments/websites (but actually went physically into about a dozen apartments, since they’re so close to one another, no shame in walking out if you don’t like anything you see. I’m a bit picky my friends say, but wtf, if you’re paying for something you should expect to meet a standard you’ve set, right?) I was happy with 2 of the 3 choices from apartments, but one of the guys I would say had a lousy time with apartment girls. He just made a lot of bad decisions and settled for average to below average girls. Don’t be that around. Don’t feel pressured..if you don’t like..take a walk..don’t let them talk you into staying by lowering the price or whatever. There’s actually a pretty funny story here..I’m not a particularly good story teller, and it may be one of those where you had to be there…one day one of the guys and myself went together to a couple of apartments..and they just happened to be in the same building. It was a 4 level building and theytwo places were on levels 2 & 4. We checked them both out and the girls were ok, but nothing struck us as extraordinary. As previously mentioned as I was having more and more sex, my standard started creeping up as to the minimum attractiveness I would settle for. Anyway we made excuses and got out of those places.

  57. We’re in staircase halfway up and I say to the other guy, “you know, I bet if 2 apts in this building are whorehouses, the other 2 levels must be the same, just not necessarily numbers for apartments I had on my list”. So we decide to visit the apartment on level 1. I suppose I should have mentioned this off the start..the routine when you enter an apartment..basically you go in and they direct you to a room to wait for the girls to come and introduce themselves one by one. So we’re waiting and the girls start coming in and wtf..they were some of the ugliest girls we’ve seen. One was so ugly I nearly lost my lunch. The headmistress come back and we say we’re not interested. She says she’ll drop the rate to 200 pesos ($50) and told us to hold tight as she would fetch a better quality girl. The final girl comes in, and again, it’s another dog so we send her away. The head mama comes in again and I say we’re going to leave..she grabs my arm and implores me to stay, says we can each have a girl for 100 pesos. I’m thinking to myself “holy guys are so desperate, they likely don’t get much business and understandably why. I’m also thinking are we going to have trouble leaving this place (one thing about BA residences is that entrance door key hole locks on both sides, so you need a key to get in and a key to get out) because we couldn’t just make a quick run for the door without the key to get out.” Finally we get out of there, whew! We’re in the hallway and after that experience decided it’s not worth investigating the 3rd level, and going forward just stick with apartments for whom we have numbers to rather than randomly going to suspected apartments.

  58. One other thing I forgot to mention when it comes to apartments is that you’ll find that if you refuse all the girls (I found this out more because I tended to refuse a lot of them while my friends would take or settle for whatever came to see us) that they will initially tell you that these are all the girls they have and no more, but as you decide to leave because you’re not into any of them, all of a sudden they’ll tell you to hold on a minute and bring out more girls that all of a sudden became available, and sometimes are better looking than the initial girls that were presented. It’s unfortunate, but when I got home from my trip, I rid myself of all the information I had as far as #’s and addresses. I would personally recommend 2 apartments. I had to research the websites to find the girls that matched the apartments. It’s already the case that one of the apartments I would categorize and the best one had a girl on the website named “Mara”. If found the pic, but here name is now “Donna”. So, I’m not sure if this number I’m about to give you is will direct you to the apartment that I consider to have the best lineup, but here it is: 4313-0721 – this was the first apt I went to and the girl who I knew as “Mara”, who is now “Donna” was there but she went by the name of “Valerie”. Wow. She was terrific and well worth the 400 pesos for the hour…as mentioned her face is older than the website pic, but her body was soo amazingly hot, long sexy legs, a tight waistline, decent tits, pretty face and an awesome attitude..she wasn’t there just to work, she got into it. She looked like a Spanish girl. Another girl that was there that my friend took was tall and sexy, had a sort of pasty white skin body—very hot slim body—but I wasn’t crazy about her face..turns out she have him a bj without a condom—I was jealous. Of the 8 girls I hooked up with, all of them used condoms for bj’s..i would have liked a bbbj. In hindsight..i do get the feeling that if on the spot I had offered them an extra 50 pesos or something (I should have) they might have done it for me. Even the other girls in the lineup were HOT. Best times to go to these apartments are 9am – noon, next best time two to four in the afternoon. Evenings are generally not good, and while most stay closed on weekends, those that are open aren’t worth it, because evening and weekends are for the girls not worth getting with. The second apartment I recommend is on Libertad near Av. Corrientes. The girl’s name is Yazmina and her number is 4381-8195. She charged 300 pesos for the hour and she was definitely the same girl from the websites, just a little older. As a plus, she was fluent in English. 99% of the girls I met did not know English. She’s a hot white skinned, blue eyed blonde, nice figure..her only down feature was that she had flapjacks…but she was still fairly tight..I enjoyed my time with her. One apartment that came highly recommended from a well known site called that I think rates these sex workers or something was a complete flop for us. This apartment was known as Giselle’s and it had high reviews/scores, but as mentioned it was a flop for us..we even went there twice thinking maybe we had poor timing the first time.

  59. Even the other girls in the lineup were HOT. Best times to go to these apartments are 9am – noon, next best time two to four in the afternoon. Evenings are generally not good, and while most stay closed on weekends, those that are open aren’t worth it, because evening and weekends are for the girls not worth getting with. The second apartment I recommend is on Libertad near Av. Corrientes. The girl’s name is Yazmina and her number is 4381-8195. She charged 300 pesos for the hour and she was definitely the same girl from the websites, just a little older. As a plus, she was fluent in English. 99% of the girls I met did not know English. She’s a hot white skinned, blue eyed blonde, nice figure..her only down feature was that she had flapjacks…but she was still fairly tight..I enjoyed my time with her. One apartment that came highly recommended from a well known site called that I think rates these sex workers or something was a complete flop for us. This apartment was known as Giselle’s and it had high reviews/scores, but as mentioned it was a flop for us..we even went there twice thinking maybe we had poor timing the first time.

    One other item worth noting, and this goes for all negotiations with all girls whether they’re from apartments/websites, or clubs, bars, etc. Before I went down there I was even asking “The Player” specifics on how to negotiate for extra things life gfe, kissing/dfk, time and I asked his because here in the states you have to be specific so everyone is on the same page, otherwise you can get taken for a bait and switch routine. I found that it’s better not to bring anything up down there. Reason is gfe is part of their usual service and they’re not overly concerned about won’t get short changed. I found that it’s better to not bring it up because even though it’s part of their normal routine/service, the fact that you brought it up offers them an invitation to add that to the negotiation. For example you’ll talk to a girl who will say 300 pesos, then you bring up specifics like mouth to mouth kissing, gfe experience and she’ll respond, well that’s another 50 pesos, when all along you would have gotten what you wanted for 300 pesos total.

  60. Latin American ho’s are a paradise. The girls are sexy and give great service. In the states the ho’s are very business oriented, as I imagine they must be the same way in Europe (never been to a Ho there)’s all about getting down to business and getting the guy off as quick as possible with little to do with sensuality/romance. To get the level of service in the states for the level of service you get in Latin America it would cost you around a thousand bucks. Think about it…in the states it will cost you about $300 for a girl who claims to give you an hour but may short change you if she can get you off quicker. She’ll be sort of average looking, not overly hot or anything. She won’t kiss you on the mouth or offer tongue. She won’t offer gfe and be very business oriented. Now if you tack on all the extras..$300 plus another $200 for a better looking hotter girl, and another $300 - $500 for a girl willing to be less business oriented and slow it down to offer some sensuality/romance, gfe, kissing etc., you’re now at $800 - $1000 for a better looking girl to give you a better level service at home. I had 8 girls for a total cost of 2,850 pesos or $712.50, which is better than 8 for the price of 1 here in the states. Despite all this reasoning, I did set a cap at how much I was going to spend per girl..capped at $100. In hindsight I do think that some of the girls that wanted more and were unwilling to budge off their price were probably well worth it. I mean there were some girls as I’ll explain below in the club section that were just drop down smoking young hotties with porno quality bodies that wanted $200 or 800 pesos. Maybe I should have gotten one or two of this caliber. What the hell, right? $200 for a super hot body to perform DFK, GFE and the works is well worth it..would probably run well over a grand here in the states. As mentioned I was oversexed at one point, so that also contributed to why I didn’t take one of these high priced ho’s home with me. I was just spent..didn’t have a drop left in me. Viagara is great for sustainability, but they should develop a horny pill to help you regenerate jizz quicker.

    I suppose if I was fluent in Spanish, I could get around some of the pitfalls mentioned way up above. But, unfortunately, I’m not. I know it only well enough for the basics.

  61. Now I’ll move on to the clubs and my take on them. In Recoleta I went to Black, Madahos, another place halfway down the street behind Madahos, and New Port. In Palermo I went to Crocodilo, and in the centro I went to Hook and the place right next to it. For organic (as I like to call it) hook ups (which is picking up chics at bars) we also spent some time out in Palermo Hollywood and Palermo SoHo, as well as some spots in Recoleta.

    To each his own, but all in all, my impression was that the clubs in Recoleta were not worth it in terms of value for your money. These are the clubs everyone recommends: Black, Madahos etc. I felt there was definitely some tourist trap pricing built into all their costs for this part of town. I thought there was definitely a lot better value to be gotten at the clubs in other areas. I’m not saying that the girls were better looking in the other areas of town..just it was a better value, because when you look at a range of girls in these clubs as a group they were better looking than you would find as a group in other areas of town, but I wouldn’t say they were a full leap ahead in terms of looks. They were better looking by one number on a scale of 1 to 10. So if Black and Madahos had 8s and 9s and 10s, some other clubs I’ll discuss had 7s and 8s as well as a handful of 9s and 10s, in fact one club, Crocodilo in Palermo, definitely had overlap, meaning I remembered girls from Crocodilo, working in Black. So the extra cost that is incurred for covers, drinks, girls that you have in Recoleta is not worth how much more “girl” you get for you money when compared to other parts of town.

  62. I guess I’ll list each club with details and offer you my thoughts. Also keep in mind my review of each club may vary with another person’s view based on the day I went there versus the day he went there. Maybe I didn’t have a great time at some place because I was there on a Tuesday versus someone else who may have went on Saturday:
    New Port:
    Went there on a Saturday night. No cover. Allowed to walk in and survey without being aggravated to buy anything. Once you sit down at a table or at the bar, however, you are required to have a drink. Lowest costing alcoholic beverage is a draught of Quilmes, their version of Bud for 50 pesos or $12.50. Btw: the same beer at any other normal bar in the city runs about the same price as it does in the USA, about 12 – 16 pesos or $3 - $4. Most of the girls in New Port are older, likely in their upper 20s and low 30s. Either that or they’re younger, just may have had a kid or two and smoke a lot which has affected their looks/body. Me and a friend went in here on our second night. We sat down but purposefully did not attempt to make eye contact with girls around us who were trying to sit with us. They just weren’t attractive..especially after I had been with Valerie the day before, and Yazmina earlier that afternoon. So we’re sitting there having our drinks and I spot this girl who appears to be super hot. The one thing about all these clubs is they are all dimly lit. I kind of knew that from reading this blog before my trip and took along a small Princeton Tec Pulsar press light the size of a thumb print that easily attaches to a key ring, so I could shine a light on any girls I may be interested in to make sure they look as good in more light.

  63. I gesture for her to come over and she has a smoking HOT body, super long legs and super tight jeans on, long black hair, a tight waist, nice rack, and a bit of a dolled up face..could tell she was trying to look younger..was probably between 29 – 32 years old. She was the only girl worth my time in the whole place, I thought. Turns out I gestured her over, but my friend was interested in her too once he got a good look at her. So we’re talking a few minutes and my friend, who spoke Spanish the best out of all of us, said something to her to which it appeared she understood, because she pointed to herself and nodded a yes, and my friend thought she understood what he was saying…next thing we know she says something quickly to someone passing by and a couple minutes a later a drink arrives for her…a glass a champagne, which turns out to be the highest price drink on the menu at 150 pesos or $37.50 I was like…”u dumb shit, u just bought her that drink”. Point is you have to be careful with these girls in these clubs. They’re not supposed to pull fast ones on you like that as I was told by a bartender at Black. That bartender told me that the bartender/waitress has the responsibility to ask you if the order is correct and not take the girls word for it. Well, that didn’t happen here. Anyway after some time I ask her what her rate is and she says her minimum is 600 pesos or $150. After some negotiating, because my friend was also into her, he says to her how about 400 pesos for each of us, so she’ll do one of us and then do the other. I was like eewwww. Well, I knew I was going to go first, so if my friend could care less about getting sloppy seconds, then it doesn’t matter to me. We took her back to our apt. I had her for an hour, it was great, then she took a shower with my friend and then they were in his room. We ended up here at one point on Sunday night (Sunday is kinda dead everywhere..places may be open but a lot of the regular better looking girls aren’t around) and a different friend was with me. I ended hooking him up with her for 400 pesos, since I could get by in the language while he knew nothing. She was HOT..and hopefully I’ll be able to get her number and post on this blog later on. Just mention to her that you are friends of Peter and/or Sean, couple of guys she met late November 2010 and that way maybe you’ll get the same rate.

  64. Black:
    I went there on a Wednesday night. Cover was 120 pesos or $30 and included one drink. I’m not exactly sure when a drink must be ordered, but it could be either at the start of a conversation or at some point during a conversation with a girl that you must buy her a drink at a cost of 150 pesos or $37.50 I dodged my way around asking girls without getting sucked into buying them a drink as to what they charged and without negotiating every girl told me 800 pesos or $200. Except for one girl, there wasn’t anyone there that struck me as significantly hotter than girls at Crocodilo (discussed below) where there is no cover and prices for other things inside were also lower and had some overlap with girls between the two clubs, so going to Black after having been to Crocodilo didn’t do it for me as far as getting value for the extra cost. Plus I went to Black on my 6th day down there after having already been with 7 girls, so my strive was a bit weaker. So I slowly enjoyed my drink and left after a little while. Plus there’s another reason I didn’t pursue the one girl who struck me as a 10..after having experience hooking up with all these girls at different clubs throughout the week..there is one quality that I found in a couple of them and I thought for some reason the same may be true with this one. I’ll tell this little story, but don’t get me wrong..the girls were hot, I’m just a little bit of a nut and a nit picker, and I was mainly concerned with feeling cheated if my $200 hooker was any less than perfect than my impression of her at the club versus after I undressed her in my room…With a couple of girls I’ve hooked up with…yes they were definitely hot, and they felt hot when I touched and squeezed them all over at the clubs or while dancing with them while we were in the “getting your juices worked up stage” before taking them home etc. But, when I got them home and took their clothes off, for some parts of the body, it seemed as if I broke the vacuum seal if you know what I mean. The rack was firm and tight in the club, but it’s not so tight once the padded bra came off, or the abs certainly felt tight when she was standing, but when she was on top they didn’t look so tight anymore and where did that roll come from. I know..i’m friends often tell me I go overboard with this stuff..over-evaluating how hot a chick is or isn’t.

  65. Madahos & the club behind it halfway down the block:

    After leaving Black I went down there to check them out on Wednesday night. I don’t think either of these clubs normally allow it, but because it was close to their closing time(which is much earlier than other clubs around town) they let me take a look around. I went in. The quality was a bit lower then at Black. I didn’t talk to anyone to discuss pricing and came back to the door and left. Did a quick walk through at the place behind Madahos..nothing worthwile there. Headed back to Black to find out they also close on the early side, like 2am – not exactly sure I remember that accurately, but definitely close earlier by at least a couple of hours unlike other clubs in town that close around 5 or 6. Left Madahos and headed to Crocodilo in Palermo.

  66. Centro/Downtown:

    Hook & the place next to it:
    Went here on a Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday night. Mostly to hook…the other place we just walked in and out of each of those nights. There’s also another place right across the street, but we didn’t go into that place. Don’t know why we didn’t go to the other two places for a longer time, which were larger than Hook. I guess it’s because Hook was a place we had received recommendations for and we were satisfied with the girls that worked there. Hook was great. No cover. Once you sat down you had to have a drink..cheapest on the menu was a can of beer for 30 pesos or $7.50. The girls were cute, definitely in their 20s, a couple even looked in their very early 20s. On Monday, I took home a black girl named Wendy whose face resembled the actress Stacey Dash, especially her light eyes, and she had one of the most incredible asses I’ve ever tapped. She also had on these tight pair of daisy duke type jean shorts with frayed edges…very hot. I had a great time with her. The party got started at the club, in the cab and when we got back to my room. We went at it for a long time, and she stayed with me over 2 hours from the time we got to my room. No extra charges. We went back there Tuesday and Thursday, though I didn’t hook up, other guys in our group did.

  67. Palermo:


    This place was by far my most favorite. It was like a mad house party atmosphere in there. As soon as you waked in it was loud music, girls dancing on the bars, lots of people dancing and just about everyone being loud and carrying on and enjoying themselves..kind of reminded me of help disco in rio if anyone has ever been..that place I heard burned down years ago. Just a very lively atmosphere..a fun place to be in. And the girls in this place were across the board very hot. First time we went there was Tuesday, then again on Wednesday, and again on Thursday. There was no cover on Tuesday or Wed. Then on Thursday the bouncer tried to charge us a 100 peso cover to which we argued there was none the previous two nights and he eventually let us in for free cause I’m sure he realized I’ve taken 2 girls from there on previous nights and the other guys had each taken a girl as well. So, I don’t know if there’s regularly a cover from maybe Thursday to Saturday and then no cover the rest of the week. On Tuesday I hooked up with a young, probably 23 year old, short white girl bimbo looking type girl…kinda girl you’d find on a southern cal beach…cute body, tight waist and rock hard glutes. And get this..her name was Barbara or she went by Barbi..gotta like that, I’ve always wanted to hook up with a bimbo type. 400 pesos or $100 for her and 100 or $25 pesos goes to the club which also buys them a drink so you can spend extra time with them, so 500 total or $125. Well worth it. And while she’s enjoying her drink that you bought her it’s like extra time for you to do whatever you can outside of hardcore sex because she already knows that she has you and clock hasn’t started so might as well start or continue the foreplay on free time. Barbi was one of the girls that seem to unravel in places as I undressed her..she had on a padded bra…I know, I’m being overly picky. The next night I returned and hooked up with this tall Spanish chic named April. She was about as tall as I was which was kinda weird, but she was hot and her blue jeans were on so tight I couldn’t resist her feminine charms as she worked me. Same price with her as was with Barbi. This was the second girl that seemed to unravel as I undressed her waist area…So when I went to Black on Wednesday, I was concerned that the higher priced, at double the usual rate, girl wouldn’t be as perfect as she looked.

  68. Other girls I had were Claudia, on Monday afternoon, from the same apartment Valerie was in. She was good, though I had more fun with Valerie. Claudia had a pretty face and a nice body and she was a Spanish girl. In the afternoon on Tuesday one of the guys and I went to a massage parlor located in the vicinity of paraguya/suipacha. You enter at the ground level and it’s a long hallway, then inside they have these deep blue colored lighting everywhere, kinda makes you feel you’re in a submarine…not that I’ve been in one, but that seems to be the color of choice in interior submarine lighting from what I’ve seen from the movies. We saw 2 girls and liked only 1 of them. The receptionist said there weren’t anymore available. I started to leave and she said hold on and brought in two more. See how it works? Anyway, it was 250 pesos or $62.50 for the hour, but it basically sucked…the massage and the sex…I don’t recommend it.

    By the way I took several pics of every girl I was with (except the first one..damn..wish I had..because I didn’t bring my camera with me..was my first time..and stayed on the conservative side by not bringing extra valuables with me, and the girl from the massage parlor – she sucked anyway). I have pics both with clothes on and naked. All of them, except Yazmina hid their faces. I’ve been told they don’t usually allow that but, I feel each girl had a good time with me and because I would take care of them in certain ways in bed, ie gave them a little shoulder massage, that they didn’t put up much of a fuss when I pulled out my camera and asked if it would be ok to take some pics.

  69. If you take a girl home with you, it’s customary to also pay her cab fare back to the club. For me that ranged from 12 – 25 pesos depending on distance.

    With all the girls, payment is up front. There’s no problem..I didn’t have any problems from it.

    If there’s anything I haven’t covered, feel free to ask questions. I’ll check back once in a while and answer them.
    My contribution was long, sorry if it was too long. I got a lot of great information for my trip from this blog and glad to have come across it. Thought it was only fair to give something back.
    I had a great time in BA. Now I’m looking forward to my next sex vacation in 2011. I’m thinking about going to Thailand and/or Bali. If anyone knows of a similar blog or has any information I may find useful, please let me know.

  70. Hello,

    Thank you Player for your answers (which have been cancelled).
    Something is still not clear to me.
    If I go to Black (which is closed around 2am ?) at midnight and I leave with a girl at 1 am.
    How long will she stay with me ? Till 5/6 am ?
    Do I need to negotiate this with her.
    Or is the price we agree on, a kind of "package" ? Then I can understand that the price of this package will decrease as the night goes ahead.

    Last question : do you think it is worth, at Black, to valid with the girl the services she provide (completa for instance) ? Or not because in majority they are gfe and do a complete service ?

  71. I deleted something on request, which may contain your stuff.

    All clubs used to open till dawn. Business must be slow. That may be a good thing. If they do not need to return to work, you can negotiate their time, unless they go to another club to work after.

    It's always good to agree on a package if you speak the language. For GFE stuff you better test her potential in the club.

    It's only worthwhile to go to Black for once for US$100 plus $20 a drink. There are other happy places to justify the plane ticket. If you are there anyway, US$200 should be money well spent compared to US and Europe.

  72. The truth is that it is not so hard to get girls in Argentina. They are usually impressed by accents and love to hear stories about foreign countries. I remember that next to the apartment in buenos aires I got, there was a guy who was Swedish who used to bring Argentine girls every night to the apartment. He said locals were fun and smart, so fe liked to talk to them.
    Isn´t it great? I mean, who knows? You can end up getting married with an Argentinean!

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