Sunday, April 29, 2007

Writer's block

My writer's block is not on blogging, but work. The only thing I can write is blog. So here it is.

When I glance through the Craig's Lists prices weeks ago, it was brutal. And then there is the Jessie Parker Index at Newport Beach. I heard that she is a Barbie Doll at 40+, so I understand that normally she has no time for younger poor guys. Once in a blue moon she would offer specials in CL for the first guy or two as if she was making up the numbers for some payments. In a predictive move, I saw her offering half hours and you can even see her a little while for $200, which must be another record for the 19 year old barbies to catch up.

It is all so predictable. If you have been to clubs that the parking lot look like MBZ dealerships, you know the girls have nothing much to look forward to in April, and for some time to come. (There are of course many luxury clubs and many luxury cars. It's just characteristics of some.)

Call girls move around as in the game of musical chairs, hoping that they would at least attract someone relying on their fresh new face in another place.

It's the dreaded tax deadline in mid-April. It's so complex to the point of laughable. People spent a lot of time on it. And many people are short of disposable money, needing to pay tax in bulk or in installments. Spend big money on tax consultants is no good at all. I had the perks for a while. They are only as good as your input. The only good thing is that their returns will not be challenged, not by govt and unfortunately not by you either. Certainly they will not step into grey areas automatically like everybody else do!

And with the tax deadline comes the stock market adjustment, and the record real estate data. It's brutal, so predictable.

Usually I engineer some tax refunds enough for play, which give me great incentive to finish the return. And I only give myself a day to fire up the tax software, do the checking until mid-night, when I had to press the submit button.

If you opt for the simple return form, or you find somebody to do your taxes, you must be kidding. I would advice you to start an online subscription business like a local hotel and motel guide. Then all your outcall expenses are tax free. And how about a Mexican restaurant guide in Mexico? Then all you gas expenses down to TJ every weekend will be tax free. You have two years to close down your business and maybe start another one by the way. It could be peanuts but the passion is there, well qualified for the definition of hobby business.

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