Sunday, April 22, 2007

Nancy 1/3

When Nancy first came out to play, she had a set of "too good to be true" lingerie set of professional photos. Worse, she did outcall only so nobody took the plunge, but I did.

I was a little disappointed when I met her. I took the plunge because if she was pretty then it would be almost perfect at the looks department. Certainly she wasn't ugly. Perhaps she wasn't pretty enough so I can't pick her face up in a photo lineup even I saw her a couple of times. Maybe she looked different every time, which didn't help.

Her body is great though. She's tall, must be 6' with a little heel. She has a bit of shoulder so she wears her tops and jackets well. Of course she has long great legs, plus big sexy hips to go with them. But her waist was too narrow, to the point of looking unnatural. She has small real breast, which wasn't in good shape, but looked perky in compensation. It was good to squeeze too.

She came in smart causal for work, indeed she never left her day jobs. She got through my door effortlessly. Thinking about it, most other girls will ask me to get comfortable, or sit side by side, or close enough. But she sat on the chair in front of me while I sat on the bed. So I had a good look all over her while we talked for a while. She had confidence. Immediately I noticed her simple but perfectly trimmed red toenails through her sandals.

Personality wise she was great. She grew up in the area of the hotel I picked, close to where I worked. She knows who the good guys are and she treated me very well. More often I got VIP treatment because I have connection, such as I use the agency a lot, or I come back to see the same girl after a week.

She was never in a hurry. She looked around, walked around the room in slow motion, with stripper posture, switched off most of the lights, adjusted the blind to give atmosphere. Other girls either don't want me to see anything by blocking all lights, or don't care, but not her.

She spent a lot of time on the radio to get the perfect music. I should have got out to the front desk to borrow a CD to save time. Just happened it was one of those hotels for long business stays, with gym, DVD players and software library. Then she stripped, but only down to her tight body suit. She pulled me up from bed to -- dance! Ballroom style. I let her to the full length mirror and stripped her there, caressed her too. Finally we hold hands and got slowly into bed.

I paid a lot of attention to her legs. I wasn't bold enough yet to kiss, lick or suck. I was appreciating her legs like a piece of antique, and she was sitting on bed with hands supporting her body, stretching her legs. Naturally I held her foot gently and kissed the back of her foot, just like that you kiss on somebody's back of hand. She responded by lifting her foot right in front of my mouth in slow motion, supporting her lifted leg with the other leg bended. The rest is history. Everything happened so naturally. I think it's exactly like that you realize you have oral fixation for the first time. I kissed gently on her big toe, then wet kissed it with a little of tongue, then finally sucked it. Then move on the the next one. When I counted to five, her legs would swap position so I could continue with the next five. She focused on what I was doing with enjoyment and pride, just like I looked at her doing blow job.

She was the only one girl who blows with a dental dam! Certainly she has an oral fixation. She wouldn't stop until you told her too. And since she went so slow, it would take forever. I think she did it not really for the money. It was to satisfy her fantasy, and of course she likes sex. She rather had guys talking that her pictures are too good to be true, rather than putting up more run of the mill pictures on her website. Certainly she liked me to go down on her and certainly I didn't satisfy her enough that way; I wasn't a big fan on wet pussies.

She invited me for lunch, but I declined reluctantly. She might not turn everybody's head, but everybody would look at her. Not everybody will notice me, but by her side everybody will. I find it awkward to go with her to busy restaurants in my own turf. It helped if she wasn't that tall.

If she kissed a little, she would drive me crazy. Since she didn't even volunteered a lip kiss, I didn't think she would kiss easily, at least not the French type. So I wasn't prepared to see her anytime soon and spend that much money. But I was so impressed with her that I decided to pimp her around in the discussion boards.

I wrote her first review, a very good review. But you know, saying that she wasn't as beautiful as a movie star that I expected, and that her breast was real but not in perfect shape, is bad. I didn't know how bad she took it. I knew she read but not participated in discussion boards. Worse, you know some guys are really naive and annoying. His money is more important then everybody else's, so in no way he will risk being ripped off. And his reputation is better than most other people that he can not risk being tricked by law enforcement in any way. Normally you can be 100% risk free on only one you pick that is more important to you. Or, you choose a combination of risk that suits you. But if you want 100% risk free on both counts, you better stay at home or fly away.

I made a lot of enemies. And as I was the only one who pimped her, I didn't know if I helped or made it worse for her. Later I saw a funny review. The guy obviously ranted. He must had read my review. When he went down for her toes, he reported that she said, "now, don't be nasty", and withdrew her feet. I didn't know how much foot fetish guy she got because of my review, and I can understand how fed up she could be.

And since I wasn't keen on seeing her again to start with, I decided against seeing her again. But I checked her website from time to time, like looking at my own albums for memories of good times.

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