Monday, January 08, 2007

Hello again

So I was too ambitious about the last title. It should have been Hello Laura. This one Hello again, Laura. Cat will come up later.

Laura asked me to promise her not to wait at the hotel front, so I could see her like 'that' when she arrived. She also told me that she got ready at record time. She didn't look any different, but I know later she didn't have time to take a bath, with perfumed body scrub, apply moisturizer all over, and have time for the skin to absorb.

So I cut down on my sashimi activities. But when I was finishing at her ankles again, I spotted her professionally done pedicure, long and strong on every toe, perfectly painted pinkish red or purplish red. May be unconsciously I was thinking about salmon or red wine. I was attracted to it. I don't know if her claim on her profile that she had natural nails is still valid. If true that would be exceptional. She was glad that I noticed, the same with everything they work on to look good.

I sat with my knees bent at the end of her long legs holding her feet. It was unfortunate that we didn't have enough time. I could have talked her into washing her feet or even taking a shower with me. But that didn't stop me from giving her some wet kisses on her toes. She's proud of them. And naturally, like any smart wicked woman would, she tickled my dick with her foot while I was holding the other.

But you know, she has a kid, and that inevitably makes her look a little different from a jail bait. Her tummy is still sexy lying flat on the bed, natural birth perhaps. But doing a blow job is a different thing.

Chanel is really something. She isn't a model and not a jail bait anymore. But after I have seen her naked for so long, I am still attracted to her body. She likes to walk around naked. Going in and out the bathroom to take a shower, around the bed to fetch her clothes, and even making me coffee naked. Sometimes she would sit naked next to me talking, to make sure that I will call her again. But I hated that. Every time we meet she would take off her clothes and dive into the sheets in no time. I could take off the sheets and look to my heart's desire, but it's not the same as standing on a pedestal by the mirror.

She has her imperfections. Maybe she was on the pill for some time, or off some drugs, legal or otherwise, that made her slim. It was from skinny to meat on the bone sexy to a little worse. At one time I almost dumped her, after watching her for a long time putting back her clothes on. I was looking through the mirror so she didn't notice that I had the full view. I did see her less when she's not calling me. Recently, she was off the pill again, or back on drugs. I could see her fit flawlessly back on her jail bait costumes, her causals.

I decided not to see Laura again. It's not just her imperfections. Kiss isn't necessary, but I don't feel much kissing her, both times. But my decision was inconsistent with my tips, because I appreciated that she came on short notice, in a cab, etc. I bet she freshened up her makeup when I got out of the bathroom cleaning up myself. Again she walked me to the door naked. She said, "See you next year". I didn't manage a response because I wasn't a natural liar. I hesitated for a split second. So she smiled, "if that girl is still missing".

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