Monday, January 01, 2007

He sounds like the typical Hollywood Director, Producer, Executive type, over the hill with a pile of money and penchant for pretty young thangs and a life that probably doesn't live up to his wildest dreams.

Did I really sound like that? I didn't know how long she ever spent on my earlier blog entries. I'm one of the few who can write with an 'accent', which you will come across (along with other flaws) if you don't turn off the sound in your head, which is reading 101.

But whatever, Happy New Year from me.

1 comment:

  1. LAP,

    I have friends who advertise in the newspapers in London.

    Depending what papers you are advertising in, it is overall much cheaper to advertise on the internet.

    The same applies to magazines, here. It is cheaper to advertise on the internet.
