Friday, December 01, 2006

Experiments in porn

Never keen of watching porn with an escort. The ones in anonymous motels are too bad. The ones in hotels are not any better. I don't think escorts are keen of course. I had one girl who would, instead of cuddle time after sex, watch the free porn channel with me every time. That is the way to say she wanted me as a regular, but I preferred cuddling. It was like watching comedy and we all laughed.

Recently I had a girl that's willing to try to watch, probably she didn't watch that much. I downloaded a Japanese porn, with a pretty, model material, leggy actress, 25 to possibility 30. I think this can't go much wrong. Almost immediately she complained that the guy was too ugly, too fat. And she can't tolerate close up shots of the big ugly cock in action, and the vacant hole close by.

I understand, for the same reasons it take me a long time to progress from soft porn to more hard core porn. I think it's deliberate to pick very ugly, but fit or agile, guys to pair up with very pretty actresses, for the contrast. Or may be I shouldn't call them actresses, because most of these porns involve real sex - one take from foreplay to orgasm and ejaculation and then edit. There's no point to shoot different scenes separately like movies. It takes much longer to make and more expensive with no extra advantages. So I think it's hard to find talented male porn stars and that explains their appearances.

I used to be unable to watch cock shots, unless they are deeply inside pussies or mouth. But now I can accept a porn star licking lollipop, as long as her face is pretty enough. I can focus on her lips, her face, and her expressions.

OK, it wasn't working. I couldn't go anywhere near her. So I downloaded another one. This time a young couple. The girl is cute instead of pretty, looked 18 but could be twenty something. Some baby fat, small perky breast, certainly not model legs but cute in a way. Surprisingly, the music background is rather original, doesn't sound cheap, feel romantic too. The movie started with artistic nude shots of the girl, to bring out the fact that they lust each other and can't control themselves anymore.

Then some conversation while holding each other, under romantic moonlight and lantern light, and the romantic background music theme. It surprised me that I didn't laugh at all. The scene isn't short like a minute or two, and I have no clue about what they are talking about. Then the guy started to explore the girl's body with his mouth, hand and fingers, taking her clothes off piece by piece. She moaned loudly, realistically, and uniquely all along - the usuals.

I think it worked. I was holding my girl at her back, fingering her under her skirt and panty. Then the blowjob scene is coming up. I was looking forward to watch as I wonder how she behaved like a virgin and then moved on to blow like a porn star. But my girl is ready. You can't ask her to hang on. So I spooned her while she might or might not be watching. We both fingered her pussy at the same time.

It made me wonder if she was offended by big ugly cocks, or that the first porn star is too gorgeous.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's just like Japanese condom, after you discovered the real thing, any other are just plastic tubes.

    Now I find the right kind of porn more interesting than a block buster movie. Before that, watching a movie length porn is too boring. I watched porn because I wanted to get horny one way or the other. Now I watch because it's just more interesting.

    However, I don't watch as much as I like because of the side effect. I don't want to waste anything - doing it myself when I can afford not to. If I watch a porn instead of a movie, I like to have the option of calling someone right after that if I need it. Because of where I live, it ain't going to happen. Or I have to waste money on overly expensive but average girls.

    I think time changed, or my budget had changed over the years. Yes, I remember the times when it's common to have a VCR ready with porn tape in it. That's the foreplay to get you out of the door faster. But I never saw such thing (DVD included) for the years I'm in US.

    It's like watching a ball game - the more the merrier. Or enjoying a movie with someone intimate. What can beat watching quality porn that you enjoy more than a movie, with a girl ? And the "side effect" become a good thing. You don't need to do it yourself or booking someone you wouldn't want to book otherwise.

    On the other hand, escort and porn don't mix. If I'm horny and book someone, it's because I want a real woman. If I book someone in advance, it's because I want her, not some other porn star. Porn is a distraction.

    Self respecting escorts aren't keen on porn. Precisely because why you need porn to get you up? I can't get you up? They also don't like to being asked to do this or that. Asian girls are particularly sensitive to Japanese porn. They don't like that they are being hired for target practice. Many "action sequence" are realistic to do by johns, but without serious warming up, it just uncomfortable.

    OK it's contradictory. But there's dinner date. Make it dinner movie date. Some "movies" are more interesting than the others. I can't imagine I would hold her breast and finger her pussy when watching Casino Royale.
